Need More Info Moving troops bug

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Summary: When i move troops and sell stuff i jump to the top. Happens most when i move troops or prisoners. When i try and use the slide bar but also move induviduall troops in the bottom
How to Reproduce:
Have you used cheats and if so which: Yes for marriage and getting troops
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Computer Specs:
OS: win 11
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I have this computor: Katana gf66 11ue
Also...I'm finding I have "masterwork" smithing weapons that do not have the stats reported on creation. Post creation of a =11 blade indicates 100 damage, but it tourns out to be less. I've smithed hundreds of long falx 2 handed blades 117 length without improvements. without improvement: length 117, 84speed, swing cut damage 94 & 86 Handling
sometimes I get a Swing cut damage of 100 or 101, I write down the damage as the name as that is a special sword, and reported results and found results are not the same, damage is often listed as 95 or 96.
I use Long falx blade, T3 pointed western guard at about 32%, T3 iron and leather bound 1 hand grip at about 50%, T 4 holed pommel at about 20%.

Please fix this. It is embarrassing to play a game so messed up.

Also please Fix the new jumping around in the exchange menus of goods, weapons & troops. This is new and not good.
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