Evolution is wrong,Development is right

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Emdrive,view,\.Cooling is faster if cup of water more hot.Metal moulds,alligations that physics laws can not explain,also remains of animals and humans on the highest peaks on the World.that
Could that not be because we can do an amazing thing such as walk and mountain ranges tend to increase in height because of year 7 level of geography called plate tectonics?
What micro evolution?When people grew in jungles,like Tarzan,their hand,foot muscles grew for more comfortable life in jungles,like climbing,running,and more...One girl grew in jungles,her hands,when grew,became adapted for climbing trees,she now wins tournaments-sky climbing.Against that i not say anything,But for your great grandfather was monkey....
But that would mean he evolved from a monkey, arguing against your point.
Could that not be because we can do an amazing thing such as walk and mountain ranges tend to increase in height because of year 7 level of geography called plate tectonics?
Could your Great Grandfather be monkey because someist say that man like monkey.Ive seen a man,with a had...like bottle,byut he have no any relation to it,even not drink so many.
I don't want to be mean, but I feel that a monkey is more capable of typing more coherently than you are op. Since, you like to bring up monkeys a lot. lol
No you don't , bad bad OP
I am not russian,and why bad?Poeple not understand my english,why,i dont know. World end is near.Roman pope accepted evolution and than epidemy spread eeh...not good.I think..
I don't want to be mean, but I feel that a monkey is more capable to typing more coherently than you are. Since, you like to bring up monkeys a lot. lol
So you know english,than help,say what i typed not right.
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