Recent content by drajo234

  1. drajo234

    Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    How about the Silver runed armor? How do I get it?
  2. drajo234

    Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    These knights come with Nox of Phillipi's army, is there any possible way to recruit them? I captured some of them and try countless time asking them if they want to join my army and they refused. I don't think there is any lord capable of defeating Nox's army. I checked the wiki and they said there is a chance they can be recruited at the Mercenary Guild. I'm also wondering that if there is some way to get the silver runed armor for my household guard, the handcrafted heavy armor looks similar to it but doesn't have the same stat.
  3. drajo234

    Horse Thief Issue and the missing of Colonel Zagloba

    Actually, I have tried that before and they ask for who am I looking and I can just reply nevermind no more options is available.
  4. drajo234

    Horse Thief Issue and the missing of Colonel Zagloba

    Hey guys, I'm needing your help, I'm doing the horse thief quest and is stuck, there's nothing I can do when I try to talk to the lord there is no special option. Some give me advise that I need to talk to Colonel Zagloba but he was in my party but then I lose a fight and have been captured...
  5. drajo234

    "Horse Thief" Quest

    Hey guys about that can someone pls tell me what did Zagloba tell you please ?
    He was in my party but then I lose a fight and have been captured after that I don't see him again
    I have checked every town in Polish but I can't find him but he still appear at some stage of the Quest to advise me now I can't talk to him please help me
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