Recent content by Einarcf

  1. Einarcf

    cRPG has only a week and already killed Vanilla

    Or you could keep the grind, but make the maximum power difference similiar to 1000 at your weakest and, I don't know, 3000 gold in Warband MP at your strongest.
  2. Einarcf

    I hate combat

    It's rough and coarse and gets everywhere.
  3. Einarcf

    *Eight simple ways to improve Banner lord multiplayer and a poll to see the priority.

    When you mention it, could be interesting to explore less polearm-focused cav playstyles. Some perks for sidearms at the cost of the lance/spear
  4. Einarcf

    Statement Regarding Plans For MP Vol.5

    It is a 100 gold unit with throwings. It is not bad
  5. Einarcf

    Why aren't players allowed to be good at this game?

    1. There was a play test were you could ignore stuns when you took less than 35 damage on a voulgier. It was broken
    2. If an infantry player manages to hit a horse with a two handed hammer, it is through the fault of the rider or the effort of the infantry player's team.
    3. Bump stabs are far from being an abusive mechanic. I quite like it from a game play perspective. There are other parts of cavalry game play I would nerf before I touched this.
    4. You need to move sideways and/or jump while approching an archer if you are afraid of getting shot in the feet. Some of the best players can sidestrife point blank shots semi-reliably without a shield. If you have any infantry shields and their movement speed I would expect a good player to avoid footshots when soloing an archer 95 % + of the time. Dismounted cav are toast though.
    5. Crush through weapons are slow and leave you without a shield. Even the lesser shields are gonna give you way more protection against arrows (and melee weapons if you are not skilled enough to block without a shield)
    6. Shields can passively arrows when not blocked with actively. If you have a shield on your back it reduces all damage on your back by about 33 % IIRC. Should be a slight sound cue when it happens.

    Is this for TDM or siege?
  6. Einarcf

    Multiplayer autoblock

    what sort of time unit is this? o_O
    aka 1 year ago
  7. Einarcf

    what the hell with servers for clan matches?

    Perhaps you could ask DR really nicely to borrow their server
  8. Einarcf

    Checklist for TW to finish mp

    Buff spearman and it's okay in the short term
  9. Einarcf

    [Beast 8] Suggestions

    How will promotion work this season? Will the 2nd team in a divison get a chance to play playoff matches for example?
  10. Einarcf

    Meme Perk Suggestion Thread

    Berserker 2nd perk - "Honor in Death"

    The Gods smile upon you! If you are the last person on your team to die, you instead force a server crash.
  11. Einarcf

    [BEAST 8] Division B - Weekly matchups

    Friday 20 CEST DoF-MoB
  12. Einarcf

    Meme Perk Suggestion Thread

    General cavalry perk: Silent, but deadly.

    You are one with the horse and have learned how to use the terrain to your advantage. Your horse no longer creates any sounds.

    (The perk description is also the same for Aserai by the way)
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