Information about developments at snowballing problem

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This is latest first 10 year's war / peace data from 1.5.11's one sample run (1.5.10 would be different, this data is after latest changes).
Anyone interested can make examinations over this data. I did not calculated mean / median of war durations but it can be about 35.

w / p : war or peace
se, we, ne, as, st, kh, bt, st : factions
at peace lines there is a number at rightmost this is tribute amount will be payed from first faction to second faction

start, w, asxse
start, w, khxne
start, w, btxwe
start, w, vlxst

1084 (5 declerations)
aut08, p, sexas, 1220
aut12, p, btxwe, 910
aut16, w, wexse
win13, w, btxvl
win19, p, btxvl, -1800

1085 (20 declerations)
spr05, w, asxkh
spr06, p, khxne, 700
spr06, p, vlxst, -210
spr08, w, stxne
spr15, w, btxst
spr19, w, vlxwe
spr20, p, sexwe, -2920
sum03, p, btxst, -760
sum12, w, sexne
sum13, p, stxne, -1580
sum15, w, btxwe
sum21, p, btxwe, -660
aut18, w, stxse
aut18, p, nexse, -3390
aut19, w, nexwe
aut19, p, wexvl, 1830
win05, w, btxst
win16, w, vlxbt
win17, p, stxse, 1000
win18, p, stxbt, 670

1086 (22 declerations)
spr04, p, asxkh, -290
spr14, w, khxne
spr15, p, nexwe, 740
spr15, w, sexas
spr20, w, wexbt
spr21, p, vlxbt, -3400
sum05, p, sexas, 1550
sum09, w, sexne
sum12, w, stxkh
sum13, p, nexkh, -770
aut01, w, wexse
aut02, p, btxwe, -1120
aut02, p, nexse, -3150
aut04, w, btxvl
aut05, w, nexwe
win03, w, asxse
win05, p, sexwe, -1050
win11, p, stxkh, 0
win17, w, stxbt
win17, p, vlxbt, -3210
win19, w, khxne
win20, p, nexwe, 1180

1087 (16 declerations)
spr11, w, wexvl
sum03, p, sexas, 0
sum11, p, stxbt, 1480
sum13, w, btxvl
sum16, p, vlxwe, -380
sum19, w, sexne
aut02, p, khxne, -1670
aut08, w, khxst
aut12, w, asxse
aut13, p, wexbt
aut13, p, sexne, 1530
aut15, p, vlxbt, -2780
aut15, w, nexst
win03, p, khxst, -590
win06, w, vlxwe
win07, p, wexbt, -370

1088 (19 declerations)
spr05, p, asxse, 1100
spr10, w, btxne
spr11, p, stxne, -2220
spr11, w, btxvl
spr12, w, khxst
spr13, p, wexvl, -1110
sum01, w, wexne
sum03, p, btxne, -1000
aut03, p, stxkh, 1280
aut13, w, sexwe
aut14, p, nexwe, 240
aut19, w, khxse
aut21, p, wexse, -1050
win02, w, asxse
win08, w, nexst
win09, p, vlxbt, -2370
win14, p, sexkh, 1970
win18, w, wexne
win19, w, vlxwe

1089 (21 declerations)
spr05, p, nexwe, 1180
spr05, p, sexas, 340
spr10, w, khxne
spr12, w, sexne
spr13, p, sexne, -2070
spr13, p, stxne, -1830
spr21, w, stxkh
sum03, w, btxvl
sum14, w, sexwe
sum16, p, wexvl, -440
aut08, w, asxse
aut09, p, wexse, -3750
aut12, p, stxkh, 1440
aut15, w, wexbt
aut16, p, vlxbt, -2220
win02, w, stxbt
win06, p, btxst, 740
win09, p, khxne, -370
win13, w, nexst
win15, p, wexbt, -2470
win19, p, asxse, 570

1090 (25 declerations)
spr10, w, wexne
spr11, p, stxne, -330
spr21, w, btxst
spr21, w, sexwe
sum07, p, wexne, -1310
sum11, w, vlxwe
sum15, w, nexse
sum15, w, asxse
sum15, w, vlxbt
sum15, p, stxbt, -3230
sum16, p, nexse, -1490
sum17, w, nexbt
sum17, p, sexwe, -700
aut05, w, khxas
aut06, p, sexas, -3310
aut08, p, vlxbt, -2750
aut19, w, stxkh
win02, w, sexkh
win04, w, sexne
win04, p, btxne, -1250
win05, w, btxwe
win07, p, khxst, 1360
win13, p, khxse, -230
win16, p, wexbt, -230
win18, w, stxse

1091 (26 declerations)
spr03, w, btxvl
spr05, p, wexvl, -740
spr10, w, wexse
spr11, p, nexse, -1590
spr14, w, nexwe
spr17, p, wexse, -1180
sum06, p, khxas, -1120
sum14, w, khxse
sum15, w, asxse
sum15, p, asxse, -2450
sum16, p, stxse, -1470
sum19, w, stxne
sum21, p, wexne, -2370
aut07, w, wexse
aut18, p, sexkh, 1650
aut18, w, khxst
aut20, p, vlxbt, -2650
win08, w, btxst
win08, p, nexst, -2750
win09, w, nexbt
win10, p, stxbt, -1130
win12, w, asxkh
win12, p, stxkh, -690
win13, w, vlxwe
win17, p, wexse, 510
win19, w, nexwe

1092 (9 declerations)
spr03, p, btxne, 0
spr08, w, sexne
spr08, w, btxvl
spr09, p, nexwe, 810
spr16, w, stxne
sum05, p, nexse, 0
sum06, p, vlxwe, 680
sum13, w, wexse
win11, p, nexst, -450

1093 (9 declerations)
spr01, p, vlxbt, -2520
spr09, w, nexwe
spr10, p, wexse, -2000
spr20, w, btxst
spr21, w, vlxwe
sum03, p, wexne, 140
sum11, w, nexse
win11, p, nexse, -830

1094 (6 declerations 1/4 year)
spr01, p, stxbt, 2570
spr02, w, btxvl
spr03, w, sexwe
spr03, p, vlxwe, -2930
spr04, w, nexst
spr18, p, asxkh, 410

total declerations : 178 (10 years)
average declerations per year : 17.8

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So I guess it would be fitting to rename what BL calls a "war" to a skirmish, and rename "peace" a ceasefire, cauze I guess wars and peace declarations are events that don't happen that frequently in real life. Thank you for your insight Mexxico.
So I guess it would be fitting to rename what BL calls a "war" to a skirmish, and rename "peace" a ceasefire, cauze I guess wars and peace declarations are events that don't happen that frequently in real life. Thank you for your insight Mexxico.

Yes, it could be better to lower number of war / peace declerations below 100 for first ten years. Otherwise wars are like small events and peaces are like breaks between these events. Even 100 declerations in 10 years seem unrealistic however this will be acceptable. Number of declerations in first 10 years was about 200-220 before latest changes (upcoming 1.5.10 and before)
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This is latest first 10 year's war / peace data from 1.5.11's one sample run (1.5.10 would be different, this data is after latest changes).
Anyone interested can make examinations over this data. I did not calculated mean / median of war durations but it can be about 35.

w / p : war or peace
se, we, ne, as, st, kh, bt, st : factions
at peace lines there is a number at rightmost this is tribute amount will be payed from first faction to second faction

start, w, asxse
start, w, khxne
start, w, btxwe
start, w, vlxst

1084 (5 declerations)
aut08, p, sexas, 1220
aut12, p, btxwe, 910
aut16, w, wexse
win13, w, btxvl
win19, p, btxvl, -1800

1085 (20 declerations)
spr05, w, asxkh
spr06, p, khxne, 700
spr06, p, vlxst, -210
spr08, w, stxne
spr15, w, btxst
spr19, w, vlxwe
spr20, p, sexwe, -2920
sum03, p, btxst, -760
sum12, w, sexne
sum13, p, stxne, -1580
sum15, w, btxwe
sum21, p, btxwe, -660
aut18, w, stxse
aut18, p, nexse, -3390
aut19, w, nexwe
aut19, p, wexvl, 1830
win05, w, btxst
win16, w, vlxbt
win17, p, stxse, 1000
win18, p, stxbt, 670

1086 (22 declerations)
spr04, p, asxkh, -290
spr14, w, khxne
spr15, p, nexwe, 740
spr15, w, sexas
spr20, w, wexbt
spr21, p, vlxbt, -3400
sum05, p, sexas, 1550
sum09, w, sexne
sum12, w, stxkh
sum13, p, nexkh, -770
aut01, w, wexse
aut02, p, btxwe, -1120
aut02, p, nexse, -3150
aut04, w, btxvl
aut05, w, nexwe
win03, w, asxse
win05, p, sexwe, -1050
win11, p, stxkh, 0
win17, w, stxbt
win17, p, vlxbt, -3210
win19, w, khxne
win20, p, nexwe, 1180

1087 (16 declerations)
spr11, w, wexvl
sum03, p, sexas, 0
sum11, p, stxbt, 1480
sum13, w, btxvl
sum16, p, vlxwe, -380
sum19, w, sexne
aut02, p, khxne, -1670
aut08, w, khxst
aut12, w, asxse
aut13, p, wexbt
aut13, p, sexne, 1530
aut15, p, vlxbt, -2780
aut15, w, nexst
win03, p, khxst, -590
win06, w, vlxwe
win07, p, wexbt, -370

1088 (19 declerations)
spr05, p, asxse, 1100
spr10, w, btxne
spr11, p, stxne, -2220
spr11, w, btxvl
spr12, w, khxst
spr13, p, wexvl, -1110
sum01, w, wexne
sum03, p, btxne, -1000
aut03, p, stxkh, 1280
aut13, w, sexwe
aut14, p, nexwe, 240
aut19, w, khxse
aut21, p, wexse, -1050
win02, w, asxse
win08, w, nexst
win09, p, vlxbt, -2370
win14, p, sexkh, 1970
win18, w, wexne
win19, w, vlxwe

1089 (21 declerations)
spr05, p, nexwe, 1180
spr05, p, sexas, 340
spr10, w, khxne
spr12, w, sexne
spr13, p, sexne, -2070
spr13, p, stxne, -1830
spr21, w, stxkh
sum03, w, btxvl
sum14, w, sexwe
sum16, p, wexvl, -440
aut08, w, asxse
aut09, p, wexse, -3750
aut12, p, stxkh, 1440
aut15, w, wexbt
aut16, p, vlxbt, -2220
win02, w, stxbt
win06, p, btxst, 740
win09, p, khxne, -370
win13, w, nexst
win15, p, wexbt, -2470
win19, p, asxse, 570

1090 (25 declerations)
spr10, w, wexne
spr11, p, stxne, -330
spr21, w, btxst
spr21, w, sexwe
sum07, p, wexne, -1310
sum11, w, vlxwe
sum15, w, nexse
sum15, w, asxse
sum15, w, vlxbt
sum15, p, stxbt, -3230
sum16, p, nexse, -1490
sum17, w, nexbt
sum17, p, sexwe, -700
aut05, w, khxas
aut06, p, sexas, -3310
aut08, p, vlxbt, -2750
aut19, w, stxkh
win02, w, sexkh
win04, w, sexne
win04, p, btxne, -1250
win05, w, btxwe
win07, p, khxst, 1360
win13, p, khxse, -230
win16, p, wexbt, -230
win18, w, stxse

1091 (26 declerations)
spr03, w, btxvl
spr05, p, wexvl, -740
spr10, w, wexse
spr11, p, nexse, -1590
spr14, w, nexwe
spr17, p, wexse, -1180
sum06, p, khxas, -1120
sum14, w, khxse
sum15, w, asxse
sum15, p, asxse, -2450
sum16, p, stxse, -1470
sum19, w, stxne
sum21, p, wexne, -2370
aut07, w, wexse
aut18, p, sexkh, 1650
aut18, w, khxst
aut20, p, vlxbt, -2650
win08, w, btxst
win08, p, nexst, -2750
win09, w, nexbt
win10, p, stxbt, -1130
win12, w, asxkh
win12, p, stxkh, -690
win13, w, vlxwe
win17, p, wexse, 510
win19, w, nexwe

1092 (9 declerations)
spr03, p, btxne, 0
spr08, w, sexne
spr08, w, btxvl
spr09, p, nexwe, 810
spr16, w, stxne
sum05, p, nexse, 0
sum06, p, vlxwe, 680
sum13, w, wexse
win11, p, nexst, -450

1093 (9 declerations)
spr01, p, vlxbt, -2520
spr09, w, nexwe
spr10, p, wexse, -2000
spr20, w, btxst
spr21, w, vlxwe
sum03, p, wexne, 140
sum11, w, nexse
win11, p, nexse, -830

1094 (6 declerations 1/4 year)
spr01, p, stxbt, 2570
spr02, w, btxvl
spr03, w, sexwe
spr03, p, vlxwe, -2930
spr04, w, nexst
spr18, p, asxkh, 410

total declerations : 178 (10 years)
average declerations per year : 17.8

Thanks for the data! Heres what it turned out.



Of course this is only one test so it might not be representative of the patch, but it does look like we are a bit under what "seems to feel right". Using 1.5.6 as a guide I think a good spot to be in is when you have 30% or less wars that are shorter than a season (orange, red and grey on the chart). You can see on 1.5.11 we are at about 40%.

I also wanted to point out the kingdom win % and how that has changed over the patches, I think its a great sign for overall balance.



I really like what i see in 1.5.11, to me good balance here is having everyone between 25% - 75%, so there are still clear winners but no one that is guaranteed to always win. It's great to see Khuzait come down from almost 100% to around 60% and to not see anyone below 30%.

Yes, it could be better to lower number of war / peace declerations below 100 for first ten years. Otherwise wars are like small events and peaces are like breaks between these events. Even 100 declerations in 10 years seem unrealistic however this will be acceptable. Number of declerations in first 10 years was about 200-220 before latest changes (upcoming 1.5.10 and before)
Just so people understand if you did do this, war lengths would increase to the levels seen in 1.5.0. Where wars are multi year events. Back then snowballing was a major issue and long wars attributed to it, maybe now that snowballing has been fixed we can test out longer wars.
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Thank you @Blood Gryphon great analays as always. Great charts and graphs. Just a correction this data was from 1.5.11 not 1.5.10 (which will be released soon)

While fixing snowball problem maybe we made wars shorter at 1.5.7-1.5.9 period. Because now kingdoms usually do not want to face more than one enemy. So if one enemy create a new war one of two existing wars usually end (tributes paid and peace is signed). This make wars shorter. Thats why even 1.5.11 war durations are nearly same with 1.5.6 war durations it is still good. Because now we have no snowballing problem with same average war duration.

I will be away for next 2-3 weeks. When returned will try to increase average war durations more with keeping snowball score < 40. Will keep sharing data here.
Thank you @Blood Gryphon great analays as always. Great charts and graphs. Just a correction this data was from 1.5.11 not 1.5.10 (which will be released soon)
Ha my bad I read your post too fast and assumed it was 1.5.10 :lol:, I went ahead and edited everything accordingly.
While fixing snowball problem maybe we made wars shorter at 1.5.7-1.5.9 period. Because now kingdoms usually do not want to face more than one enemy. So if one enemy create a new war one of two existing wars usually end (tributes paid and peace is signed). This make wars shorter. Thats why even 1.5.11 war durations are nearly same with 1.5.6 war durations it is still good. Because now we have no snowballing problem with same average war duration.

I will be away for next 2-3 weeks. When returned will try to increase average war durations more with keeping snowball score < 40. Will keep sharing data here.
Have a great break!
Great feedback and analysis as always from @mexxico and @Blood Gryphon - you two really get my business intelligence juices flowing.

I do agree with the earlier poster about that wars are more like skirmishes. I feel Kingdoms should declare *much* less wars (20 over 10 years is probably an apt target - but still too much if you get "historical") but the wars should last much longer. I assume it is difficult to stop the AI from dogpiling. This is why alliances, Non-aggression pacts, and more in-depth diplomacy in general are so badly needed in Bannerlord. Without deterrence or a sense of "war exhaustion" for the AI, they will continually declare war on each other.

Probably worth another pass at siege auto-calcs, I feel they should be prohibitively difficult but without prosperity fixes, food fixes (why is food from village hardcapped?!), morale bonuses, and general Army improvements mechanics it is likely not easy to overcome.

It is astounding how deeply these complex meta's (economy, influence, Armies, auto-calc) are so inter-dependent and volatile.
Thank you @Blood Gryphon great analays as always. Great charts and graphs. Just a correction this data was from 1.5.11 not 1.5.10 (which will be released soon)

While fixing snowball problem maybe we made wars shorter at 1.5.7-1.5.9 period. Because now kingdoms usually do not want to face more than one enemy. So if one enemy create a new war one of two existing wars usually end (tributes paid and peace is signed). This make wars shorter. Thats why even 1.5.11 war durations are nearly same with 1.5.6 war durations it is still good. Because now we have no snowballing problem with same average war duration.

I will be away for next 2-3 weeks. When returned will try to increase average war durations more with keeping snowball score < 40. Will keep sharing data here.
You may make wars shorter, but that happens only between the ai factions. I'm in year 1121 and King of vlandia. After I destroyed battania I've got 3 enemies: northern, western empire and sturgia. While win slowly over sturgia it was always a back and forth by the empire. After northern empire was also wrecked by khuzaits I found myself against northern, Western and Southern empire, khuzaits and aserai. Since than I had only a peace time(no wars at all) of three days. I may be a fool but three days of rest before the next all out war started isnt really refreshing.

I gain 44 influence per day and it costs 4500 influence to make peace with a faction wtf? (18k power, cause I've won a lot of clans over)

Wouldn't be the smiting exploit, I think I wouldn't even have one day of peace, where I can do other stuff like prison breaks. Now you want to raise the war time... I really hope it is only between the AI factions... cause I ve got tired of being a war maschine.
@Medivhtratos, what you described above is another problem. Making ai wars longer will not effect your situation badly. Actually these wars you mentioned already not lasting it cannot be worse. Can you send your save file to [email protected]?

@LuciusDomitiusAurelianus, actually there is some form of war exhaustion, clans want to make peace more as war duration gets longer but we are not showing this data anywhere. With war / peace reasons added player will see sometimes major reason of a peace decleration is war exhaustion. Of course this is not a common reason compared all reasons. Usually a good tribute offer or having multiple enemies or captured lords are major reason of acceptance of a peace offer.
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@Medivhtratos, what you described above is another problem. Making ai wars longer will not effect your situation badly. Actually these wars you mentioned already not lasting it cannot be worse. Can you send your save file to [email protected]?

@LuciusDomitiusAurelianus, actually there is some form of war exhaustion, clans want to make peace more as war duration gets longer but we are not showing this data anywhere. With war / peace reasons added player will see sometimes major reason of a peace decleration is war exhaustion. Of course this is not a common reason compared all reasons. Usually a good tribute offer or having multiple enemies or captured lords are major reason of acceptance of a peace offer.
TW should DEFFINETLY atleast do text based information where sometimes when peace/cease fire is made the message/dialouge would say that due to war exhaustion.That way player gets more immersed,informed and also isnt as hard to implement bcs its just basic texts screen.
In my opinion even small minisule things like text saying that due to war exhastion the peace was sought can bring much more to the game.Sometime ssmall things can bring more than big things.
Same as free lancer mod that we as community wanted to be in vanila Bannerlord bcs even thou it doesent bring much when you look from surface lvl perspective in reality it brings much more especialy early game where you are still nobody.It brings yet another way of playing the game from wich to chose,brings immersion,brings additional roleplaying elemenst wich makes player stay and play the game longer.
Someoen just released freelancer mode for Bannerlord 1-2 days ago and just that small thing added SO MUCH MORE to the game especialy early beggining game.
I realy hoped and wished that Armagan reconsider and actualy decide to put freelancer feature into the game bcs even that small feature can bring alot of positives especialy from immersion,roleplaying aspect of the game wich is HUGELY neglected and baren,
@Medivhtratos, what you described above is another problem. Making ai wars longer will not effect your situation badly. Actually these wars you mentioned already not lasting it cannot be worse. Can you send your save file to [email protected]?

@LuciusDomitiusAurelianus, actually there is some form of war exhaustion, clans want to make peace more as war duration gets longer but we are not showing this data anywhere. With war / peace reasons added player will see sometimes major reason of a peace decleration is war exhaustion. Of course this is not a common reason compared all reasons. Usually a good tribute offer or having multiple enemies or captured lords are major reason of acceptance of a peace offer.
The File is on the way.
Edit:... And returned, file was to big... Lol
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Uh, I'm gonna check mine right now cause jumping in/off menus and UI in general has a great lag lately, I thought this was one of those fixes during the beta so I didn't mind reporting it, everything is fine during sieges and battles, my character is ~60 so I guess this is a late game.
Thank you @Blood Gryphon great analays as always. Great charts and graphs. Just a correction this data was from 1.5.11 not 1.5.10 (which will be released soon)

While fixing snowball problem maybe we made wars shorter at 1.5.7-1.5.9 period. Because now kingdoms usually do not want to face more than one enemy. So if one enemy create a new war one of two existing wars usually end (tributes paid and peace is signed). This make wars shorter. Thats why even 1.5.11 war durations are nearly same with 1.5.6 war durations it is still good. Because now we have no snowballing problem with same average war duration.

I will be away for next 2-3 weeks. When returned will try to increase average war durations more with keeping snowball score < 40. Will keep sharing data here.

thank you very much!!!!!

@Blood Gryphon and thanks to you too mate :smile:

@Medivhtratos yes, I also miss some peace days when playing as king to be able to enjoy other features and do not being forced to fight battles 24x7. Increasing war duration won’t make this worse in my view, it is more related to war declaration rate is still to high, and kingdoms do not want to be at peace more than 3 minutes.
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This is a long thread to read entirely and effort is really appreciated but I think this is too balanced that makes it really grindier for the player, especially when you are not the one making decisions.

If my Kingdom A is winning a war against B and there is neighboring C currently in peace:

a - C declares war on us thinking we're too strong, despite we sometimes don't even hold their native lands and B actually does. It's a golden opportunity for them to take their lands back.
b - we declare war on C, shooting our own foot.
c - and if C declares war on B instead, we immediately make peace despite there was no support a game day ago.

So when you do well in wars, this leads to constant warfare with other factions in turn. When there is eventually a moment of peace however, my liege decides declaring war on a Kingdom we don't share any border just because they took a castle or two from another faction that we also don't share border.

I think we should occasionally see at least two kingdoms streamroll with a combined effort instead of all factions try to take each other down. I'm sure this is very hard to balance though so good luck to devs.
Hi, I would like to express my opinion please that some players like me like the snowballing or don't care about the snowballing because:

1. it adds difficulty and challenge to already easy game in it's hardest difficulty level.
2. it is realistic, naturally some kingdoms will be stronger than others. if you like easy games take the most powerful, if you like a hard game, play with the weakest. And don't forget that when you win, you are the snowballer
3. it adds a race against time aspect to the game which in my opinion is great.

and people like me would appreciate that instead of putting energy at the snowballing that Taleworld would put energy at:

1. getting control over clan members parties behavior
2. replay battles - meaning, save the battle and load it later to watch it as an observer.
3. allow to create new worlds via world editor
4. adjust leveling up by game settings (number of main attributes per level)
5. enable larger battles with more units (more than 1000)
6. fix marriage - enable to win damsel heart by quest or improve your chances by quest.

Thanks :smile:
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Hi, I would like to express my opinion please that some players like me like the snowballing or don't care about the snowballing because:

1. it adds difficulty and challenge to already easy game in it's hardest difficulty level.
2. it is realistic, naturally some kingdoms will be stronger than others. if you like easy games take the most powerful, if you like a hard game, play with the weakest. And don't forget that when you win, you are the snowballer
3. it adds a race against time aspect to the game which in my opinion is great.

and people like me would appreciate that instead of putting energy at the snowballing that Taleworld would put energy at:

1. getting control over clan members
2. replay battles - meaning, save the battle and load it later to watch it as an observer.
3. allow to create new worlds via world editor
4. adjust leveling up by game settings (number of main attributes per level)
5. enable larger battles with more units (more than 1000)
6. fix marriage - enable to win damsel heart by quest or improve your chances by quest.

Thanks :smile:
1. It is a sandbox, if it is too easy for you you could just build your own kingdom and go to war with enough enemies. Also, there is a fine line between a challenge and no more fun. You get forced to speedrun the early game and when you look at the time before the balancing by mexxico started it was often very hard to get any significant force before the enemies destroyed all interesting Factions on the map.So if you didn't play on easy difficulty and used some glitches to kill whole armies in siege battles you had no chance to safe a kingdom you liked.
2. It is in part realistic but as long as there are no alliance mechanics and advanced diplomacy there are none of the usual counterweights against strong enemies so you would have no realistic scenario with snowballing and a very unbalanced game at the same time because many of the mechanics that are implemented like multiple generations are not usefull if the game is over in 10 years.
3. many people don't like this race against time. I for exmple like to play the same campaign for 100 hours+ when i start one and the overall concept of the game is also more focussed on this. (again look at generations and all the quests and so on that are designed for the early/midgame)

To your other points that you want adressed:
overall you have to concider that mexxico is only one dev. There are many more who work at other thinks so i think this is not the right post for this. mexxico is only responsible for campaingmap AI
To your exact points:
1. they are working on this, not very diversified when we go after their posts but you will get options to say your clanmembers bot be more offensive, or defensive
2. I have no information about this
3. already work in progress
4. I think this would be too much work to balance right now. Perhaps something for Mods
5. They are possible in the engine but again something for mods because it can cause instability and would produce even more confusion with bug reports.
6. again no correct idea but i remember that someone from TW said that they are right now not working on this
Hi, I would like to express my opinion please that some players like me like the snowballing or don't care about the snowballing because:

1. it adds difficulty and challenge to already easy game in it's hardest difficulty level.
2. it is realistic, naturally some kingdoms will be stronger than others. if you like easy games take the most powerful, if you like a hard game, play with the weakest. And don't forget that when you win, you are the snowballer
3. it adds a race against time aspect to the game which in my opinion is great.

and people like me would appreciate that instead of putting energy at the snowballing that Taleworld would put energy at:
The snowballing issue was solved in like January, my dude. They already moved on from it.
1. It is a sandbox, if it is too easy for you you could just build your own kingdom and go to war with enough enemies. Also, there is a fine line between a challenge and no more fun. You get forced to speedrun the early game and when you look at the time before the balancing by mexxico started it was often very hard to get any significant force before the enemies destroyed all interesting Factions on the map.So if you didn't play on easy difficulty and used some glitches to kill whole armies in siege battles you had no chance to safe a kingdom you liked.
2. It is in part realistic but as long as there are no alliance mechanics and advanced diplomacy there are none of the usual counterweights against strong enemies so you would have no realistic scenario with snowballing and a very unbalanced game at the same time because many of the mechanics that are implemented like multiple generations are not usefull if the game is over in 10 years.
3. many people don't like this race against time. I for exmple like to play the same campaign for 100 hours+ when i start one and the overall concept of the game is also more focussed on this. (again look at generations and all the quests and so on that are designed for the early/midgame)
Nice resume.
I also enjoy playing slowly, I find it relaxing.
But I can understand this is not the case for all the players.
Maybe TW should allow 2 types of campaign on start.
Something like a « Fast campaign mode » and « Slow campaign mode »
In the first one, lvl and money would increase faster (double than normal) and some of the kingdoms would randomly start with more money, to force snowballing, giving more pressure.
I know it sounds disrespectful regarding the effort done to limit the snowballing. But on the other hand, now that it is balanced, it is possible to give the player the choice of various challenges (maybe the announced Ironman mode is linked with that).
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