Recent content by AC_BorryKean

  1. AC_BorryKean

    Milites Fortunae Sunday Mod Events -Bear Force II

    Clan name: AC
    Clan banner(if any): --
    Expected attendance: ~8
    Preferred Factions: Lawmen/USA
    Preferred Roles: Cav if possible, infantry if not
    Steam profile link of leader & co-leader: You have me
    I have read and agree with the rules: Yes
  2. AC_BorryKean

    Milites Fortunae Sunday Mod Events -Bear Force II

    Clan name: AC
    Clan banner(if any): --
    Expected attendance: ~6
    Preferred Factions: Any
    Preferred Roles: inf
    Steam profile link of leader & co-leader: You have me
    I have read and agree with the rules: yes
  3. AC_BorryKean

    Milites Fortunae Sunday Mod Events -Bear Force II

    Clan name: AC
    Clan banner(if any): --
    Expected attendance: ~8
    Preferred Factions: The Roman Empire
    Preferred Roles: Infantry
    Steam profile link of leader & co-leader:
    You have me :smile:
    I have read and agree with the rules: Yes
  4. AC_BorryKean

    Milites Fortunae Sunday Mod Events -Bear Force II

    Clan name: AC
    Clan banner(if any): --
    Expected attendance: 8-10
    Preferred Factions: HRE/Poland
    Preferred Roles: Infantry
    Steam profile link of leader & co-leader: you have me :smile:
    I have read and agree with the rules: Yes
  5. AC_BorryKean

    Milites Fortunae Sunday Mod Events -Bear Force II

    Clan name: AC
    Clan banner(if any): --
    Expected attendance: ~10
    Preferred Factions: England
    Preferred Roles: English Knights
    Steam profile link of leader & co-leader: You have us :smile:
    I have read and agree with the rules: Yes
  6. AC_BorryKean

    [AC] Arma Dei Carabinieri - Nei Secoli Fedele!

    L'Arma dei Carabinieri è ancora attiva! Se vuoi entrare a farne parte, contattami su Steam

    Abbiamo quattro reparti:

    1º Reggimento "Real Carabinieri"

    4º Reggimento "Carabinieri a Cavallo"

    Guardia Pontificia

    Real Fucilieri San Marco


    Hostiamo due eventi AC:



    Se volete partecipare, siete benvenuti!


    P.S.... La nostra pagina Instagram!
  7. AC_BorryKean

    [AC] Arma Dei Carabinieri - Nei Secoli Fedele!

    Nel 1814, dopo il ritorno di Vittorio Emanuele I in Piemonte vengono istituite le Regie Patenti, grazie alle quali nasce il Corpo dei Reali Carabinieri. Nel 1815 entra in azione per la prima volta con una carica contro le forze francesi a Grenoble, dando lustro alle forze piemontesi di supporto...
  8. AC_BorryKean

    Milites Fortunae Sunday Mod Events -Bear Force II

    Clan name: AC
    Clan banner(if any): --
    Expected attendance: ~10
    Preferred Factions: Populares
    Preferred Roles: Roman Infantry
    Steam profile link of leader & co-leader: You have me :smile:
    I have read and agree with the rules: Yes
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