It has been 355 days since the release of this game and Siege battles still do not work

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The last major update we got regarding sieges was the upcoming Keep battles, but we have had no mention of it in the latest updates and siege towers and ladders are sill pointless to use. Defenders still swarm the ramps and when the tower is pushed to the wall 1 guy is able to drop the ramp. This needs to be improved substantially as Siege Battles are one of the best aspects of medieval battles.
Don't forget you can order your men around, just like on a normal battlefield. My sieges work great tbh. Only one in 50 sieges have people not climbed the ladders or siege towers, and I realized I needed to give them an order, and they climbed up...
The climbing is also not a problem anymore. The behaviour of the soldiers is what I'm concerned with. On a siege tower the defenders will overrun the tower. Men on ladders can be struck down by defenders from three sides/angles when they reach the top. It's just a massacre which you only overcome by a lot more troops and Archers which shots the Pulk of the defense ai down. Best way in most sieges is still the front gate. But if you are fighting against defenders with mangoels, your ram will be destroyed by two shots of it and than you can choose to reload or hack down the first gate yourself( throwing axes does 200 dmg lol)
Don't forget you can order your men around, just like on a normal battlefield. My sieges work great tbh. Only one in 50 sieges have people not climbed the ladders or siege towers, and I realized I needed to give them an order, and they climbed up...
That has not been my experience. I will have 50 men standing around the ladders and ONE will climb up. Then maybe two minutes later someone else will climb up. Technically they are going up the ladders, but most of them just stand around.

It some battle scenes men will use both ladders at each assault points and stream up the walls. In other battle scenes the attackers will stand around in a a large clump and do nothing. I have not been able to determine what the difference is.
Siege defense AI is unfortunately quite broken too. They simply ignore your presence if you stand somewhere they spawn and where they're instructed to go (usually defending a ladder or tower) so you can chop them when they try passing by you. Quite determined folks they are for the task they're given.
Yes especially defenders just standing behind the main gate. You can walk around them and smack them from behind. It's not that bad in my opinion tho. From my experience the AI troops fight reasonably well. Not too good but not too bad either. I can see the AI being improved in the future, so I'm not too worried about it either.
siege is confusing but there are ways around it.

first. the troop number calculation gives defenders 100% advantage. meaning they'll have twice as many troops in combat as they would in a field battle based on the relative troop count of each army. example. if you have 1000 troops attacking and they have 1000 defending . and the battle size is 1000. in a field battle 500 would spawn for each side. but in a siege. only 333 would spawn for the attackers and 667 would spawn for the defender. meaning it's necessary to bring twice as many men as you think you need. usually i bring 4-5 times enemy troops at least so we outnumber them at least 2 to 1 in the siege.

then you need to worry about the siege method. do you wanna just send men into the meat grinder, or do you wanna bombard them for months and starve them to death first. or maybe something in between, you wanna be quick but don't wanna lose that many men.

personally i like the third method. which means i need lots of archers. i like using mercenaries that have lots of ranged like the brotherhood of the woods, or the company of the boar, or the karakhuzaits... this way i don't have to use my own troops lol. before you go in, make sure the enemy has no defensive siege units on their walls. bomb them all down with yours.

then, there's the siege itself. you have to get around the dumb ass ai. which automatically goes to suicide. it's a speed test for your fingers. there's a way but you have to reorganize your groups. and send all your melee as far away from the wall as possible. while having your archers shoot at theirs. you personally need to do a lot of shooting here also. if you did everything right. you should have a few catapults working as well as more than double the archers of the enemies. with good marksmanship and deep quivers you could personally take out 30-50 enemies from range. and once you've taken down almost all the enemy archers, you commence the push.

have your infantry now march under the ladders, no need for siege tower. and the enemy infantry would now come up to the wall and match yours. keep shooting them with your archers, they'll have shields up but will still die to attacks. once your army is out of ammo. attack from all sides.
siege is confusing but there are ways around it.

first. the troop number calculation gives defenders 100% advantage. meaning they'll have twice as many troops in combat as they would in a field battle based on the relative troop count of each army. example. if you have 1000 troops attacking and they have 1000 defending . and the battle size is 1000. in a field battle 500 would spawn for each side. but in a siege. only 333 would spawn for the attackers and 667 would spawn for the defender. meaning it's necessary to bring twice as many men as you think you need. usually i bring 4-5 times enemy troops at least so we outnumber them at least 2 to 1 in the siege.

then you need to worry about the siege method. do you wanna just send men into the meat grinder, or do you wanna bombard them for months and starve them to death first. or maybe something in between, you wanna be quick but don't wanna lose that many men.

personally i like the third method. which means i need lots of archers. i like using mercenaries that have lots of ranged like the brotherhood of the woods, or the company of the boar, or the karakhuzaits... this way i don't have to use my own troops lol. before you go in, make sure the enemy has no defensive siege units on their walls. bomb them all down with yours.

then, there's the siege itself. you have to get around the dumb ass ai. which automatically goes to suicide. it's a speed test for your fingers. there's a way but you have to reorganize your groups. and send all your melee as far away from the wall as possible. while having your archers shoot at theirs. you personally need to do a lot of shooting here also. if you did everything right. you should have a few catapults working as well as more than double the archers of the enemies. with good marksmanship and deep quivers you could personally take out 30-50 enemies from range. and once you've taken down almost all the enemy archers, you commence the push.

have your infantry now march under the ladders, no need for siege tower. and the enemy infantry would now come up to the wall and match yours. keep shooting them with your archers, they'll have shields up but will still die to attacks. once your army is out of ammo. attack from all sides.
Yes commander!
Thank you explaining the troop numbers calculation, I didn't know about that.
Just a side note but starvation is not really working currently and should be fixed in the coming patch.
Then, hopefully the starvation method will allow to weaken the garrison before the final assault.
Yes everyone, still on the countdown as we have now reached 400 days since release and siege is still broke. But also they have been patching and updating this game for at least 2,288 hrs since release. 2,000 hrs! Yes you heard me correctly, and that's not taking into account any weekends they might have been putting in.

I feel like the forums are slowly taking action against TW and I for one couldn't be more proud for those who have taken the red pill and have seen this game and developer for what it is.
the devs seem hardworking and passionated enough about the game, the problem must be with management then, sieges are 1/3 of the game and being broken for more than a year is unacceptable, this should be top priority for real just like they patched the gamebreaking issues like crazy in the first weeks/months of release.
I think they alredy received the message, from many places. There is no need to continue making these identical posts every other day.
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