Currency Difficulty Slider? I'm making way too much money

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I played MnB Viking edition so I'm somewhat familiar with the game. Still though that shouldn't be a reason as to why i'm swimming in so much coin after a few days of game play on a new Campaign.

-Party size: 40-60/105
-Have been leveling up troops vs Bandits and selling
-Doing town quests, Bandit quests, buying low and selling high on Trade
-Doing Arena(i've stopped betting on myself bc i make too much money)
-Just finished first quest line now have to go talk to two different people(King's Guard guy and the Spymaster)
-Own 2 Brewery and an Olive Press
-Own 1 Caravan

Once I reach the point where I need a bigger party and start doing armies perhaps I'll need all this coin? By then though I could have multiple caravans and more shops.
Inappropriate behavior
sounds like you are just trying to flex on us

how much money are you making per day?

GTFO. I've stopped betting on myself in Tournaments and I'm considering selling off 2/3 of my shops but am asking beforehand you douche. I was playing on Easiest settings though bc it's my first playthrough. I did increase my player dmg to Reaslistic and Party/Battle Auto to "Normal" or the middle setting between Realistic and Easy.

Last time I recall looking at the daily ledger I was making about 800 a day after expenses from 3 shop and 1 caravan. Though my army is only 60/105 and I have NOT pledged to a Kingdom as of yet. I have no need to max my party size because I have zero need to increase party size. I'm wondering though if like in Viking needing a bigger party depends on progressing the main story quest and I'm just spending a lot of time side questing and trading so I've outgrown my campaign already.
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GTFO. I've stopped betting on myself in Tournaments and I'm considering selling off 2/3 of my shops but am asking beforehand you douche. I was playing on Easiest settings though bc it's my first playthrough. I did increase my player dmg to Reaslistic and Party/Battle Auto to "Normal" or the middle setting between Realistic and Easy.

why you so angry? i just asked a question
Last time I recall looking at the daily ledger I was making about 800 a day after expenses from 3 shop and 1 caravan. Though my army is only 60/105 and I have NOT pledged to a Kingdom as of yet. I have no need to max my party size because I have zero need to increase party size. I'm wondering though if like in Viking needing a bigger party depends on progressing the main story quest and I'm just spending a lot of time side questing and trading so I've outgrown my campaign already.

It's really up to what way you want to play the game, if you don't want to join a kingdom/start your own kingdom, fair enough - but that will result in your having a huge income if you don't have any outgoings from policies, wars & wages.

Having 800 income a day is not too much, it is enough however for you to start progressing in the game. Hire a mercenary company with it, and use them to help you capture some land. Later in the game you will be needing a way bigger income. I have an income of about 20000 denars a day and outgoings of about 15000 denars a day - it's all relative.

I think that money is one thing taleworlds have got spot on.
To answer your question you really do end up with more money than you have a use for. I've never needed more than 100k denars but wind up with millions. Biggest reason is there's simply nothin to spend it on.

In the real world these enormous fortunes were spent on political advancement, Caesar made and spent several fortunes trying to buy influence in the late Republic and it was working. In this game this would probably amount to buying Influence from other nobles in the Barter menu.
800 a day is not much when you get going. Also it varies so some days I have 1500 or more come in and the next can be on 50. Just try to make sure you have steady denars coming in as you will be paying several garrisons and party wages soon.
You should play on realistic, difficulty also affects your faction. Besides that, i play realistic and i got to a point where i was getting +5000 daily, they should add more ways to spend money or balance it
To answer your question you really do end up with more money than you have a use for. I've never needed more than 100k denars but wind up with millions. Biggest reason is there's simply nothin to spend it on.

In the real world these enormous fortunes were spent on political advancement, Caesar made and spent several fortunes trying to buy influence in the late Republic and it was working. In this game this would probably amount to buying Influence from other nobles in the Barter menu.

So i guess we just have to wait for a mod or core game slider that allows us to throttle back how much money we make.

At the beginning of the campaign things are tough but there's a point where we the coin starts the snowball effect. Get a descent sized party where we can farm Bandits for prisoners/loot sell, get skills and armor up to where we can farm tournaments, along with getting a caravan and a shop = dinar explo$ion.

With bandit/looter party's not scaling to player prowess there's no need to make a big party early on in the game. Add to that the fact that without any upkeep expenses prior to owning anything but the shops and caravan I have more coin than I can spend almost. Tournaments should require an entry fee and a few days rest for the player and companions before they can enter the next tourney. Shops should require an upkeep fee. Either all of that or a slider that allows us to throttle back how much coin we make from doing the things I've described.
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I don't even know if NPC's need money at all, but i was thinking i'm rich with 1 mil in my pocket, but then i found my king has 10 milion, so.. yeah ;] I was running around talking with Lords to barter with them, and every single one of them had more cash on him than i did. Even Lords from factions that were loosing the war had 300k+ when i tried to bribe them to my side. Poorest guy i found had like 20k, but that was a dude from minor faction with no fiefs, and he still was running around with 60 troops. It was around day 500, and one kingdom already controlled 80% of the map, but i kinda helped them with that ;]

Anyway, i guess my point is that there is way too much cash in the system.
no, you are not making that much money BUT I agree that we might need a money sink mechanic down the line, like imgran mentioned, maybe influence.

also, the amount of money I get from wars.. defeating a lord or an army and taking their loot? during war times I had to run from town to town to sell my loot because they would run out of money..

edit: now that I'm thinking about, you can, kinda, sink money into influence. you can donate troops, donate prisoners.. so it kinda is there..
also, once you join a kindgom, you might need that influence and maybe you will sink a little bit of that money..
So for now I think I'll just sell 2/3 of my shops and recall my caravan. The thrill of the chase isn't there when I have no struggles.

BTW where does one find how much their caravan is making a day? I click on caravan from the party/clan menu and it just shows the Companion and Caravan size. No coin. When I look at "Other" it just shows my 3 shops.

Where or how do I see a ledger on how much my Caravan(s) is/are making per stop or per day?
Basically, yes, the money system is broken. But I don't know if it would be solved either by reducing the amount you get or increasing the amount you spend. Something fundamental is not working.
Trust me, you will need that money when you start expanding and it will go fast. I thought I was rich until I needed to create bigger armies and build a kingdom, and now I'm broke. I suppose if you stay at the vassal or mercenary stage and have lots of caravans (instead of using your companions for armies) you can just accumulate wealth, but what's the point of that? Spend that money and build an empire!
Basically, yes, the money system is broken. But I don't know if it would be solved either by reducing the amount you get or increasing the amount you spend. Something fundamental is not working.

No doubt. BTW is there somewhere to see how much or caravan(s) is/are making? I found my shops at the "Other" UI panel in Clan. Under the "Party" tab in clan it shows my Companion's party is 75/75 but nothing on how much coin is being generated.
I really hope they balance late game funds, i ended up with over 3 mil and 6k a day and nothing to do with it without even noticing it, money feels empty and pointless after you get past the early game
Trust me, you will need that money when you start expanding and it will go fast.

Okay this was what I was wondering. So as I figured i'd kind of "outgrown" my current state of the game. I'm still exploring/learning. I just finished the first main story quest(not the entire line, just the first quest).

It's probably also due to the fact that I had my difficulty settings all on easy so I wasn't losing tons of troops per battle because I'm not familiar with how Bannerlord works just yet compared to MnB Viking. I recently changed difficulty one level though so I'm sure things will change up soon as far casualties and expenses. Needing to rest from battle wounds also comes into play slowing down the player money making.
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This was a problem in Warband too.

One way I solved it was using the cheat menu to buy top of the line gear for my companions. This is less critical in Bannerlord because you only have a few companions, but I also modded bannerlord to remove that and am now rolling with 35 companions.

This only lasts so long of course because eventually you have the top gear for everyone. In Warband what I did was add items that were marginally better than the top gear, and just doubled their price and started buying those.
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