Recent content by CptDino

  1. CptDino

    What are the best and worst aspects of BL right now? Share your thoughts on the current state of game.

    Best: The game overall is something unique and full of good things like unique battles when you go army vs army, amazing siege scenarios when you have both sides with Onagers and such (seeing those fiery rocks is awesome during the assault) and the game is being balanced + new features are coming in every week. Oh yes, the modding community is awesome and tbh, it's the only thing that made me play for over 100 hours in a week.

    Worst: I played Mount & Blade with the Diplomacy expansion some years ago. I don't understand why Bannerlord has such a bad replication of that and why some stuff that worked before so nicely, don't work now (or not even implemented). I guess my hype for Bannerlord was too high since the launch of each version of this game are years apart and I expected TW to be working for a longer time on Bannerlord, especially regarding the PERFORMANCE in the game. I don't understand why Bannerlord is so CPU and GPU demanding while on the very lowest configs (which look like M&B1) and has a ****ty performance like it has right now. This is by far my biggest complaint and something I do hope they work around to tweak.

    Please Fix: For starters, performance. Then Sieges, add more useful and different quests inside of cities so we can actually spend some more time in the early game and actually get to know the game better, ADD GOOD DIPLOMACY STUFF.

    Overall: I love the game and intend to play it for years to come. Yes I do expect a campaign map for the online version, but not sure if this will ever come by, but hope so. Last thing is: try to work alongside the modding community because these guys are holding the game which is bugged and lacking A LOT of good entertainment/immersion.
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