In Progress animation of throwing spear without actual throw

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Summary: animation of throwing spear happening without actual throw (during quick switching to other weapon)
How to Reproduce: dont know
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Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10
GPU: gigabyte gtx1070
GPU Driver Version:
CPU: i7-6700k
RAM: 32gb
Motherboard: asus z170i pro gaming
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): ssd samsung galaxy 970 evo 256gb

look how at 0:55 i have sword, shield, javelins, throwing spear (so all slots taken) - i throwed spear and immediately have one more on my back.
Thx to Silvernj, as he mentioned, the throw didn't actually happened, because of quick switch to other weapon. So its a bug of animation happening without actual throwing.
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You didnt actually throw it, the first spear wasnt at the ground. The bug is - you can cancel throwing if you switch to another weapon after throwing animation started
You didnt actually throw it, the first spear wasnt at the ground. The bug is - you can cancel throwing if you switch to another weapon after throwing animation started
Didnt even notice this, thx for explanation. But still kinda weird bug)

P.S. edited the bug description, thx to Silvernj
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