Snortoga's Chosen [NA]

We are a NA community with several EU and SA members. We have been active since 2010 and have stuck together since. We have an active group of players and invite you to be a part of them.

Quick Overview

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Formerly the 8th Kings Regiment of Foot, we have been playing Warband for 8+ years and want to grow our community in Bannerlord. We welcome you to join us!

We started playing as a community in 2010 on the mod Mount & Musket. At the time we focused on having a regiment that can be serious but also have fun playing the game.

In April of 2012 we moved our regiment to the DLC "Napoleonic Wars" and shifted our focus onto melee and drill. We believe that your melee should be at an excellent level, along with your drill, but like most things we don't expect everyone to be a melee god at the beginning, so we will make sure to teach you everything we have learned in the last 8 years. We also firmly believe that this is still a video game and the number one purpose is to have fun. We pride ourselves on having created a balance between competitiveness and goofing off.

Today, we still maintain a strong community of gamers ready to begin again in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord.

If you would like to join our long standing community and play a variety of games which of course includes Bannerlord, please add one of our officers on Steam or send a PM on the forums!

High Chief Jorge
War Chief Alcaro
Captain Wuzzy

Plans for Bannerlord
With Bannerlord soon to be released we are eager to begin the next chapter in our community's history. This includes forming a clan in Bannerlord. While we were formerly a NW regiment we affirm that our skills and disciplined drill will carry over to Bannerlord. In addition, many of our members have experience in Native shieldbattles and so we will not find ourselves lacking the tactical know-how. Our chosen faction to main is Battania and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Past that, we expect to join the next Napoleonic Wars scene but will continue to be active in Bannerlord's native module.

Past that, we can only offer you to join us and experience this next chapter for yourselves!

Staff member

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