SP - General Freelancer - Serving as a common soldier in an army [Suggestion]

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It has been said countless times, but it cannot be said enough for obvious reasons. No doubt they're planning to add the feature eventually, so it's about time the community agrees on exactly how it will work. I expect that people want something a bit more advanced and in-depth than Warband's mods offered.
I suggest this:

- Since historically great generals began their career in the military and gained experience, I say allow the character to start around the age of 18-20 and join the army as a common conscript, if the player wants to pursue a militaristic playthrough of course.

- Being assigned to armies / garrisons. This is certainly a bit more advanced but still a very neat addition. There would be recruitment posts in villages and cities, where the player could request to be assigned to a garrison of x castle or x city, or the army of lord x, the more reputation the player has the more likely his request is accepted. If he has little to no reputation as a fighter, he would be "randomly" assigned to a castle in need of fresh soldiers or something.

- Likewise, the more experienced and better the player has performed in battles, the more likely he is to be promoted to a unit of his choosing.

- Being able to purchase your own gear while your army is encamped (when it's eventually added) or is resting in a settlement. Tie this in with my "camp followers" suggestion from a recent thread, basically camp followers are either independent or hired groups of merchants, servants or prostitutes, so if the army has merchants selling gear or what have you, the player could buy his own gear etc. For more detail.

- More activities in camps (when they're eventually added). In the thread linked previously I argued for more immersive camp activities and mechanics. Again, when your army is encamped, the player could walk around in the camp, interact with merchants, with other soldiers, hone his skills with weaponry or read books like in Warband. These would be great opportunities for a player to be immersed and a way to gain more EXP in a more believable way.

- Player would be assigned to various duties, maybe even choose which ones, these duties would be things like: Scouting, building, or being a tactical advisor to the commander. These duties would give EXP to their selective skills. E.g scouting duty increases the scouting skill.
For example, if the player has high tactics while being an advisor to the commander, he could suggest "courses of action" (like in Warband, but this should also be an option as a vassal to other vassals or the ruler) and earn his trust; Allowing for further options as a personal bodyguard or a sergeant under the lord's command.
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Honestly, a system analogous to the Freelancer mod (true old guard Caba'drin, Taragoth, Duh, Sunhawken, Monnikje, Sayd Ûthman and Swordyke.) would say that it is ESSENTIAL in how the world of Bannerlord is conceived. Conceptually, rising through the ranks in an army by gaining experience, gear and money should be a possibility in the game nowadays.
Honestly, a system analogous to the Freelancer mod (true old guard Caba'drin, Taragoth, Duh, Sunhawken, Monnikje, Sayd Ûthman and Swordyke.) would say that it is ESSENTIAL in how the world of Bannerlord is conceived. Conceptually, rising through the ranks in an army by gaining experience, gear and money should be a possibility in the game nowadays.
That's what I'm saying, but more depth, as would be expected from a game released in 2020.
Great idea, it certainly has promise. I would love to be a foot soldier marching (not charging immediately all disorderly like from the start) to meet the enemy on the field. Didn't Warband have a mod that covered this? It was either that or VC. Either way I loved it!

Awesome idea! Also the looting system needs a total overhaul. I mean after I successfully defeat an army of 600 ppl with considerable amount of elite troops and all I get are some ragged pants, boots and shirts is just horrible. Where are the gears of all those vlanadian banner knights/cataphracts/etc. I personally slew in battle? Atleast there should be a similar system like in VC where you could have the "first pick" of a post battle loot even at the price of affecting your party's morale. Especially that the game almost never spawns high end gear at the city traders. Am I the only one who always wants to collect a full set of elite gear at each cultural region? This is borderline impossible now. Despite sitting on several hundred thousands or even millions of gold.
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