Beta Patch Notes e1.4.1

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Time for a new save.

This patch, by just reading it alone, and not testing out in game, is my favorite one thus far, so let's hope all the changes work as intended.
I do have a worry about match history being a client-side thing. If there's to be something more out of MP, you'll need to make that server-sided, and I hope you will consider in future, but kudos to MP getting some love.
Ooh. Does this mean that the map is going to change?

This looks to be the beefiest update yet. Keep up the good work!
Hmm. Good connection. I read that but didn’t actually comprehend it :wink:. I thought, “maybe for mods” but then got distracted by all the other fantastic things in this patch notes.
@Callum @azakhi
Ok there seem to be some problem with multiplayer. Players searching with your criteria: 91.. That's skirmish. I'm waiting like 10 mins already and nothing happens.
Oh God, here we go again haha. Time for a fresh restart on vanilla, "bye mods".

I hope TW was able to address that random crash bug that was "scoreboard" related in singleplayer.

Has anyone seen if their troop rework gave T1 troops shields now?
Kingdoms and Diplomacy
  • Implemented War and Peace Kingdom Decisions that are accessible from the Kingdom Diplomacy Screen. Kingdom Decisions now show support for all types of decisions.
  • Implemented Sandbox Kingdom Creation, which is possible through the clan screen and not dependent on the main storyline. Players need to have at least 1 settlement and a tier 4 clan. Then players can select their kingdom's culture (consisting of their settlements' culture or their own clan's culture), select their initial policies (up to 4) and, finally, select the name for their new Kingdom.

Any word on a fix/change for AI lords immediately leaving your faction after you persuade/pay them to join you? Right now I'm able to fix it with mods, but it creates its own issues as well, where it's impossible for lords to desert you unless you're a major ******* to them (especially since once someone joins you, it's almost impossible to lose relations with them.)
Any word on a fix/change for AI lords immediately leaving your faction after you persuade/pay them to join you? Right now I'm able to fix it with mods, but it creates its own issues as well, where it's impossible for lords to desert you unless you're a major ******* to them (especially since once someone joins you, it's almost impossible to lose relations with them.)
We discussed this today and have some ideas to improve on that. The current patch does not yet address this.
you are in the beta branch does this one even have servers yet? Or maybe they didnt get updated
Sorry for confusion but it's about main branch not beta. It's just that at time of my posting there was no stable version topic(only for 1.4.1 beta) I'm talking about 1.4.0 multiplay. Topic for 1.4.0 appeared few mins later.
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