Resolved AI don't do anything with bandit hideouts

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: AI doesn't do anything about bandit bases, allowing looters and bandits to run wild in territory not occupied by the player.
How to Reproduce: Play a campaign
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Scene Name (if related): Main scene
Media (Screenshots & Video): N/A - just play a campaign, there ends up being hideouts all over the map.
Computer Specs: Not relevant
AI parties do not clear the hideouts as the player does. You won't be seeing any parties engage in hideout battles. But there is a small chance of the hideout being destroyed after any AI vs Looter battles.
AI parties do not clear the hideouts as the player does. You won't be seeing any parties engage in hideout battles. But there is a small chance of the hideout being destroyed after any AI vs Looter battles.

That's not a resolution though. If the player is the only way to remove hideouts, and hideouts spawn bandits and looters, the entire map is going to be overrun, at all times.

Then pair that with your party members never actually spawning in your own settlements - they spawn somewhere else in your Kingdom based on their culture - when you ask them to form a party, it triggers this loop of the party member leaving the settlement on their own and getting almost instantly captured.

AI most definitely should be clearing out hideouts...

Either that, or hideouts should be as rare as NPC death rate!
It is not.
That's not really saying "It's not" when you're gambling on a small chance for AI to defeat looters that they largely ignore anyway.
Hideouts are a massive issue late game because any non-player area of the map is literally swarmed with looters, bandits, and about 10 hideouts for each region.
It needs fixing.
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