Recent content by chargerz43

  1. chargerz43

    What military and what time period would you join?

    matmohair1 said:
    :iamamoron: I kinda started to lose hope in a knighthood, yeah i'll skip the horses too!
    so I'll join a band of infantry men-at -arms instead  :mrgreen: mercinary or otherwise...





    Man-at-arms don't seem too different from knights in appearance.
  2. chargerz43

    What military and what time period would you join?

    A samurai during the westernization of Japan
  3. chargerz43


    This would be fun if I had a clan
  4. chargerz43

    Rent a Very cheap teamspeak 3 server from 60-2500 slots.

    2500 people on teamspeak might fry a home setup. ^
  5. chargerz43

    Rent a Very cheap teamspeak 3 server from 60-2500 slots.

    Is this a long term establishment? How could I trust you wouldn't go under if I got a $300 server? (not that I could, being a poor college student)
  6. chargerz43

    Unnamed Bannerlord Clan Concept Discussion [NA]

    Yeah, my focus for this group would be more for large shield battles rather than 8v8.

    I could possibly have just a monarchy just like every other group. But we'd have a weekly event, let's call it Valhalla or something heathenish. The weekly 'Valhalla' would be a giant deathmatch between clan members and they'd compete for some sort of prizes or benefits.

    Also, after contemplating. I don't think the name/theme of this group is very origional. But I want something that would have a wide range of appeal.
  7. chargerz43

    Unnamed Bannerlord Clan Concept Discussion [NA]

    So I guess the consensus is that I should change how leadership is determined in order to not have noobs leading vets ._.
  8. chargerz43

    Unnamed Bannerlord Clan Concept Discussion [NA]

    Thanks! Why would this be locked? :party:
  9. chargerz43

    Unnamed Bannerlord Clan Concept Discussion [NA]

    Đяαкøℵ said:
    can you

    can you smell that
    it's alene
    she's WATCHING US.
    Here all-seeing eye locks everything that contains Bannerlord. RUN. NOW.
  10. chargerz43

    Unnamed Bannerlord Clan Concept Discussion [NA]

    I just want a hierarchy that makes members feel involved/significant
  11. chargerz43

    Unnamed Bannerlord Clan Concept Discussion [NA]

    So maybe a democratic system of determining captains?
  12. chargerz43

    Unnamed Bannerlord Clan Concept Discussion [NA]

    I'm still thinking about that too. Probably primarily NA. I think there will be an increase of Americans in the community when the new game comes out.
  13. chargerz43

    Unnamed Bannerlord Clan Concept Discussion [NA]

    Dyktator said:
    Isn't that too early to create clans on unreleased game?
    That's why I titled the thread a concept to see how it would be received since it's a bit different than other clans
  14. chargerz43

    Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.

    looking for a clan

    been in the game since '12, since m&m
    back in the day i led some units and fought lots of battles
    just looking for a casual group to get back in with

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