Recent content by Chao Persik

  1. Chao Persik

    [Beast 7] Gambler League - Semi Final & Week 1 Promotion Matches

    Semi Finals
    Risen Manifest 9 : 7 Destiny Masters
    The Holy Inquisition 10 : 5 Deutschritter Furor
    Promotion Matches
    Risen Manifest Silver 11 : 4 Restitutor Orbis
    APE 5 : 9 The Stygian Raven
    Principality of Varcheg 5 : 10 Men of Borr Academy
    Vineyard Workers Vinum 5 : 10 The Holy Inquisition III
  2. Chao Persik

    Appeal to admins' decision and a proposition of a rule change

    It's so funny to see how administrators opinion changes radically opposite. You change the rules during the tournament by adding/removing semi-finals however you want. For me personally, your reputation and respect for you has come to naught. It's ridiculous to seriously consider screenshots 2 weeks ago excluding the results of recent matches. Everyone was talking about a rematch, and not about adding semi-finals. But my speech is not about the fairness of adding changes, but about stating that this is wrong as a fact.
    Did the addition of the semi-finals during the tournament relieve you of responsibility? This is the same violation of the rules on your part, like if u would make a rematch with RM. It's just kinda unprofessional to follow to any view. Just adding the rules yourself during the tournament is tantamount to breaking your own rules, it is doubly shameful when it comes to the fact that something becomes profitable for one team and the other no longer. This is my personal opinion on your decision to make changes during the tournament (more than twice already considering beast 6).
    You can assume that my opinion is biased and I would not say so without being related to this, this is your right. In any case, I'm not not avoiding cw with DM and I'm not trying to change your decision. I accept the rules and I am glad to smash them, but your decisions are biased, there is no need to argue with this and stop pretending to be a hero.
    DM got a second chance as they think, but it will be doomsday for them, where they will be eliminated from the tournament in disgrace. In 2 weeks I will finish this circus by putting an end to it.

  3. Chao Persik

    [Beast 7] Gambler League - Week 5

    Division A:
    Risen Manifest 12 : 0 Vineyard Workers
    Deutschritter Furor 2 : 12 Destiny Masters
    Divitiarum 5 : 12 The Holy Inquisition

    Division B:
    The Chide Village 8 : 10 Risen Manifest Silver
    Deutschritter Superbia 7 : 9 Destinction Masters
    The Holy Inquisition II 3 : 12 Keyboard Warriors
  4. Chao Persik

    EU Skirmish Completed Bannerlord Draft Cup VI - Red Dot Edition (56/56)

    Name Chao Persik The Dot
    Nationality Russkie
    Main Class : Infantry
    Steam Link :
    Why you should be a Captain ?

    I confirm that I will be there on both auctions(6.3.2022 at 19 CET) and draft cup itself (13.3.2022 at 17.00 CET).
  5. Chao Persik

    [Beast 7] Gambler League - Week 4

    Division A:
    Risen Manifest 7 : 9 The Holy Inquisition
    Destiny Masters 12 : 1 Divitiarum
    Deutschritter Furor 12 : 3 Vineyard Workers

    Division B:
    The Chide Village 11 : 7 Keyboard Warriors
    Deutschritter Superbia 7 : 11 The Holy Inquisition II
    Destinction Masters 7 : 11 Risen Manifest Silver
  6. Chao Persik

    [Beast 7] Gambler League - Week 3

    Division A:
    Risen Manifest 6:9 Destiny Masters
    Deutschritter Furor 10:7 Divitiarum
    The Holy Inquisition 12:0 Vineyard Workers

    Division B:
    The Chide Village 9:6 Deutschritter Superbia
    Destinction Masters 5:10 The Holy Inquisition II
    Keyboard Warriors 7:9 Risen Manifest Silver
  7. Chao Persik

    [Beast 7] Gambler League - Week 2

    Division A:
    Risen Manifest 10 : 5 Deutschritter Furor
    Destiny Masters 0 : 12 The Holy Inquisition
    Divitarium 12 :1 Vineyard Workers

    Division B:
    The Chide Village 10 : 5 Destinction Masters
    Deutschritter Superbia 3 : 12 Keyboard Warrios
    The Holy Inquisition II 5 : 10 Risen Manifest Silver
  8. Chao Persik

    [Beast 7] Gambler League - General Bet & Week 1

    WEEK 1

    Division A:

    Risen Manifest 10 - 5 Divitiarum
    Destiny Masters 12 - 1 Vineyard Workers
    Deutschritter Furor 2 - 12 The Holy Inquisition

    Division B:

    The Chide Village 7 - 8 The Holy Inquisition 2
    Deutschritter Superbia 3 - 12 Risen Manifest Silver
    Distinction Masters 10 - 5 Keyboard Warriors
  9. Chao Persik

    [Beast 7] Gambler League - General Bet & Week 1

    General Bet
    Division A:
    Top 3 Teams: 1. HINQ 2. DM 3. RM
    Top 3 Players: 1. Koso 2.Troechka 3. Donneto

    Winner of Division B: HINQ II
    Top Player of Division B: Nord

    Winner of Division C: HV
    Top Player of Division C: TraxS

    Winner of Division D: STIX
    Top Player of Division D: Hideyoshi

    Winner of Division E: HINQ III
    Top Player of Division E: Nexoner
  10. Chao Persik

    Delayed attack and Animation bug

    Sorry for the late reply. It took a while to test all situations and be confident in my speech. I read everything you wrote and agree with almost everything 100%. But there is a certain detail, a very important detail, due to which this topic was originally created. Unfortunately, we ourselves did not fully understand what the problem was, and could only guess, so our words and the essence of the video were not entirely accurate. It turned out that in all the videos we were showing delay because of using preclick after block, without explaining the reason why this was happening.

    Therefore, let’s proceed to the essence of the problem:
    Citing NIN3:
    “Obviously, just like your video shows, this leads to some confusion, since practically your input is the same, but by the fraction of a second, you sometimes perform those “early blocks” instead of “perfect blocks” resulting in an extended stun period”

    Actually, the problem is not in early blocks and not in attacker stun, but in bug you get if you click attack a bit before block, instantly after block or simultaneously with block (preclick attack). As for stun after blocking enemy hit, it should look like prolonged block animation, from which you can’t switch to attack immediately because of this stun. And this particular bug makes your character stand idle, so I guess it doesn’t have anything in common with stuns at all.
    All the moments in the video with sign “bugged animation” were recorded performing the following list of actions: normal block/perfect block/early block + PRECLICK.​

    What is “preclick”?
    To begin with, we will introduce such a concept as a “perfect attack” - this is mechanically the earliest attack you can perform after a block in the game, taking into account stun received from an enemy strike. But sometimes due to such problems as ping, package loss and other things small delay happens and it becomes impossible to make a perfect attack by clicking LMB even at the exact timing. I think you have already understood what “preclick” is - it is pressing the attack button right before the moment for perfect attack – the attack input entered in the exact timing with block, or a bit later. The preclick attack will start mechanically only after several milliseconds, but because I entered input in advance, the attack will start automatically in the exactly same timing of perfect attack.

    I will repeat myself so there are no questions left: What actions do I perform with my mouse: block (RMB) / holding block+attack (LMB) (almost simultaneously) = preclick.
    What's actually happens in game: block - delay because of stun from enemy strike - perfect attack.
    Before the last patch this system (preclick) was working perfectly – it didn’t matter which weapon I blocked with and which weapon I was hit with. Of course, there was a difference because of stun – perfect attack started later or sooner depending on that, but it didn’t have any effect on the preclick.
    At the moment after the new patch stuns take effect directly on preclick. The same goes for spear animation in video, including APRISOKENMANN GIF. He also uses preclick, it’s a bit different problem which existed even before this patch, but the essence of the problem is the same.

    Usage of preclick right now causes delay +visual bug:​
    1. You block enemy strike (doesn’t matter if it was normal block, early block or perfect block)​
    2. Right in the moment of your weapons (or enemy weapon and your shield) colliding you press LMB in order to perform preclick.​
    3. You pressed LMB and are expecting to start attack animation, but (several options):​
    • your character is just standing idle, and then suddenly after like 0,5ms (this time can vary, sometimes it’s longer, sometimes shorter (0.1 ms - 0.5 ms)) he starts attack that you have pressed way earlier. From player’s perspective it looks like your attack input disappeared, and then after some delay your character starts swinging on his own, without any command and sometimes (when 0.1 ms delay happens) much faster than regular attack animation, as if it was sped up.​
    Check GIF for bugged animation with delay (0.5ms)
    Check GIF for bugged animation with delay (0.1ms)
    • after your LMB click no attack happens, game just ignores it and you stand idle.
    Check GIF

    You should understand that this problem appears not because of stun, as in video you can see similar weapons, which should cause similar consistent stuns in terms of time, if that was the case.

    REMINDER: all of these actions (except 0.1ms gif) are performed with just 2 clicks – 1 click for block and simultaneous 1 for attack (preclick)
    BUT – preclick is also possible with holding regular block if you manage to click LMB right before enemy weapon collides with your, and it can still bug out. Check GIF

    NIN3, citing your reply:

    “Sadly atm we allow players to go into an attack ready early than they are supposed to. But since the stun is still active, we don't allow them to attack”

    In my personal opinion: why don't you make the impact of the stun the same as it was some patches ago with two-handed weapons? Stun extended the ANIMATION OF HOLDING THE BLOCK, which showed perfectly that I was "stunned". Therefore, I could not perform preclick - animation of preparing the weapon didn’t start, because there was an animation of holding the block. There were no visual problems and delays. Now because of visual glitches I can only guess if my preclick is working or I’m in "stun". Are you sure that "stun" should affect preclick rather than block animation?

    To sum it up. Delay together with bugged animation happens because of performing preclick. Delay varies from 0.1ms to 0.5ms depending on normal/perfect/early block and amount of time between pressing block and preclick. But this delay is always present. I doubt deeply that it can be called “stun”.
    Reasons for that:​
    1. Delay can be fixed clicking LMB more times. Check GIF
    2. If instead of preclick you perform normal/perfect attack, there’s no 0,5ms delay+weird animation (or, as you call it, stun). Check GIF
    3. If it really happens because of stun, why does it cause weird animation?
    Thank you for the attention
    @NIN3, please contact us in case you need further explanations and evidence, we can show these bugs to you in game including your direct participation in tests.
    ChaoPersik Discord: ChaoPersik#4505

    Special thanks to:
  11. Chao Persik

    Delayed attack and Animation bug

    These strange delays have been here for long time, not sure for how long, but Ive noticed them playing various classes, not sure if its the perk selections or the class itself, often using shield.TBH I ignore this because I assume its some known alpha issue.
    What is your ping?
  12. Chao Persik

    Delayed attack and Animation bug

    I think some of these are intentional like the stun for example, cause the game mechanics is trying to be realistic
    It's not our business to advertise the game and tell the devs its mechanics. We're talking about the bugs that were caused by these changes. "Stuns" or whatever it may be, added to the game on dec 12 patch, must not break the hit animation or mess my display. It was totally okay before when you added 2h stuns - I could clearly see that I physically cannot hit - there were not any lags or display bugs. We're talking about a bug here, which you have to fix since it causes troubles for 1k players. People think they have connection or packet loss issues. This has to be fix asap
  13. Chao Persik

    EU Skirmish Completed Bannerlord Draft Cup V - Captain Signup Open (56/56)

    Name : ChaoPersik
    Nationality : slave
    Main Class : Infantry
    Steam Link :
    Why you should be a Captain ? Original dropz man
    I confirm that I will be there on both auctions(30.10.2021 at 19 CEST) and draft cup itself (06.11.2021 at 17.00 CEST).
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