Need More Info From tactical view to actual battle i cannot use mouse or give orders

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: From troop deployment i press ready, but cannot mouselook or give orders, or attack. I was helping an army. You can see the mousepointer.
How to Reproduce: No idea
Have you used cheats and if so which:no
Scene Name (if related):battlefield
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
GPU:RTx 2060
GPU Driver Version:
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):SSD
How common are you able to reproduce this issue? Is it happening every battle you play?

I had it around 5 times over the past 2 years. (I didn't play constantly) I think the last time it has something to do with me using commands whilst pressing 'ready'. But i'm not sure. It was not a big thing. But i can imagine becoming a big thing if you really need to win the battle, and you can't. Imagine palying Ironman, and this is the be all end all for your game. And not being able to order troops or fight, or leave the scene.
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I just had this problem for the second time. Really annoying, because there is no way to save the game. All the progress lost.
Like the OG report, I would say this may have to do with a race condition when pressing "Ready" while issuing commands in tactical mode.

Not cool.

Edit: seriously not cool, just lost 20 minutes of my time.
This does not just affect ironman mode.
There should at least be a way to save progress before being forced to exit to main menu without saving.
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I just had this problem for the second time. Really annoying, because there is no way to save the game. All the progress lost.
Like the OG report, I would say this may have to do with a race condition when pressing "Ready" while issuing commands in tactical mode.

Not cool.

Edit: seriously not cool, just lost 20 minutes of my time.
This does not just affect ironman mode.
There should at least be a way to save progress before being forced to exit to main menu without saving.

Wow, this bug is still open?
Wow, this bug is still open?
Yep :smile: I get it every day I play, sometimes twice a day.

Always involving a number of troops on my side that allows for battle orders before the battle. Never when there are fewer troops than 20 in my party. There is some race condition in the code.

Taleworlds, you show UI that allows starting the battle before something important (like maybe player controller for the battle) is loaded in. And then it is never loaded in, and we are stuck with only directional controls on the keyboard (functional keys do nothing, so I can't even tell my troops to take care of things), mouse sensor stuck in tactical command mode.
Even if the battle is won by my bots, I cannot exit the damn battle because Tab doesn't work.

Not saving the game before every battle is not an option anymore. Saving before battle used to be for carebears. Now it is for brave people, insane even, who are not afraid to take the chance that their hours worth of progress will be nullified.

Edit: ok, this is unplayable. Either fix this bug or at least, as a workaround, implement an option to autosave before battle, so I don't have to remember that.
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I got it once in a week of playing on PC, in a Varcheg siege. Thankfully I save before each battle, and repeated attack went in ok in this regard. Now, there were stuck unreachable defenders in the scene after we won, but that's another story.
Ok, I seem to be able to reproduce it now by doing this:

1. Have more than 20 troops (to force tactical phase to trigger), and attack another party. Right now I have only archers in the party, that may or may not be important.
2. In tactical prep stage, press F2-F3 (loose formation)
3. Press Ready

Actually, since I saved just before the fight, it always breaks now. Whatever I do, I found another party to attack, this problem appears.
Yep, save file got fracked apparently. Nice result after just finishing 250 in crossbow and starting to recruit troops :smile:

You should really take this bug more seriously, Taleworlds.
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