Recent content by Craven4

  1. Craven4

    Now the AI is using the siege tower normally ! MOD

    Because they didn't fix it, only put a makeshift bandaid on it, which is not something that TW is willing to do.

    I wonder when will people learn that comparing mods with game dev makes no sense.
    so the numerous times TW had a patch note saying "improved siege pathfinding ai" don't count here? because I think that one moderately successful attempt by this modder no matter the unforeseen impact is worth far more to the game than the several meaningless attempts TW has tried to pass off as fixes.
  2. Craven4

    How will BL MP be revived?

    DLC complete with e-sports level competitive fishing.

    Easy revival.
  3. Craven4


    It was such a headache having him here constantly whining about how people are mean to him while throwing out every kind of bigotry at the same time.

    A child who never played MB could host tournaments better than him, every one was a complete mess.
  4. Craven4

    Do devs play their own game?

    Unfortunately the game is bad and the tw has a horrible vision for its future
  5. Craven4

    A fix I had in mind to the ramboing issues

    I have seen a few people suggest limited respawns but I think this idea would be better. Not sure about expanding it to all classes as it is nice to feel in control of your army as the player.

    all round I think you have one of the best and most dynamic solutions so far! Would be great to try in a custom server when we get them next year
  6. Craven4

    RIP The Sling

    I still wanted to see sling used like a sling.
    I guess that day will never come
    Also been waiting the whole ea for this. I don't understand why it was even referred to as a sling when people are just chucking rocks
  7. Craven4

    Ping missing from custom server list

    I see there is a space for this information to go but I have never heard TW mention whether or not they intend to implement this missing feature. Could be its planned for when real custom servers come out but it would be nice to have now if you guys just forgot to implement it! @Dejan
  8. Craven4

    Are TaleWorlds bad at programming?

    MP is poor all round. if the mp devs were told they could start over and do what they want I don't have faith it would turn out much better. in the posts we get back from mp devs (which we all appreciate!) they don't really understand why their game is bad.
  9. Craven4

    Are TaleWorlds bad at programming?

    They cant even do a simple thing like AI pathing.
  10. Craven4

    SP - General Custom keep battles

    Would be great to be able to set up keep battles in the custom battle mode or have keep battles attached to custom sieges.
  11. Craven4

    Get rid of clan queues in Captain Mode.... it's seriously ruining the entire game.

    I've gone ahead and moved the thread to the multiplayer section to make it easier for our multiplayer team to take a look at and listen to your feedback.

    But just as a short explanation of how it works -- The matchmaking system tries to find a suitable match for everyone queuing. So if you queue as a premade, it will try to match you against another premade, and following that it will look for smaller and smaller parties until eventually filling the match with solo players. Unfortunately, this does mean that sometimes you will be matched against a full premade depending on how many players are waiting in the queue and how long they have been waiting there.
    I don't think your current approach has been working for a very long time. An idea would be removing matchmaking and putting those game modes on to the custom server list. That way everyone can see how many people are actually trying to play skirm or captain without the guessing game of waiting in queue for outrageous lengths of time. We could then choose our own teams seeing as how the matchmaking even with no stacks has never been able to do a reasonable job.

    If on full release TW feels they have appropriately fixed matchmaking and has enough players for it to work then give it another go. It is only hurting the experience as is though.
  12. Craven4


    We already have half the fix. Vote kick has worked decently for it so far just needs to be extended. Custom servers will fix this when you have more options to not play with people like that
  13. Craven4

    Custom servers rant.

    We will be looking at releasing custom server files closer to, or even after, the full release of the game. We still have a lot of work left to do on multiplayer and would like to finish implementing our planned features first.
    Such poor decision making from TW yet again. Everything about the MP is bad and the plans for it are sad!
  14. Craven4

    Goodbye Mexxico, Thanks For Everything! (Mexxico Leaves TW. Tribute Post)

    Thank you mexxico! Cant wait to see what you do next.
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