The_Ludus | | Updated to 1.170

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hey guys. I was wondering if the scripts used for the ft7 feature were accessible by public or not. If so, where can I find them?

I'm from Iran so many of my friends have high ping on Ludus and we can't really enjoy the game there. it would amazing if we could use these cool features on our own server with lower ping.
hey guys. I was wondering if the scripts used for the ft7 feature were accessible by public or not. If so, where can I find them?

I'm from Iran so many of my friends have high ping on Ludus and we can't really enjoy the game there. it would amazing if we could use these cool features on our own server with lower ping.
PM M, he will most likely give you the files.
Basically the announcement in red chat gets constantly announced filling the chat
Edit: I know its quite the retarded explanation, but it happens constantly
^ This, I was on yesterday and it wasn't there but for a good month or two, it was present on the server. The announcement was spammed once every two seconds so a quarter of your screen is filled with red constantly
Because the information about scening for Ludus is hard to find ( redirects to Patreon), I have decided to save it for us here in this post:
For the OG feeling you can also compare my source:

I. General
0 - 39 -> Regular duel spawns (no horses, no ranged, no armour)
40 - 47 -> Shield duel spawns (no horses, no ranged)
48 - 55 -> Ranged fighting area (no horses)
56 - 63 -> Normal combat area, no restrictions
70 - 79 -> Teleport spots

II. Special Entry Points
0 -> start point, all players spawn here on entering the server
1 - 4 -> Bot spawn locations
Addition of me:
1: Kradus
2: Xerina
3: Dranton
4. Ramun

III. Additions on Respawning
You always spawn at the nearest entry point in the range 0-63.
If you want to make different areas (such as shield duelling etc...), ensure to put any barriers that you want separating them exactly in between spawn points. Moving spawn points to either side of any objects acting as barriers is an easy way of doing this. Otherwise players may spawn with the wrong equipment in the area they are in.

IV. Point On Teleporting
When teleported players are always sent to the nearest teleport spot, if they are teleported while too close to a teleport spot they jump to the next nearest instead.
This confused me but it makes sense when you remind yourself of the forced teleport that happens whenever you come too close to a fight.

V. Special Props
skeleton_head -> Hit to respawn (includes horse)
smithy_anvil -> Hit to toggle first to seven mode
!!! pointer arrow -> Sets the z level of the death zone, causes damage to any players beneath it !!! It is necessary to do this on every scene. Place the pointer arrow on the hight of the scene where you want people to die.
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