Recent content by cuce

  1. cuce

    Other Native Siege Completed [Official] Osric's Bay - 3x Loot & Exp

    Glad you enjoyed it. Map is kinda less back capable then some others, but yes with less people in game it is more of a risk. There ended up being less friction than what we wanted at last two flags but we will be looking ways to fix that.

    we also will be decrease the just falls that just dmg you a bit, we didint have enough time to clean all of them yet.

    thanks for the bug reports.
  2. cuce

    In Progress [1.5.7] Children inheriting culture solely from mother.

    This is not intended. We are looking into it. thanks for letting us know.
  3. cuce

    Economy Changes with 1.8 and onwards

    that would result in player being able to dump 50 jewelry to a single town, with no loss in profit margin
  4. cuce

    Why were t7+ troop levels removed?

    thanks for the info Zoloc, i`ll check we other team members about this change.
    Maybe I should have been more clear. I meant it content wise. like we didn't designed and added tier 7 troops to the game then removed them.
  5. cuce

    Why were t7+ troop levels removed?

    the tier number is level driven unless overiden, so making a higher level troop will make it higher tier, and their icons were quite simple and was made with more room to fidget around when they were added. overall its to make modded troops function with in the system with less effort on modders part.

    There was not really, a tier 7 troop tier we made then removed.
  6. cuce

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    I'm now at my gaming PC. Swordsister start at tier 3 in fact. Tier 4 has hickory xbow with 93 pierce damage. Tier 5 is split. Horse one has light xbow and foot one heavy xbow with 82 pierce damage.
    there was some confusion on our end regarding mercenary equipments, and wrong stuff slipped thorugh the cracks. thanks for feedback, they will be in line with whats been intended soon.
  7. cuce

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    @cuce I've got to say, even though I love the new mercenary units, there's still the issue of availability. I think we should be able to hire 10-25 units from the tavern at once rather than 2-10(?) units like it is now. The scale of the game is so much larger than warband and mercenary units need to become more convenient to hire.
    availability was also increased, let me check the numbers again
  8. cuce

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    custom battles use the same values and calculations as single player but are not modified by various campaign effects like captain perks and banners, so result might be different in some cases.
  9. cuce

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    did you had reinforcements in that battle? it might be due to an error in reinforcement or probably we might be miss printing fleeing troops
  10. cuce

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    So there is no actual formations for the AI armies. I guess that means that they don't actually benefit from the banners, aside of the asthetics. Is that right?
    no, ai party use formations just like the player, but will only have 1 banner to give to a formation since there is only 1 character in each party. so only 1 formation will benefit from banner bonus, just like a player with no companions in the party.

    In armies its a whole different situaition, since each party leader in the army will be assigned to formations as captains, thus giving their banner bonuses to their formations.
  11. cuce

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    @Duh_TaleWorlds I love the new mercenary lines & sword sister lines, thank you! But it seems like they're missing a few unit types when combined. I couldn't see any melee cavalry, archer (not crossbow) or normal spear infantry (though there is a pike line and also a shielded mace infantry line). Are you guys also planning to add "northern" and "southern" mercenary archetype sometime in the future, presumably with southern having melee cavalry and maybe foot skirmishers, northern having shield infantry and archers?
    not too soon. as it was mercenary troops were severely lacking in content. primarily we want them to be expensive but fast way to get some decent troops but they should not have the same potential as state troops (both cost and power wise), so they will not override regular troop raising methods. we want to do more with them but not just by simply adding more troops into the mix. at this stage we wanted to have some mercs that both feel out of place in their regions but will also will fill same gaps if you were to hire them with other factions.
  12. cuce

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    Do troops get timed out like the player if they stay outside the map boundaries for too long? In my last run in 1.8, a lot of my battles wound up at the map edge with my troops going back and forth into the red zone to get at the enemy. Then I'd see in the after-battle report that a bunch of my guys routed even though we were dominating the whole battle, so I assumed that those guys got stuck outside the boundaries and didn't actually flee, but maybe I was wrong.
    no troops do not time out at border egde, they try to avoid it but still can get out of border edges due to being a cavlary or in heat of combat, but they will not pathfind through border edge if they can help it. they will only disappear at border edge if they are fleeing.
  13. cuce

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    Safe to assume that means that formations have captains assigned or is it just a visual thing? Like if I fought a single party instead of an army will only one formation have a banner?
    you can use your companions as formation captains and equip them with banners as well, but for ai they will only have one formation with banner yes
  14. cuce

    Minor Clan???

    minor clans is not related to power level but to belonging in a faction.
  15. cuce

    Economy Changes with 1.8 and onwards

    Curious if anyone has any ideas about what variables to look at to track the health of the economy.

    Eg: suppose I was going to mod how caravans spawn or function. What variables should I be monitoring (and how often) to see the economic impacts?
    we track availability heatmaps, avarage high and low prices, price indexes, prosperity trends of towns, caravan survival times, workshop counts, etc

    these are the ones we check in general. if there is something that look fishy amongs these we check other things.
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