Recent content by Al_Mansur

  1. Al_Mansur

    I uninstalled Bannerlord today.

    Uninstalled it long ago. Lost all hype then all hope. Cancelled all my modding projects.
    Bannerlord is a disaster. Mount&Blade is over.
  2. Al_Mansur

    Avenir et ambitions

    Liste des downgrades du multi par rapport à Warband :
    • plus de profils
    • plus de pseudos
    • plus possible de choisir son camp
    • plus de bannière/blason perso
    • plus de choix de l'équipement, des classes et "perks" pourris à la place
    • plus de dégâts calculés en fonction des zones touchées, une seule et même valeur pour tout le corps
    • plus de dynamisme/réactivité car délais avant chaque coups/parades
    • plus de mode bataille
    • plus de mode deathmatch
    • plus de serveurs non officiels
    • des barrières invisibles partout
    • système de matchmaking tout pété
    • déconnexion du serveur après chaque partie
    • probable système de skins payants à venir donc modding au minimum sévèrement bridé
    C'est tellement gros qu'on pourrait croire à du troll de la part de Taleworlds envers la communauté multi.
  3. Al_Mansur

    taleworlds, why do you force a inferior version of MP on your playerbase?

    remove frustrating, limiting attack/block delay
    remove terrible new class system, add warbands, it was better
    add battlemode
    Clear and simple. 100% agree.
  4. Al_Mansur

    MP Medieval Twilight of Chivalry - 15th Century Medieval Experience

    @Terco_Viejo First I'll make a sword but I think it's enough huge so that you can slice heads
  5. Al_Mansur

    game dead lol

    A disaster.
  6. Al_Mansur

    I love BannerLord.

    Are all those players who stopped playing (look at the Steam stats) "elitists from Warband"?
  7. Al_Mansur

    after 550 hours of multiplayer, I uninstalled

    I am impressed that you had the patience to play so many hours. I stopped after like 50 hours.
    Class system. The biggest abomination I have ever seen out in any video game I have played in multiplayer.
    Very well put.
  8. Al_Mansur

    What do u think is missing for this game to have a soul?

    It has to do with the lack of atmosphere that Warband also suffered from.
  9. Al_Mansur

    RIP MP

    Soon someone will say we are intentionally trying to kill it :smile:
    That's precisely what I've started to wonder. I can't believe that a dev team can make such absurd, insane, devastating decisions not on purpose.
    Now the question is, why would they do that? Console? This would only explain a few of the terrible decisions. Maybe some kind of agreement with other companies which were afraid Bannerlord MP would have too much success and overshadow other MP games? Like "focus on SP and make it as good as you wish but let us the MP domain". I know it sounds totally delusional... but how they ruined the MP is delusional too.
  10. Al_Mansur

    Bannerlord major fall on Steam most played games

    Multiplayer is so boring that it's almost empty now. I stopped playing weeks ago. Warband MP was way, way better.
  11. Al_Mansur

    RIP MP

    The class system harms the MP way more than the bad combat imo.
  12. Al_Mansur

    RIP MP

    Didn't touch this game for a month.
  13. Al_Mansur

    WHY is the class system staying?

    I had favorite loadouts in Warband but didn't always choose them. Even if I did, I would have been frustrated if I couldn't change it. Even with my fav loadouts I liked slight variations from time to time, like a different helmet, etc.
    There is nothing to back up this horrible restrictive premade class system outside of Captain mode.
  14. Al_Mansur

    WHY is the class system staying?

    How can one assume that people will prefer restriction over freedom? It's beyond me.
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