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Hell I might even unrefund the game myself if autoblock was readded.
Dunno if I'd play it over Warband yet in it's current state but it's ridiculous that it was ever removed. $40-$50 for less features than was offered in 2005 makes no sense.
I might unrefund it if we get any response at all as to why it was removed. So far the only response I've gotten is "get gud scrub, this is the way the game is meant to be played" and if the developers say nothing to counteract that narrative then they are basically endorsing it. At which point it will be clear they don't want normal people playing their game.
I reluctantly agree with the removal of autoblock in principle. Singleplayer doesn't encourage the player to utilise the one thing that makes this game so unique: the combat.

But therein lies the issue: singleplayer practically forces you to fight absurd numbers of enemies at once in order to progress, and the issue is way worse in bannerlord than in warband. Everyone's campaigns seem to start with hours upon hours of kiting looters on horseback. The game very rarely deviates from this formula outside of the arena, which is optional. An entire game mechanic goes to waste because warband and now bannerlord are designed so that blocking is never worth it.

In a parallel universe version of warband which was more about the player running around as an individual fighting other individuals, autoblock should definitely be removed. But the current game is more like dynasty warriors than anything else, so it really should be in there.
Basically this. It's not so much that I can't play the game without it, it's that I don't enjoy the strategies that allow you to play the game without it.

In fact, they bore me to tears. I actually like fighting with manual in the arena in small skirmishes... but the actual battles that happen in game basically preclude you from participating or otherwise limit you to one or two extremely cheesy viable strategies that exploit AI and are generally very not fun.

At the end of the day if a core feature of the series up and vanishes like a fart in the wind we, the playerbase, should have some understanding why.
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I think one of the worst decisions in warband (and now bannerlord) was to give the player more loot and renown for fighting enemies solo. In theory this makes sense, but enemy AI is so stupid that the only thing preventing you from killing entire field armies singlehandedly is your own boredom. If they aren't going to improve the AI, they should discourage the player from soloing. At the moment if you want xp and loot you have to solo unless you want to spend hours building up renown, which is a ludicrous way to design a game.

"Given the opportunity, a player will optimise the fun out a game" is one of my favourite quotes about video games, and it applies to so many aspects of the combat and AI and skill system in this game.
Yeah. These threads will keep popping up and getting knocked down again due to elitist trolling/anti-elitist trolling backlash until there is some kind of official stance made on this feature or explanation given as to why it was removed. I suspect it was removed to eliminate multiplayer exploits. In any case, we wont know until a Taleworlds staff member responds, and we don't know when or if that will happen.

I have had it confirmed that these threads have been brought to their attention though. I think it would be a matter of simple courtesy to explain the situation.

I don't doubt you, but may I ask how you had it confirmed?
I don't doubt you, but may I ask how you had it confirmed?
Asked a moderator. He confirmed that they (community moderators) had brought the issue of these threads up to TW staff due to their inflammatory nature and the fact that people weren't really getting the answers they were asking for. There are like at least 3 locked threads -- big ones -- where people are asking why the feature is gone. All of them were locked due to incivility. None feature any answers from anyone who actually knows why the feature was removed.

I was told that he was told that they (TW staff) were already aware of the threads when they brought them to their attention. However, nobody has made it clear when or if their staff intends to respond.
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Asked a moderator. He confirmed that they (community moderators) had brought the issue of these threads up to TW staff due to their inflammatory nature and the fact that people weren't really getting the answers they were asking for. There are like at least 3 locked threads -- big ones -- where people are asking why the feature is gone. None feature any answers from anyone who actually knows.

I was told that he was told that they (TW staff) were already aware of the threads when they brought them to their attention. However, nobody has made it clear when or if their staff intends to respond.

Wish they would... seems to be the #1 most requested feature (outside of bug reports). Would help a lot of people know if they'd just give an official response.
Yes, I've said repeatedly that even a simple, "We hear you and will answer your questions formally in the near future." would be tremendously helpful.

Radio silence is the worst option.

Either they are so busy they can't manage that or they just don't give a **** and are waiting for those of us who want this option to just go away.
Honestly the lack of auto block makes the game unplayable for me. The animations aren't very distinct and are very fast so I can never read the attack direction before it lands. I hope I can still get a refund on steam. =(
Honestly the lack of auto block makes the game unplayable for me. The animations aren't very distinct and are very fast so I can never read the attack direction before it lands. I hope I can still get a refund on steam. =(

Bots keep throwing feints now. Tbh Im not sure if even autoblock would help... I have been avoiding mellee combat until they make some reasonable changes to the AI. Or make levelling skills easier, because every bot seems to have 60+ skill in weapons while it takes so long for players to level up. Multiplayer is literally easier than the feint spamming AI with almost perfect blocking. ?
But you do get to choose, you can use a shield and one handed sword, then you dont need to have the skills to block. Which is what i currently do. Works very well and I don't feel I need auto-block.

You can try two handed weapons as well, but they are harder. What's the problem with that? Seems normal to have a set that is easier and one that is harder.
The problem is that if you can't block you have to use a shield. Because you can't keep up with the blocking system. Therefore you've been forced in to a singular play style. If they had put in auto block it would give less skilled players more options. They basically decided to force a large portion of the community to play in a way they don't like.
Yeah, as things stand now i am virtually unable to block without a shield. I have been practicing without again last night. I can defend against the odd strike now and then but i just keep getting destroyed anyway.
I hope they don't include it. The auto-block practically created a "parallel society" in Warband which kept to themselves and never even contemplated logging into MP only once. On an alternate timeline where auto block had never been implemented into Warband we wouldn't talk about this, everyone would just have internalized the manually blocking by now and there wouldn't be that "elitism" stigma to MP. Of course also the feint spamming in Warband contributed to that, but luckily both things are fixed in BL.
The problem is that if you can't block you have to use a shield. Because you can't keep up with the blocking system. Therefore you've been forced in to a singular play style. If they had put in auto block it would give less skilled players more options. They basically decided to force a large portion of the community to play in a way they don't like.

It think it's +1 on that.

For less "dextrious" players, with skill system and block reaction delay it may be challenging "enough" even to tap the (auto) block button at the right time to perform sucesfull block. Being optional- don't think it would hurt anyone. Got to agree distinguish MP which is a competition from SP that is "time passer" to use the language from the game itself :wink:
Of course also the feint spamming in Warband contributed to that, but luckily both things are fixed in BL.

Feint spam didn't need "fixing". It was the equivalent of a taunt kill. If you had just a couple of minutes experience and average reaction times you could counter it fairly easily. I went on a duel server in warband recently and the only feint spam I saw was between players who weren't actually fighting but were just spamming buttons almost like a kind of manual emote.
Feint spam didn't need "fixing". It was the equivalent of a taunt kill. If you had just a couple of minutes experience and average reaction times you could counter it fairly easily. I went on a duel server in warband recently and the only feint spam I saw was between players who weren't actually fighting but were just spamming buttons almost like a kind of manual emote.

Feint spamming was a thing, it was THE thing, everyone who ever played WB MP for more than 1 minute knows that. And you "recently joined" some server "and saw ....." doesn't interest, it was an epidemic. It probably drove 10s of 1000s of players to never log into MP more than once. Feint spamming was the main culprit. And it wasn't learnable in a few minutes. It took me months to get to a more or less average level, always under extremely high stress level. Nothing against a good bit of adrenaline but this was just nuts. And it was prone to script kiddies using automated bots. #NeverAgain
The most popular servers are the siege public servers and half the people there can't or don't block, let alone feint or feint spam. This idea that feint spam put most people off is a baseless myth that keeps getting repeated by people who actually admit that they haven't ever logged on to MP. Hell, I believed it at one point.

Not saying that this wasn't the case for you, but until there's some actual evidence (i.e. a far greater playerbase in bannerlord MP) then excuse me if I don't believe that feint spamming was the main thing that drove most people away.
I hope they don't include it. The auto-block practically created a "parallel society" in Warband which kept to themselves and never even contemplated logging into MP only once. On an alternate timeline where auto block had never been implemented into Warband we wouldn't talk about this, everyone would just have internalized the manually blocking by now and there wouldn't be that "elitism" stigma to MP. Of course also the feint spamming in Warband contributed to that, but luckily both things are fixed in BL.
I'd have never played M&B to begin with if auto block wasn't an option.

Let's also make an option to earn a 1 000 000 each week and kill all enemies in a battle with a special key, you know, for all those who do not take things seriously and just want to relieve stress with a childishly easy game. What do you think?
You realize this is a game that has auto battle resolve, and you can basically ride in circles solo and kill dozens of people with a bow and repeat til you solo armies right? There isn't really even a reason to block for 95% of the game. The only saving grace was the melee combat was rather fun. Now it's not even that. It's just a risky waste of time.
The most popular servers are the siege public servers and half the people there can't or don't block, let alone feint or feint spam. This idea that feint spam put most people off is a baseless myth that keeps getting repeated by people who actually admit that they haven't ever logged on to MP. Hell, I believed it at one point.

Not saying that this wasn't the case for you, but until there's some actual evidence (i.e. a far greater playerbase in bannerlord MP) then excuse me if I don't believe that feint spamming was the main thing that drove most people away.

You see these droves of people actually in all seriousness requesting an auto block feature - be it for singleplayer or not doesn't actually matter - and you actually want to tell me that feinting ~3-7 times per second in various directions didn't put off people. Pure comedy :mrgreen::mrgreen: earth is a weird place, seriously. No scientific evidence needed, simple common sense and logic tells this.
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I'd have never played M&B to begin with if auto block wasn't an option.

It's not difficult. People complain that this game is slow-paced. It's not. But it's also not too fast. Try the practice ground just once or twice. Get you ass beaten the first time? No problem, do it again tomorrow. I swear you, you'll beat the easier of the 2 sword fighting bots. And after a while you'll not see recognizing the animations as inhumane anymore. It gets down into your DNA and believe me, you WILL chuckle at people requesting this auto block feature.
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