Recent content by Artintrex

  1. Artintrex

    ? ?????????? ℭ??????? (Cities, Tournaments, Quests, Stats, AI and more)

    Apart from the engine which is a huge improvement, bannerlord the game is nothing but a compilation of half-baked ideas that could only fit in a prototype at best. For example quests involving new town gangs, peak interested but then their lack of depth quickly ends up with disappointment. Description mentions Rhagea being a cunning queen and men chasing after her charm. Player can`t even flirt or let alone merry her. We can`t even do very basic interactions Warband allowed us; like try to convince other nobles to follow us etc. Not even feasts which as simple as it was at least it was something but also gone. Like OP said this game needs more gameplay loops very fast.
  2. Artintrex

    Sorry, that can`t be mended; have to live up with that reality

    Sorry, that can`t be mended; have to live up with that reality
  3. Artintrex

    Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord

    64bit + 8thread destegi olsun 1000-2000 askeri suanki nesil bilgisayarlar rahat calistirir oyundan tek istegim de bu zaten.
  4. Artintrex

    SP Other The Gathering Storm - A Wheel of Time Mod (Beta) Latest Version: V0.2.7d

    Swordplay is one of the most important part of wot so, i thought it would be cool. Besides, Rand always uses his sword with his powers, Moiraine uses her staff, Ashamans are trained for sword...
    Anyway, i laughed so hard when i saw this  :grin:
    You should fix this man, i can't find Aiel ladies. They're all vassals of al'lan Mandragoran(how?) and when i ask for them, Borderland lords say "I don't know where she is"  :mrgreen:
  5. Artintrex

    SP Other The Gathering Storm - A Wheel of Time Mod (Beta) Latest Version: V0.2.7d

    I think you got me wrong. What i said is more like throwing fireballs (or lightning  :smile:) while swinging a sword. Thus, we wouldn't have to use 1 slot for the one power. Press X sword, press X again the one power.
  6. Artintrex

    SP Other The Gathering Storm - A Wheel of Time Mod (Beta) Latest Version: V0.2.7d

    At least, add callandor with secondary attack of the one power :mrgreen: Rand is very similar to Zeus anyway :smile:
  7. Artintrex

    SP Other The Gathering Storm - A Wheel of Time Mod (Beta) Latest Version: V0.2.7d

    Can you make the one power secondary attack like jarids. Such as this:

  8. Artintrex

    SP Other The Gathering Storm - A Wheel of Time Mod (Beta) Latest Version: V0.2.7d

    I know this is unnecessary but it would be cool if you could add this as a intro video
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