Recent content by Deis

  1. Deis

    SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    This is an amazing mod!  I'd like to report a small issue I noticed.

    Heavy Plate Armor does not have any skill penalties.
    Plated Leather Jerkin has no strength requirement and weighs 5, but has a -4 penalty for Power Throw and Power Draw.

    It almost seems like these two were mixed up when assigning the penalty.  As it is, it makes Heavy Plate Armor a fantastic choice for a very tanky archer  :grin:

  2. Deis

    [WB] Warband Script Enhancer v4.9.5 for 1.174

    troycall said:
    Use this AHK Script:

    #SingleInstance force
    ;;; Known issues:
    ;;; - Weird results for windows with custom decorations such as
    ;;; Chrome, or programs with a Ribbon interface.
    ;;; - Emacs will be maximized behind instead of in front of
    ;;; the taskbar. Workaround: WinHide ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
    CoordMode Screen, Window
    static WINDOW_STYLE_UNDECORATED := -0xC40000
    static savedInfo := Object() ;; Associative array!
    WinGet, id, ID, A
    if (savedInfo[id])
    inf := savedInfo[id]
    WinSet, Style, % inf["style"], ahk_id %id%
    WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, % inf["x"], % inf["y"], % inf["width"], % inf["height"]
    savedInfo[id] := ""
    savedInfo[id] := inf := Object()
    WinGet, ltmp, Style, A
    inf["style"] := ltmp
    WinGetPos, ltmpX, ltmpY, ltmpWidth, ltmpHeight, ahk_id %id%
    inf["x"] := ltmpX
    inf["y"] := ltmpY
    inf["width"] := ltmpWidth
    inf["height"] := ltmpHeight
    WinSet, Style, %WINDOW_STYLE_UNDECORATED%, ahk_id %id%
    mon := GetMonitorActiveWindow()
    SysGet, mon, Monitor, %mon%
    WinMove, A,, %monLeft%, %monTop%, % monRight-monLeft, % monBottom-monTop
    ;; Monitor number at position x,y or -1 if x,y outside monitors.
    SysGet monitorCount, MonitorCount
    i := 0
    while(i < monitorCount)
    SysGet area, Monitor, %i%
    if ( areaLeft <= x && x <= areaRight && areaTop <= y && y <= areaBottom )
    return i
    i := i+1
    return -1
    ;; Get Monitor number at the center position of the Active window.
    WinGetPos x,y,width,height, A
    return GetMonitorAtPos(x+width/2, y+height/2)
    F12 to toggle.

    Unfortunately that doesn't seem to do anything for the Warband window.  It works great on other programs (works fine on process explorer and 7-zip), but has no effect on windowed Warband launched with WSE.
  3. Deis

    [WB] Warband Script Enhancer v4.9.5 for 1.174

    Whenever I launch Warband using WSE, I cannot set the game to fake full-screen.  I don't have this issue when using the regular Warband exe.  I have both the regular and steam versions, and this normally works with both.  It only seems to have issues with WSE.  Not really your problem I know, but I was hoping someone might have some insight into what the issue is, a workaround, or a different way to fake full-screen.

    I have attempted setting fake full-screen with a program called WindowedBorderlessGaming, and also attempted it using Autohotkey with either of the following scripts,

    Press Q while window selected
    ;Set your game path here
    Run, K:\Steam\steamapps\common\MountBlade Warband\WSELoader.exe
    ;Set your desktop resolution here
    w = 1920
    h = 1080
    ;when you press "Q" script will make it "fulscreen" and then close itself (you can change the hotkey, but it doesnt matter as it will work only once, thus not conflicting with any bindings in the game)
    WinMaximize, Mount&Blade Warband
    WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, Mount&Blade Warband
    DllCall("SetMenu", uint, WinExist( "Mount&Blade Warband" ), uint, 0)
    WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, Mount&Blade Warband
    WinMove,Mount&Blade Warband,,0,0,w,h

    Hold Ctrl+Alt and press F12 while window selected
    ;Toggle fake windowed fullscreen!
    #singleinstance force
    	WinGet, WindowID, ID, A
    	WinGet Style, Style, ahk_id %WindowID% ; retrieve window data
    	if (Style & 0xC40000) ; check if object is available
    		WinSet Style, -0xC40000, ahk_id %WindowID% ; hide thickframe/sizebox
    		WinSet Style, -0xC00000, ahk_id %WindowID% ; hide title bar
    		WinSet Style, -0x800000, ahk_id %WindowID% ; hide thin-line border
    		WinSet Style, -0x400000, ahk_id %WindowID% ; hide dialog frame
    		WinSet Style, +0xC40000, ahk_id %WindowID% ; show thickframe/sizebox
    		WinSet Style, +0xC00000, ahk_id %WindowID% ; show title bar
    		WinSet Style, +0x800000, ahk_id %WindowID% ; show thin-line border
    		WinSet Style, +0x400000, ahk_id %WindowID% ; show dialog frame
    	WinMove, ahk_id %WindowID%, , 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight
  4. Deis

    Slaine - Fantasy Mod Request

    I agree.  I personally can't stand chain-mail bikinis.  It makes absolutely no sense, and looks ridiculous.  It also objectifies women in a way that I really don't think is a good idea.  It mandates that women who want to be strong or "badass", need to sexualize themselves in a demeaning way.  You wouldn't ask the same of anyone in any other profession.  Oh, my lawyer is great, but is she sexy?  Oh well, I am rambling now.  It is just a product of a repressed generation.
  5. Deis

    FI2 Bugs Report Thread - Post your findings here!

    Many enemies that ride mounts are invisible.  This causes everyone to have to retreat to ladders and roofs and shoot them for ages (because they kill infantry and cavalry almost immediately).  This is most definitely the worst thing about this mod.  Other than that it is awesome and I've been having a blast.
  6. Deis

    Suggestions for multiplayer co-op?

    I have attempted multiplayer a few times, and have not had great experiences.  I have recently been giving it another go, however this time I am trying out co-op mods.  The main reason I prefer co-op is that I generally hate what pvp ends up being (characters constantly running around while...
  7. Deis

    A few bugs and suggestions

    Since I'm not able to create new Bug Reports on the Assembla page, I just thought I would mention them here. 1.  The "Two-handed Knightly Sword" is only able to thrust while used with a shield. 2. When using bodysliding, after a battle sometimes the companion used will be wounded.  ALSO...
  8. Deis

    Viking Conquest Update 1.0 hotfix

    kalarhan said:
    Deis said:
    I did not have this issue before opting into the beta and updating.

    I ran into this enemy AI issue while fighting "Bandits waiting for ransom" and "Masterless Men".  I can make my troops wait on a hill and as long as I stay a certain distance from the enemy troop line, can inch closer and "aggro" them one by one.  I defeated 33 "Bandits waiting for ransom" and 23 "Masterless Men" all by myself by abusing this issue.

    Also, was not having the "wavy tree" issue before but am now.

    What is your AI setting ? Poor, normal, good?

    Ah thanks, forgot to include that it is set to Good.  Fixed that.
  9. Deis

    Viking Conquest Update 1.0 hotfix

    I did not have this issue before opting into the beta and updating.

    I ran into this enemy AI issue while fighting "Bandits waiting for ransom" and "Masterless Men".  I can make my troops wait on a hill and as long as I stay a certain distance from the enemy troop line, can inch closer and "aggro" them one by one.  I defeated 33 "Bandits waiting for ransom" and 23 "Masterless Men" all by myself by abusing this issue.  This is on the Good AI setting.

    Also, was not having the "wavy tree" issue before but am now.
  10. Deis

    Bug Reports: 1.54

    No. As long as the person driving isn't me, it all works fine.
  11. Deis

    Bug Reports: 1.54

    If I have Marnid and have "I will pilot the Aleph" selected and fight a siege battle where there is an Aleph in the garrison, than I am placed in the enemy Aleph on the walls, on the enemy side (forced to kill my own troops  :sad: ).  I'm on 1.54, new game.
  12. Deis

    Bug Reports: 1.251

    When trading with caravans you can buy and sell goods for their exact price.  Trade skill does not effect anything.  I can buy and sell Coat of Plates for 11000.

    I apologize if this was intentional or already reported (I did a search but didn't find anything.)
  13. Deis

    Tackling the Bandit Lairs

    FrisianDude said:
    Deis said:
    If not using high level companions, I almost always go with high tier archers.
    Tried that a couple of times, but the blasted forest bandits always feather my eyeballs.

    It's all about placement.  Try to keep your troops on the higher ground and stick to the sides of the maps.  If you don't have a shield or are trying to pick off bandits then you should take cover behind trees/the lips of hills.
  14. Deis

    Tackling the Bandit Lairs

    If not using high level companions, I almost always go with high tier archers.  I like to park them on top of the highest hill available.  For my character I bring a bow/crossbow and 1-hander/shield and hide behind a tree or building and pick off anyone I can. Using this method I sometimes end up fighting a couple bandits by myself, but more often than not we win with about half of my troops left. 

    Another method is to pick heavy infantry with shields and have them charge.  You can hang back and pick off bandits or charge in behind your troops.
  15. Deis

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    All skills max out at 10.  Though you can change the caps in skills.txt or with TweakMB.  Tracking, Trainer, Horse Archery, Inventory Management, Weapon Master, and Tactics (I think) DON'T scale past 10.
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