When does the game come out?

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Yeee keep the 9gag humor up fellas, I hope that at leasts helps for your virtual drug addiction
On twitch there are two stream with countdowns that say 3 hours and two streams that say 2 hours. My steam say two hours so I choose to believe that.


UTC doesn't take daylight saving into account. That means that in the UK and Ireland it's UTC + 1 (= GMT + 1) now. So it's coming out at 11 am in the UK and Ireland. In the rest of Western Europe (e.g. France and Germany) it'll be 12 am. It's in 3 hours, not 2.
The worst part... is that I did this exact thing in AOL chatrooms when I was a kid. I'm getting some serious second hand embarrassment watching these two clones talk to eachother. Why is it that my memory is crap for everything but the embarrassing things I did 20 years ago?

One of the few advantages to grew up in a time without internet.
I could only embarrass myself by getting lost in the woods.
And for i only played with the dogs because i didn't liked the other children, no one will ever know.
... Oh wait.
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