Recent content by Alexandru_cel_Mare

  1. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [S] Terra Aeterna for Warband 1.134 (BETA 0.50) ~~NEW~~

    I am also sorry to read that, I know it is hard to think straight during such times, making decisions much harder to rationalise.  Best wishes to you both.

    i'm sorry to read that, Alexandru...

    Omule, te inteleg. Stiu *** e. Sfatul meu e sa nu-ti faci sange rau din cauza asta. Nu stie ce pierde. Viata merge inainte si noi ne adaptam. Sti zicala: "Lac sa fie, ca broaste...

    My friends, thank you for all the advices and support... Thank you very much ! Eventually things sorted out and we are again together... at least for the moment.  :smile:

    This mod is great. My favorite that ive found so far. I only have 2 problems with it. First, the faction banners. It gets really confusing when all the different factions are using the same banners and even more confusing when Swadians are using the Sarranid one and Vaegirs are using the Nord one etc. Second, there seems to be a really low chance of recruiting. I went to like 30 villages and recruited volunteers and ended up with about 13 recruits then i got ambushed by some of those lotri guys and they all got killed  :evil: . I'm not saying every village should give 20 guys(that would make it super boring and waaaaaaayyy to easy) but when over half the villages give you none it gets a little annoying. It would be nice if you added those two things to the next update, but its not completely necessary. I really do love this mod though. I'm gonna be wasting a good part of my life playing it.  :lol: :lol: 

    My friend, the fact that i did not respond to your proposal, was that during the last months, i have had some hard times, and i thought of even abandoning this mod... About the banners, yes, i know, there are still bugs. And the village issues will be solved, hopefully, in the next version.

    Still loving this mod very much :smile:, and playing it a heck of a lot, so please take all this feedback as constructive just to improve what is already a lot of fun. Great to see the pathing issues that were there have been fixed up, no problems on that front.

    Glad you enjoyed it :smile:.

    1, The Dianna NPC speaks about herself in her dialogue. Stating she is a fine companion, so either the text is referenced incorrectly or the 'friends' check is mis set to herself

    The texts are referenced incorectly... Dianna NPC is having unfinished dialogues :smile:.

    2, Dark Knight's Shield Mesh/Textures are Missing or invalid.

    Will be fixed for next release.

    Amazon Bows are too strong - They literally melt anything, even in NPC hands. My advice would be to slow the firerate to something just above firearms or take 25% off the damage; if not slow them even more than firearms as when you factor in power draw / +3 ammo you end up with something which does incredible damage. If anyone wants a quick demonstration, attack some of the headhuntress patrols in amazon lands, then imagine them even more deadly in the hands of your skilled up companions!

    There is a larger problem with Amazons...
    They have no guns and no cavalry, so i thought that giving them strong infantry and extremely good archers might fix the balance, so they have a chance against other factions. But i know, this is not very balanced and i will try to find a fix for it.

    Dukedome of Alderria - Their cavalry is exceptionally tough, good cavalry is one thing but these guys roll over anything, when you add in the really strong NPC Infantry, and firearms for ranged it makes the faction imbalanced imho. The only thing tougher so far I've found is about 50 - 60 Amazon archers/headhuntresses. A small tweak to infantry or cavalry would be a good compromise.

    On map, Alderia is between Arzawa Empire and Amazon Queendom, and it ussualy goes to war against one of those, or against both. The enemies they face are preety tough in infantry and archers (amazons) or in cavalry and infantry alike (arzawans). That is why, i made very good cavalry for them... but all of these will suffer changes in next version.  :wink:

    An Amazon Companion! Would be very neat, if there isn't one already that I've yet to see.

    There is one already, Talistrada...

    thank you again for feedback and support !
  2. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [S] Terra Aeterna for Warband 1.134 (BETA 0.50) ~~NEW~~

    My friends,
    Sorry for not answering in time to all of the suggestions,

    Truth is, that i am going trough real hard times... there are lot of real life issues to be solved, and there is one that really ruins my soul: after five years together, i am breaking of the woman i love.  :cry: :cry:

  3. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [S] Terra Aeterna for Warband 1.134 (BETA 0.50) ~~NEW~~

    This mod looks really interesting and I like most of what I've seen so far (like the companions in the tavern for one) sadly though my first battle against bandits attacking a village worked fine it now crashes 30 seconds into any battle and I cant work out why. I've set it tp run via XP as I'm on vista; I've increased my VM to insane levels; single thread fixing etc etc and it still CTD's no specific message just Mount & Blade has stopped working.
    I'm gutted as I've been looking for a new MOD to play and the three others I've tried I didnt grab me at all but this one did.

    Did you attempt to play on Direct X 7 ?
    One of my real life friends who has a very powerfull computer used to have exactly the same problem, until he decided to change to Direct X 7.

    Also, there has been reported another strange problem here, in relation with the video card probably. A certain player of this mod has informed me that he cannot play without a crash unless the textures detail is set to 29....
  4. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [MOD] Light-Fantasy mod (The Eagle The Lion and the Auroch)

    Longinault Knightly Order nu poate fi industrial. Industria presupune orase si brelse de mestesugari, pe cand aceasta factiune merge pe respectarea stricta a regulilor cavaleresti iar mesterii lor fac unicate, nu productie industriala si nu au (si nici nu vor sa obtina) tehnologiile superioare care permit producerea de arbalete si arme de foc, pentru ca astfel si-ar incalca principiile. Deci ar trebui sa fie o factiune cu industrie incipienta.

    Asta asa e... :grin:

    Iregularii ( trupele neregulate de nivel mic) ar trebui sa fie specifici fiecarei factiuni si sa poata fi angajati numai din orasele factiunii respective. O sa revin pe acesta tema.

    Ceva gen "Oastea cea Mare" ?

    In fiecare taverna ar trebui sa existe 2 tipuri de mercenari, unii de nivel relativ mare 14-19 (sau 15-20) si altii de nivel mic 4-8 (sau 5-10), astfel implementam si sistemul armatelor feudale formate din trupe regulate (recrutii obtinuti din satele factiunii) si trupe nergulate+mercenari (cele dou tipuri de mercenari angajati din orase)

    Ideea e buna si poate fi realizata usor... in Terra Aeterna, prin scriptul de reinforcements, fiecare factiune primea in cadrul armatelor ei un anumit numar de mercenari, care altfel nu puteau fi recrutati decat de la taverne. Va trebui sa modificam usor numerele pentru a obtine proportiile dorite, proportii care sa fie specifice fiecarei factiuni..

    O problema destul de importanta pe care va trebui sa o rezolvam, daca vrem ca jocul sa fie functional, este reprezentata de rutele comerciale. In Terra Aeterna, am reusit sa rezolv aceasta problema oarecum, dar economia globala tot nu functiona la nivelul la care mi-as fi dorit :
  5. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [MOD] Light-Fantasy mod (The Eagle The Lion and the Auroch)

    In ceea ce priveste transportl si bataliile navale, mai vedem. Datorita faptului ca avem zone de mare care pot fi trecute fara corabii, inca nu este absolut necesar sa implementam acest aspect, desi ar fi bine..

    Teoretic e destul de usor, pot face treaba asta... doar ca e bine sa stim de la bun inceput, inainte sa ma apuc de facut harta. Ca dupa aceea va fi tare complicat...

    Numarul ce orase, castele si sate, trebuie calculat in functie de tipul culturii factiunii respective. De exemplu Knights of Longinault ar trebui sa aiba un singur oras/capitala si castele cu 1-2 sate aferente raspandite pe harta iar factiuni agrare *** ar fi Vlahata, ar trebui sa aiba mai multe sate. De asemenea  va trebui sa modificam castelele si satele in asa fel incat si acestea sa aiba negustori si piata dar cu marfuri oarecum diferite fata de orase, de exemplu din sate sa poti cumpara doar armuri textile si de piele si arme simple *** ar fi arcuri, sulite, topoare si maciuci si cam atat. Castelele cavalerilor Longinault, ar trebui sa aiba armurieri speciali care sa vanda armuri specifice numai lor, de exemplu cele de genul full plate armor, iar vanzatorii de arme sa nu vanda armele considerate ne-cavaleresti, adica arcul, arbaleta si muscheta

    Perfect deacord.

    Trebuie sa stabilim pentru fiecare factiune ce tip de cultura o defineste.

    Propun sa avem la tipul de politica si urmatoarea varianta: militarista defensiva, adica regim militarizat, dar fara tendinte expansioniste vadite, cam ca Tarile Romane...

    1. Corvinia: Regat feudal, industrie incipienta, militarist defensiva.
    2. Vlahata: Regat feudal, agrar, militarist defensiva.
    3. Bogdania: Regat feudal, agrar, militarist defensiva.
    4. Swadian Kingdom: Regat feudal, industrie avansata, militarist agresiva.
    5. Rhodok Confederacy: Republica renascentista, industrie avansata, comerciala.
    6. Alderrian Dukedom: Regat feudal, industrie incipienta, militarist agresiva.
    7. Amazoanele: Despotism tribal, agrara, izolationist-conservatoare.
    8. Arzawa Empire: Regat feudal, agrara, izolationist-conservatoare.
    9. Sarranid Sultanate: Regat feudal, industrie incipienta, comerciala.
    10 Khergit Khanate: Regat feudal, agrar, militarist agresiva.
    11. Rhajate of Sindara: Regat feudal, industrie dezvoltata, militarist defensiva.
    12. Khanate of Makaristan: Regat feudal, agrar, militarist agresiva.
    13.Longinault Knightly Order: Regat Feudal, industrie dezvoltata, militarist agresiva.
    14. Khazara Hetmanate: Regat feudal, agrar, militarist defensiva.
    15. Vaegir Tzardom: Regat feudal, agrar, militarist agresiva.
    16. Nordic Monarchy: Regat feudal, agrar, militarist agresiva.

    De asemenea ar fi foarte interesant sa implementam si religia, dar asta probabil mai incolo.
    ar fi fain ca la religie adika zeului respectiv al religiei respective sa i poti oferi ofrande lana chesti adika ca un feld e sacrifici *** faceau aia...

    Sa vedem ce reusim sa facem din ce ne-am propus mai sus...
  6. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [MOD] Light-Fantasy mod (The Eagle The Lion and the Auroch)

    Aceste idei doar daca va convin si daca pot fi inserate

    Va fi mult de lucru... pentru inceput, va trebui sa uniformizam tot ce am lucrat si eu si Lup_Alb. Apoi vom putea intra in chestii de amanunt.

    M-am gandit la o harta de genul asta:

    Ideea hartii este excelenta.  Singurul lucru care lipseste este istmul intre 2 si 10. Propun astfel...

    1. Corvinia
    2. Vlahata
    3. Bogdania
    4. Swadian Kingdom
    5. Rhodok Confederacy
    6. Alderrian Dukedom
    7. Amazoanele (raul care vine aici poate face o delta bine impadurita si mai greu accesibila)
    8. Arzawa Empire
    9. Sarranid Sultanate
    10 Khergit Khanate
    11. Rhajate of Sindara.
    12. Khanate of Makaristan
    13. Capitala la Knights of Longinault ??
    14. Khazara Hetmanate
    15. Vaegir Tzardom
    16. Nordic Monarchy

    foarte fain dar desertu e cam izolat de celelalte continente adika unde se afla punctele 8 si 9  deci sa inteleg ca se va introduce calatoria navala? aa si in munti sa se faca niste banditi speciali care se gasesc prin trecatori si sa te atace bnditi care se gasesc doar la zonad e munte si campie

    Sistemul de banditi, banditii in sine, vor trebui reganditi in functie de noua harta.

    Harta e ok ... doar pozitionarea factiunilor mai trebuie discutata ( parerea mea ) .

    Va trebui sa ne punem deacord... De asemenea, va trebui sa stabilim si cate orase, castele, primeste o factiune... in Terra Aeterna era un pic de dezechilibru din acest punct de vedere.

    wow foarte tare ar fi si mai tare daca  modul acesta ar fi terminat :X:X:X

    Va fi :smile:
  7. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [MOD] Light-Fantasy mod (The Eagle The Lion and the Auroch)

    Ideea nu neste sa fie foarte multa mare ci sa fie puncte forte pe harta care sa controleze accesul in anumite zone. Asta se poate face de asemenea si cu munti, *** e cazul Transilvaniei. O armata nu are prea multe coridoare de acces in Transilvania si este obligata sa aleaga din doar 4 rute: Valea Prahovei, Valea Oltului, Valea Muresului sau Valea Somesului.

    Ideea cu muntii e si mai ok... si cu fluvii. Exista un script pe care nu l-am inserat inca dar pe care pot sa il inserez foarte usor, cu bridge battles... pe baza acelui script, care in functie de proximitatea fata de un anumit element de pe harta mare generaza un camp de lupta predeterminat, putem dezvolta si crea scene specifice pentru punctele de trecere. De exemplu, daca un punct de trecere are un turn de observatie, putem crea o scena specifica care sa contina respectivul turn de observatie si unde sa se desfasoare toate luptele pe care le da jucatorul in zona.

    Ce parere ai ?
  8. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [MOD] Light-Fantasy mod (The Eagle The Lion and the Auroch)

    Eu as incerca ceva nemaivazut inca pe o harta M&B. Trei mase continentale despartite de mare si unite doar prin cateva istmuri inguste.

    Ideea e interesanta, am mai vazut totusi in cateva moduri ceva de genul. Problema e in felul urmator: daca avem multa mare, trebuie sa inseram lupte navale sau macar posibilitatea de a calatori pe mare.

    Exista cateva scripturi in acest sens, dar sunt departe de a fi perfecte... simularea realista a unei confruntari pe mare e foarte problematica in Warband iar ce am vazut in moduri pana acum nu prea m-a convins. De asta am preferat varianta super-continentului cu cat mai putina mare.

    Daca tu crezi ca putem insera satisfacator scripturile respective, putem face o astfel de harta fara probleme. De mapping ma pot ocupa eu, e partea de modding la care ma pricep probabil cel mai bine, daca avem un plan coerent in ceea ce priveste harta si stim exact *** vrem sa arate. Numai sa am o fereastra de timp liber.
  9. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [MOD] Light-Fantasy mod (The Eagle The Lion and the Auroch)

    Pentru mod-ul care sa reuneasca Tera Aeterna si Rise of Corvinia, sugerez titlul "The Eagle. The Lion and the Auroch". Adica "Acvila, Leul si Bourul", stemele celor trei tari romanesti: Valahia, Transilvania si Moldova, respectiv Vlahata, Corvinia si Bogdania. Pastram Saranids (turci/arabi), Khaergits (tatarii), Nords (vikingi/germani), eventual Swadians (habsburgi/boemieni). Ar trebui introdusi Slavs (rusi/polonezi) si eventual Arpadians (maghiarii/croatii), iar Amazoanele le intercalam intre Khaergits, Bogdania, Slavs si Nords. Ce ziceti?

    Titlul e foarte bun !!

    Uite propunerile mele care acopera si restul factiunilor din mod... Am sa astern aici gandurile mele cu privire la factiunile care deja exista in Terra Aeterna

    Vaegir Tzardom corespunde Taratul Rus, dar fara a se axa pe o perioada anume... (cu foarte multe tipuri de trupe, inclusiv multi "auxiliari" proveniti din diversele populatii supuse). In razboi cu Khazara Hetmanate si Swadia...
    Nordic Monarchy, vikingi, dar de ce nu si ceva saxoni ? In orice caz, o societate mai arhaica, mult diferita de cea a celorlalte regate. In razboi cu Vaegirs si Swadians.
    Swadian Kingdom Imperiul Romano-German, Habsburgi. Cea mai puternica factiune dar macinata de numeroase razboaie cu vecinii.
    Rhodok Confederacy dupa Venetia, Genova, statele italiene renascentiste. Orase state prospere, superioare din punct de vedere al organizarii fata de celelalte regate, conducere plutocratica, tendinte colonialiste si expansioniste (de aici razboiul cu Amazoanele).
    Khazara Hetmanate in principal dupa Ucraina (cazaci, infanterie usoara cu pusti, cavalerie usoara foarte buna), in principal dar si Lituania (arcasi buni, infanterie inarmata cu topoare). O factiune tanara, aflata in razboi cu Vaegir Tzardom de care de altfel s-a si rupt si cu ceilalti vecini. Factiunea aceasta poate fi imbunatatita mult cu material luat din With Fire and Sword...
    Sarranid Sultanate, arabi, e clar. In razboi cu Khergitii si cu Arzawa.
    Khergit Khanate, tatari, mai exact Khanatul Crimeei (cavalerie excelenta, arcasi calare, pusti putine, infanterie slaba).
    Khanate of Makaristan l-am gandit ca un regat al stepelor, dar diferit de Khergiti (un stat ceva mai elaborat si mai vechi), o combinatie intre Iranul Saffavid, Imperiul Khazar si Imperiul Otoman...
    Alderian Dukedome, Spania, indeosebi Spania secolului XVI.
    Arzawan Empire, fara corespondent in istoria lumii reale. Factiunea am gandit-o in principal in baza unui experiment de istorie alternativa: *** ar aratat statul antic Egiptean daca ar fi supravietuit pana in evul mediu.
    Longinault Knightly Order, dupa ordinele cavaleresti medievale.... i-as lasa asa, cu o armata foarte puternica, dar cu o raspandire pe intreaga harta, pentru ca sunt un ordin supra-national.
    Rhajate of Sindara , dupa Imperiul Vijayanagar, in primul rand, dar si dupa Imperiul Mughal.
    Amazon Queendom, aici avem doua variante. Fie le lasam asa, fie mergem pe o varianta mai "istorica". In cel din urma caz, ne-am putea inspira dupa Amazoanele de secol XVIII-XIX din regatul african Dahomey, dar ar fi complicat, caci ar trebui regandita si reschimbata total factiunea. Eu unul insa le-as lasa asa *** sunt.

    Bodgania, Corvinia, Vlahata, e clar :smile:. Cat priveste alte factiuni,

    Cat priveste harta, as merge pe urmatoarea idee:
    - un nucleu central inspirat in linii mari de relieful teritoriului Romaniei si unde sa fie localizate Bogdania, Corvinia si Vlahata.
    - restul hartii cred ca ar merge asa *** e....
    - cat priveste amazoanele, le-as lasa izolate pe harta oarecum de restul factiunilor, ceea ce ar explica exotismul lor fata de celalalte natiuni din Calradia.

    Ce parere ai ?

  10. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    I want to be a woman.

    A real historical female figure who lead men into battle and defended a castle around the timeframe F&S is set... 

    Also,  more read: (this chapter is about woman warriors from the late renaissance).

  11. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    Ce parere aveti despre With Fire&Sword?

    Din punctul meu de vedere, jocul este bun, dar nu se ridica la nivelul asteptarilor.

    In ciuda scenelor frumoase, a noilor misiuni si a graficii imbunatatite, impresia pe care am avut-o este de "mod istoric bun", nicidecum ca joc o noua expansiune.

    Un mare pas inapoi fata de Warband a fost eliminarea casatoriei. Prin eliminarea casatoriei si a "romantismului", atmosfera jocului s-a indepartat destul de mult fata de lumea descrisa in romanul lui Sienkiewicz, tocmai lumea pe care producatorii expansiunii voiau sa o emuleze. Scuzele oferite de producatori in acest sens, mi s-au parut total neconvingatoare, impresia mea e ca au grabit sa dea drumul cat mai repede posibil la joc fara sa le mai pese de acest detaliu.

    O alta ciudatenie este absenta tunurilor pe campul de lupta... Ok, inteleg ca sunt greu de facut, greu de realizat si inca si mai greu de echilibrat, dar daca comunitatea moderilor a reusit deja acest lucru, nu vad de ce producatorilor le-ar fi fost mai greu.

    Ar mai fi destul de spus, dar ma opresc, deocamdata, aici...
  12. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [MOD] Light-Fantasy mod (The Eagle The Lion and the Auroch)

    Exista scripturi care permit ca utilizarea unei armuri sau arme sa afecteze capacitatile jucatorului prin adaugarea unor atribute specifice armurii.... la un momentdat ma gandisem sa le si inserez, dar nu am indraznit de teama unor erori.

    As putea incerca sa le inserez si sa creez armuri grele care sa scada agilitatea... se poate ! :smile:
  13. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [S] Terra Aeterna for Warband 1.134 (BETA 0.50) ~~NEW~~

    Hail our Vlah mate !!!
    My mate and me added new faction(We changed that cossacks) in your mod.18 new troops, many armors,weapons...etc. Its in beta testing right now.If you wanna we can upload it when we are done....but we are thinking of adding 1 or 2 new factions and about 100 new weapons and armors.
    You did Vlahs very good, Nords also..when I think about it you did everything good.And yea We are thinking of making new If you could give us permission for using some of your things would be nice...Btw Im new here and thisis my 1 post so I rly dont have Idea how I add picture to my post... 
    P.S. In process i removed few minor bugs and added few options in dialogs.And cattle follows you now (so no more nerve meltdown for me and my mates ^^) 

    Hail to you :smile:

    My friends,
    Terra Aeterna is OPEN SOURCE. I have made this mod for fun, for the people who enjoyed it, and not for personal glory, so you can take free and use of this mod whatever you want, whatever you wish  :grin: and modify the mod on your taste, upload it, etc... that is why i included the Source also ! :wink:

    Can you PM me with the bugs you managed to solve and the new options in dialogues ? :smile:

    I have to say I truly enjoy this mod and especially the music. I've been copying the music over to my other mods and it just makes it more pleasurable. You did some great work with this mod Alex, it's provided me with many hours of enjoyment and once again THANK YOU

    Glad you like it ! :smile:
    Hope the next version will be even better :smile:
  14. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    Scut_balcanic sec.16

    Oricum ai facut o treaba excelenta :smile:
  15. Alexandru_cel_Mare

    [S] Terra Aeterna for Warband 1.134 (BETA 0.50) ~~NEW~~

    Gulchatay, your second screenshot (and first among the "funny ones" made me laugh almost all the day...  :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Cute, but I do not let them like that.  :twisted: I tweak them a bit with the editor... other horses and such.  :grin: I kinda hate when I look at my troops and see that their equipment is not uniform (same type of unit).  :mad:

    If you have some suggestions for troop equipment, i`ll be happy to introduce them in the next version...  :smile: So farr, i have changed myself a bit too the equipment of the Knightly Order as well as that of the Household Swadian Knights...  All factions will have some changes regarding the looks, and there will be LODs for every item.

    BTW,in my campaign game,now i'm a mercenary too. I was a vassal of the Dukedom of alderia,but they tired me. I've slayed thousand of amazon and rhodok  :cool:

    Alderians are strong, but they are evenly matched with the Arzawans... :smile:
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