Battle Recording and Review System

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I would really love to see a feature where you can record battle replays (for me specifically in single player) and be able to watch them in a spectator like mode afterward. That means being able to free roam the battleground, lock on to any soldier/character, change replay speed, etc in a way similar to what we find in Total War. I think this could open a big door for content creators as well as be something that draws more players in.

I am not sure how difficult that would be to implement, but I would love to watch myself from different angles after I participated in a large battle or siege. Imagine watching yourself run towards the wall of a castle you are besieging from the perspective of an enemy. Ever killed someone on their horse by throwing an axe at them while they are riding at you full-speed? What would that look like from their first-person perspective? Wouldn't it be fun to watch you slow motion duel an enemy on Bannerlord difficulty? See the blocks and hits and such.

Overall it is something I wish I could do. Not sure if others share the same sentiment, but I don't think it would be a harmful feature to have.
they showed this system working in 2015.
It's great that you can do that on private server multiplayer matches. I said I want to see it in single player. Am I missing something? Does that feature already exist and if so how do I use it?
Any guess as to why it isn't accessible to players?
There may have been changes to other parts of the game code that caused issues with it, or its not in a state that TW deems release-worthy.
guess they could also be holding it back for full release, but that seems far fetched.
Or they just don't care about it anymore, which seems most likely.
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