A petition to reintroduce friendly fire

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Please add friendly fire to both siege and TDM servers. Gameplay is fooled down without it: fighting more than one enemy at once is unfair and cav just gets inbetween with no penalty wathsoever. Playing with it enabled even in the more casual TDM and Siege would benefit from it.

That, or share the server tools so we can play your game online the way we are willing to since last spring.
FF was already in siege, apparently they removed it because it was causing server crashes.
TDM is in need of FF as well I agree.
lmao is this true? I never saw it on siege any time I've played but thats hilarious. Hopefully they fix it because the game sucks without team damage
They had it for a 1 build life cycle then removed as it was causing issues or crashes ( they didn't specify much I believe). Combat in TDM and Siege is mildly attractive without it now that we've tried it.
I'm quite certain that they will reintroduce it once they find out what caused the crashes.

For TDM and siege I would highly prefer self damage over foreign damage for friendly fire.With a random matchup an chaotic circumstances the damage should be taken by the one who caused it so that he learns to be careful without making innocent teammates suffer.
I'm quite certain that they will reintroduce it once they find out what caused the crashes.

For TDM and siege I would highly prefer self damage over foreign damage for friendly fire.With a random matchup an chaotic circumstances the damage should be taken by the one who caused it so that he learns to be careful without making innocent teammates suffer.
that's the approach they took and will take again I assume. Rn it's just a spam-fest
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