death rate too high

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for the 1,000th time, give us options, don't force things on us, try to make most people happy, between the lack of communication on the death bug that was thrown on us and not in patch notes, to 3 weeks waiting for a response and I feel we will be forced to have death off or on, it's a sad sad day, or should I say 3-5 weeks since 1.5.5 came out. I just don't get how hard it is to implement things from the community, you had the settings for death by old age and birth on for what 2 months, and for some reason we can't keep that setting, why, what is so wrong with having options, why take 3 weeks to respond, why take 5 weeks to get a patch, I can go on and on, frustrations building, Yes Flesson take a chill

Have patience, have patience, don't be in a such a hurry, when you are impat.....
forget that, let's get on the ball here people your 1 year timeframe is coming fast, and we all know there is no way that timeframe will be met, but I guess we will get more communication 2 or 3 months after that has passed. ohhhhh someone getting Salty, today,
guess Ill go record My General series, woops cant do that with death on, ok Ill record my bandit king series, woops cant do that since roguery is hard to gain with 2 options not working, ok record my smith/trader campaign, ohhh cant do that with everything has a price at 300 and would take over 2,000 days just to start my kingdom. ok record my wanderer, well I got 5 episodes already saved up, what to do now....................
I could stil have 1 campaign if death wasn't on but it was forced into all existing campaigns, give us something seriously, get on the ball and do something to try and make up for a total disgrace in the handling of the death bug not being in the patch notes, and complete lack of respect for the community with no communication for 3 weeks while we wait for it to get sorted out.
You don't want to support mods when dealing with bus and problems, but with how terrible you handle things we need to use them to enjoy many aspects of the game
Rant over, Im out before I say something I'll regret, (directed at all but mexxico)

People who don't like the death option can turn it off until it's fixed.
I agree that the percentage should be lower.
But at the moment I really enjoy that 10% tho.

It makes Your and Your companions and vassals life more worth it, so You think twice before sending them charging at enemy lines, :smile:
Lower death rate(and enabled death in non-player battles/simulated battles) + the occasional rare death from old age by default sounds ok... But really there should be a way to configure this stuff yourself
Lower death rate(and enabled death in non-player battles/simulated battles) + the occasional rare death from old age by default sounds ok... But really there should be a way to configure this stuff yourself

That is a good idea. I mean if there would be a slider option with percentage right?
But I doubt they will implement that option for players as it sounds too hard to code.
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