Recent content by blackfalcon

  1. Fix everything listed below already FFS!

    I don't know what you're talking about with Tactics or Leadership. I have both of them at 200+ on a 90 hour playthrough. I think I have Medicine at 100 as well, not sure

    No mods.
    200+ on a 90 hour playthru, but yet you can get stewardship upto 250 in an hour or two.
  2. Leadership XP formula is broken

    yea, some things level up very very very slowly, where as others level up very very very fast. The best way to level up leadership is just raise an army and just run around doing nothing. You will gain a skill level a day just about.
  3. Skills hardcap at level 240?

    The first attribute point increases soft cap by 0 and hard cap by 4, every other attribute point increases soft cap by 10 and hard cap by 14.

    Every focus point increases soft cap by 30 and hard cap by 42, so you can go beyond the soft cap.
  4. Character Progression - Does it suck?

    I think the current system is fine. Spending points is suppose to increase the rate in which you level up skills, the idea that levels individually take longer to get is fine. The alternative is that either earlier levels take longer to get (which makes it take longer to do anything) or you can reach an obsurd level which lets you max out all your attribute points and focus points, removing choice from the game.

    I do agree, however, that attribute points could do a little bit more than basically be 'extra focus points'.

    My biggest problem with leveling currently is that, without a level cap, the max level you can achieve varies wildly based on how you allocate your focus and attribute epoints.
  5. how to remove looters rocks

    Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord > Modules > SandBox > ModuleData > bandits.xml
    Thanks. The elite shall rise to stand against the oppression by the peasantry.
  6. how to remove looters rocks

    I have been neglecting my two handed sword skill while leveling archery and I am now wanting to actually level my two handed sword against looters. However, I forgot that in bannerlord looters and their laser guided rocks that they can still throw further than you can shoot an arrow, still do...
  7. SP - General Players should be able to change production of owned villages

    Unfortunately this doesnt make sense realistically and would be bad for balance.
    In terms of realism people in this time frame only traveled a very small distance from home so anything they wanted to harvest to sell must be very close to home. A village cant produce fish without a sea, ore without a mountain, wood without a forest, grain without good farmland.

    In terms of game balance, you would just set every one of your villages to producing grain and get 10k+ prosperity towns.
  8. Resolved [beta 1.6.0] Custom names for crafted weapons are not applied

    Crafted twohanded swords are also back as tournament prizes.
    the gift that keeps on giving
  9. Horse master perk bad game design?

    I like those perks the way the are. The actually offer meaningful choice to me and about half the time i opt for larger quiver perks.

    Pros for deep quiver:
    with two quivers that 6 extra arrows for you (more arrows are more dead enemies and more exp earned from archery during battle).
    it gives more arrows to your troops. I will take two more arrows on each of my archers thank you very much.
    Comparing noble bow damage and noble long bow at the highest level of archery skill there are plenty of times you will one shot (especially lower ranked troops which are bigger % of AI armies) with noble bow making noble long bow overkill.
    You can still benefit from extra arrows when fighting on foot with noble long bow (In sieges i fight on foot, when farming athletics exp late game i fight on foot).

    Pros for use any bow on horse:
    Noble long bow will allow you to some times one shot enemies that noble bow will not. This will be especially more common if you don't go all in on archery/control and stop before last damage increasing perk tier.
    You only need to buy one noble long bow for you character (instead of both noble long bow and noble bow for different situations).
    Its a bit on the epic/fantasy side which can scratch that Legolas itch.
    Bigger numbers feels good.

    Honestly comparing the two perks above i think this is a rare case where we get a good trade off between different perk effect both of which are usefull. And the choice that you end up going with will heavily depend on personal play style and character costumisation.

    The point isnt making those two perks comparable for horse archers, it is giving a reason to play as a foot archer. The horse master perk gives horse archers the one advantage that they shouldnt have, the ability to use longbows on horseback, which, is simply ridiculous. If you used a longbow on a horse the horse would occupy the space needed to pull the bowstring back, that is why this never happened. Whether or not you usually go with extra ammo (probably because the recurve bow is better for some reason) only proves my point, that both perks are for horse archers. Why not give a perk for the foot archer. Horse master gives 0 benefit for foot archer so the alternative should give 0 benefit for the horse archer or they should both give benefit to both.
  10. Horse master perk bad game design?

    Athletics is snake oil! It looks like a great value on paper but the reality is it takes so much longer raise it then riding and the +hp 275+ is so late it barely matters. Sure some is helpful and you might as well put fp into it, but trying to be a foot unit in normal battle for athletics skill is really subpar. Sure, if you want to be a foot warrior that's another story.
    yea I mean athletics is worse than riding in general, however, atleast it has some unique stuff that actually gives a reason to try it.
  11. SP - General brother/sister should grow up even if birth/death disabled

    I am not a huge fan of the birth/death system (I think it is a good idea, I just dont like it) preferring the more traditional mount and blade feel, although, it seems silly that we are unable to use our brother and sister in this mode, especially since we wont be having any kids so our clan...
  12. Horse master perk bad game design?

    I just created my first full archer character in bannerlord and have committed to going a foot troop which I really have never done in warband history. One thing warband has always struggled with is justifying why you should ever consider going a foot troop over cavalry due to the inherent...
  13. when will alliances be in the game?

    i see the option for alliances and stuff greyed out in the barter screen. It would be really helpful if I could get some ally factions on my way up because when you start with your own kingdom 100% on your own it's quite difficult. I guess one of the biggest lessons I learned is you can't really build an empire on your own. You need allies, soldiers, resources a lot of things.

    Eh, not sure if alliances would be that good. I feel like for intricate diplomacy there needs to be a larger number of factions. With there only being a few factions, alliances are either going to be very small, or, there are basically going to be two factions in the game. I just dont feel like with 8 factions alliances would add to much to the game.

    Also, as far as starting your own kingdom being hard, just use the declare peace feature. Only you need to agree to peace which makes taking an empire on your own very easy. You never need to be able to fight a faction or defend against a faction only snipe their least defended castles before blocking any response of theirs with a peace deal.
  14. SP - General Suggestion for Giving Hands Perk

    Among all the unreasonable mechanics in the game, this one is probably the worst so far. How are my troops gaining experience when I dump some junk on the floor? I suppose they pick up the garbage and abuse smiting like player does? I'd like to know the thought exercise TWs had before deciding to implement this.

    If you're unhappy with loot making so much money, thus encourage player to abandon it, then make stuff cheaper or give less loot after battles.
    If you're unhappy how long it takes to tier up peasants without battling looters, either boost those perks that give your troops passive XP or implement more.

    This perk is plain stupid.
    I think the point of the perk Is to help the player amass replacement armies quickly in the later game, especially that training is no longer a skill in the game.
  15. SP - General Suggestion for Giving Hands Perk

    Perks to improve the sell price will Not only continue the problem, but it would simply make smithing even more essential. Now you can just put a few points and smithing And make infinite money. Then you would have to go all in to smithing but the money you would make would still far exceed anything else in game so you would still feel forced to do so. Also just reducing the value of crafted items wouldn’t make sense once you get to late game and you are crafting legendary items that Are worth a fifth of what they’re worse counterparts are.
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