Recent content by artemis_entreri

  1. Wars too scripted

    That's why if i'm not making my own kingdom i join the empire that gets defeated by the khuzaits so it adds some spice to the experience. After finishing the game with my kingdom for the first time i think i'm gonna start a modded vlandia playtroug to see how they roll. Always astonished by the fact that they have 7 or 8 cities from the beginning.
    Vlandia is fairly strong.
  2. Statement regarding Plans for Singleplayer and Engine II

    My guess is that it pertains to functionality similar to (Party AI Overhaul Commands) It gives you the ability to direct the actions of your AI Parties. For example, Patrol here, Defend Here, do not raid villages etc. Personally I think this type of functionality is paramount for end game. Having clan parties running all over the map with no direction is a bit silly.
  3. Statement regarding Plans for Singleplayer and Engine II

    Any chance that the below could be increased in priority? Without a feasible means to control your AI parties end game loses its luster.

    • Player Clan Party AI directives

  4. Patch Next Week (Nov. 1 - Nov. 7)?

    In answer to your question on women in the middle ages fighting, the answer is yes they did. There are a lot of examples of this including the most famous one Joan of Arc.

    Do you think Joan of Arc was a warrior? She was a religious symbol to inspire the warriors.
  5. Smithing breaks the game

    I basically had no reason to try smithing until the perk updates where smithing and athletics added a combined +2 END and +2 CTR down the trees. Smithed items were also supposed to be bad until a few months ago. 350 hours clocked in but I don't spend much time on this forum. Did not see a recent thread about it.
    Smithed items have been good since release. Not seeing why there is so much uproar. Smithing is fun and the weapons you can make are excellent.

    If you want to be an elite gamer bro, play WoW or something.
  6. Feature requests - Something to spend our gold on

    Well, in order to make this work, they'd have to massively lower the amount of money needed to bribe lords to join your side. I just finished vanquishing all other factions and conquering the map and I was constantly short on money for bribes. Some are 1+ mil and if you don't want to just execute everyone, you need to bring some lords to your side. So that whole system would need an overhaul before requiring that more money be spent on a bunch of other stuff.
    Agree, the amount required to get a lord to join you should be significantly reduced anyway. It is ridiculous to have to pay millions for a Lord to join you. Especially when that Lords faction is basically defeated. I liked VC where Lords would come to join you.
  7. New clans 1.5.4

    They gutted that perk out on 1.5.4 anyways so don't worry about it. For now nobody can give fiefs to anyone, gotta take fresh one for them.
    You could also vote to give another vassals castle away too, haven't tried it though. Hopefully they will add a function to give your own fiefs, or put them up for vote SOON.
    Wouldn't mind seeing them split villages out as separate fiefs as well. Similar to VC, you could give a village to a lord.
  8. New clans 1.5.4

    Fiefless clans would be good for when you need to recruit them into your Empire.
  9. How can I keep my Companions out of harms way?

    On my last playthrough, spanning almost 20 game years, I lost more than two dozen companions. House rules are: one companion as leader for slot one to four each - all others on slot eight, my close retinue. Those on slot eight are my family members and the surgeon, the scout and the quartermaster, the most valuable clan members as I see it. Works pretty well in open field battles, as you usualy don´t find me in the first wave of attackers.

    It´s during sieges and the final assault, when the sh.. hits the fan. The game engine divides attackers in eight big blocks of troops, but gives no further control over my companions. Finaly all troops rush to finish off the last defenders and it is during this tummult that some of them are KIA.

    I can let them stay at home during the sieges, this is good for the family, of course. But the surgeon, the quartermaster and the scout has to be with the army,
    at least I may assume.

    As the title said, any advise how to keep them out of harms way?

    Give them the best armor possible. Give them all Sword and Board or Mace and Board. For Sieges, do not attack until you break down the walls. It takes longer but makes it easier and less dangerous.

    Remove their horses for field battles or give them bows.
  10. Your best quick start strategy?

    All of the solutions seem like exploits to me. That being said, if you are going to exploit then simply do this:

    config.cheat_mode 1
    campaign.add_gold_to_hero 50000 (or 50000000)
    campaign.give_troops khuzait_horse_archer 10 (same for vlandian_knight, and 5 each sturgian_berkzerker + battanian_hero)
    other fun units: battanian_falxman, aserai_mameluke_guard, khuzait_torguud
    campaign.add_renown_to_clan <renown number you want>
    campaign.give_settlement_to_player Vostrum
    campaign.give_workshop_to_player Vostrum 1
    campaign.give_workshop_to_player Chaikand 1
    campaign.give_workshop_to_player Charas 1
    campaign.give_workshop_to_player Quyaz 1

    Then open up your inventory with I and add whatever gear you want, Pure Blood, best armor, best available weapons, etc
    Grab a few stacks of the best gear and smelt it in smithing
    Make high end gear for use and for bartering

    Really, go big or go home. If you are going to Cheat then Cheat Big!

  11. Any mod/mods that REMOVE Khuzait?

    I've not made a mod yet, but what I do is buff up the other factions tier 1 and 2 troops and remove horses from the tier 2 Khuzait troops.

    It is the snpcharacter file in Modules/SandboxCore/ModuleData

    <NPCCharacter id="imperial_recruit"
    name="{=s3IJIFUw}Imperial Recruit"
    <face_key_template value="NPCCharacter.villager_empire" />
    <skill id="Athletics"
    value="40" />
    <skill id="Riding"
    value="0" />
    <skill id="OneHanded"
    value="20" />
    <skill id="TwoHanded"
    value="30" />
    <skill id="Polearm"
    value="30" />
    <skill id="Bow"
    value="5" />
    <skill id="Crossbow"
    value="5" />
    <skill id="Throwing"
    value="10" />
    <equipment slot="Item0"
    id="Item.western_spear_2_t2" />
    <equipment slot="Item1"
    id="Item.light_horsemans_kite_shield" />
    <equipment slot="Item2"
    id="Item.empire_sword_1_t2" />
    <equipment slot="Body"
    id="Item.padded_short_coat" />
    <equipment slot="Leg"
    id="Item.leather_cavalier_boots" />
    <equipment slot="Head"
    id="Item.heavy_nasalhelm_over_laced_cloth" />
    <equipment slot="Cape"
    id="Item.scarf" />
    <equipment slot="Gloves"
    id="Item.padded_mitten" />
    <equipment slot="Item0"
    id="Item.western_spear_2_t2" />
    <equipment slot="Item1"
    id="Item.light_horsemans_kite_shield" />
    <equipment slot="Item2"
    id="Item.vlandia_2haxe_1_t4" />
    <equipment slot="Body"
    id="Item.padded_short_coat" />
    <equipment slot="Leg"
    id="Item.leather_cavalier_boots" />
    <equipment slot="Head"
    id="Item.heavy_nasalhelm_over_imperial_padding" />
    <equipment slot="Cape"
    id="Item.scarf" />
    <equipment slot="Gloves"
    id="Item.padded_mitten" />
    <equipment slot="Item0"
    id="Item.western_spear_2_t2" />
    <equipment slot="Item1"
    id="Item.light_horsemans_kite_shield" />
    <equipment slot="Item2"
    id="Item.empire_sword_1_t2" />
    <equipment slot="Body"
    id="Item.padded_short_coat" />
    <equipment slot="Leg"
    id="Item.leather_cavalier_boots" />
    <equipment slot="Head"
    id="Item.heavy_nasalhelm_over_laced_cloth" />
    <equipment slot="Gloves"
    id="Item.padded_mitten" />
    <upgrade_target id="NPCCharacter.imperial_infantryman" />
    <upgrade_target id="NPCCharacter.imperial_archer" />
    <NPCCharacter id="imperial_infantryman"
    name="{=IfjWyWjc}Imperial Infantryman"
    <face_key_template value="NPCCharacter.villager_empire" />
    <skill id="Athletics"
    value="40" />
    <skill id="Riding"
    value="40" />
    <skill id="OneHanded"
    value="40" />
    <skill id="TwoHanded"
    value="20" />
    <skill id="Polearm"
    value="40" />
    <skill id="Bow"
    value="15" />
    <skill id="Crossbow"
    value="15" />
    <skill id="Throwing"
    value="20" />
    <equipment slot="Item0"
    id="Item.composite_bow" />
    <equipment slot="Item1"
    id="Item.steppe_arrows" />
    <equipment slot="Item2"
    id="Item.steppe_arrows" />
    <equipment slot="Item3"
    id="Item.empire_sword_1_t2" />
    <equipment slot="Head"
    id="Item.arming_coif" />
    <equipment slot="Body"
    id="Item.empire_warrior_padded_armor_a" />
    <equipment slot="Leg"
    id="Item.empire_horseman_boots" />
    <equipment slot="Gloves"
    id="Item.buttoned_leather_bracers" />
    <equipment slot="Item0"
    id="Item.composite_bow" />
    <equipment slot="Item1"
    id="Item.steppe_arrows" />
    <equipment slot="Item2"
    id="Item.steppe_arrows" />
    <equipment slot="Item3"
    id="Item.empire_sword_1_t2" />
    <equipment slot="Item1"
    id="Item.leather_bound_kite_shield" />
    <equipment slot="Head"
    id="Item.arming_coif" />
    <equipment slot="Body"
    id="Item.empire_warrior_padded_armor_a" />
    <equipment slot="Leg"
    id="Item.empire_horseman_boots" />
    <equipment slot="Cape"
    id="Item.scarf" />
    <equipment slot="Item0"
    id="Item.composite_bow" />
    <equipment slot="Item1"
    id="Item.steppe_arrows" />
    <equipment slot="Item2"
    id="Item.steppe_arrows" />
    <equipment slot="Item3"
    id="Item.empire_sword_1_t2" />
    <equipment slot="Head"
    id="Item.imperial_mail_coif" />
    <equipment slot="Body"
    id="Item.empire_warrior_padded_armor_b" />
    <equipment slot="Leg"
    id="Item.empire_horseman_boots" />
    <equipment slot="Gloves"
    id="Item.buttoned_leather_bracers" />
    <equipment slot="Horse"
    id="Item.t2_khuzait_horse" />
    <equipment slot="HorseHarness"
    id="Item.steppe_half_barding" />

    It seems to work, makes every faction more competitive and its more fun for me vice fighting thousands of cloth recruits.
  12. Am I effed?

    Yeah, probably the most obvious answer but good god i'm scarred of them. In both my playthroughs they just plowed through the imperialists and sturgians and a good part of the battanians.
    Basically if they declare war while i'm their teritory they'll destroy me. Not to mention that my fiefs are done if others declare wars(mainly the battanians and Aserais cuz they're the closest and have accest to multiple of my fiefs, unlike the west imperials because the only fief they can get is Jalmarys because the others are limited by a hill and protected)
    Also, does everybody know why the kuzaits are just plowing through almost every faction?(haven't seen them fighting the vlandians by now)
    Start over, make your way to Khuzait at the beginning. Once there, recruit Nomads and then you will quickly get horsemen. Follow the advice here and do not create a Kingdom until you are much stronger and have good relationships with a multitude of lords.
  13. Am I effed?

    Allrighty, got it but how tf will i get horse archers as i'm south of battania and Westers empire. Thing is i'm not gonna have that many chances to get training for my men. Atleast if i manage to use the influence and gather all my parties to join me we'll mow em down cuz after u win a battle of 800vs2000 imperialists only with your brothers party and 4 other battanians you feel really not mercifull
    And about the 50% 50% thing, i got like 50 imperial legionaries in one castle wich would need to cover the archers while they mow the enemy
    And Jesus Christ this is the most helpfull and explaining advice i ever got, Thank you!
    Make your way to Khuzait.
  14. Am I the only one that likes the smithing aspect of the game?

    3 words "I love it"
    I just wish they would add armorers and flecthing
    Armors and Fletching would be excellent!
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