EU Skirmish Completed BEAST #2 Skirmish Tourney - Sign Up

Added to Calendar: 19/09/20

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Team Name: Destiny Masters
Team Tag: DM
Contact 1:
Hairless the Fool (Taleworlds & Steam)
Contact 2:Diabełek the Fortune (Taleworlds & Steam)


Preferred Division: A
Team Name: Divine Masters
Team Tag: DMII
Contact 1:
Dasginta the Judgement (Taleworlds & Steam)
Contact 2:Indian the Star (Taleworlds & Steam)
Preferred Division: A
Do we have to attend all the games?
Edit: Also can we have 6+ roster if all will only play in our team?
Yeah if you aren't sure you can't come then I would appreciate it if you don't sign up at all. Organizing a match time only to see the opponent won't show up is a rather unfortunate or should I say boring turn of events
I would appreciate it if you don't sign up at all
Everyone, spread the news, let's get as much teams signed up as possible!

First you actively discourage someone from signing up then you want to get as many teams as possible? Bruh.
I'm assuming that if they can't play a match, they won't schedule it, rather than schedule it and then not show up.
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