Why are NA servers still in NY?

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sleepy dragon

Rebel without a clue
This is a big problem that Taleworlds needs to address. The game is in a near unplayable state for west coast NA. The ping gap between an 80 ping west player and an 8 ping east player is ridiculous. NA servers in Warband have been located in Chicago for near the entire life span of the game. Please move Bannerlord servers to Chicago or comparable location.
@azakhi @Callum

Can we get chicago servers instead of NYC. Rn half of the NA community can't play because of a poor decision of server location. Pretty sure there are hosts in Chicago so what's the point of keeping them in NYC (and if it's to give EUs a better ping then they have their own servers for that)
Agreed, I'm tired of people from London getting the same/better ping than me! I don't know how well I'm expected to do in a game when East Coast player's ping is anywhere from x4-x8 better than mine!

@Callum @azakhi
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