Taleworlds, this is false advertising and you know it

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Alot of those aren't intentional like the small beams, the actual combat mechanics themselves are more realistic, like having to actually move your body with the swing to create momentum, in Warband there was no weight behind anything, felt like a god just effortlessly slicing through people. Warband lacks realism and maybe all the complaints are just people wanting something unrealistic because they're not used to realism.

If you need to move your entire body to swing a sword then you are either a toddler or have noudelles for arms.

Now with that in mind, record a video and do the same, but with a sword in your hand. Try not to kill yourself in the process, thanks in advance.

You have no idea what you've just unleashed.
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:O :O :O
I can't believe it, that someone might not actually understand my post... Okay, I shall repeat with better form:

Now with that in mind, record a video and do the same, but with a sword in your hand. Try not to kill yourself in the process, thanks in advance.

2x People that defending Warband at all cost are so ridiculous.

Warband is better combat then bannerlord. Bannerlord has the potential to be better but you are blinded by your own ignorance
Yes, which is a nice endeavour as long as it doesn't interfere with the fluidity of the gameplay.
It literally is the gameplay, you rely on animations to hit your attacks. So just because it is a different speed to Warband (a more realistic speed) doesn't necessarily mean it is a bad thing. Everyone can agree it is different but creating a click bait thread essentially baiting people to debate is a very immature way of going about things.
Warband is better combat then bannerlord. Bannerlord has the potential to be better but you are blinded by your own ignorance
I see hypocrisy in what you have just said

If you need to move your entire body to swing a sword then you are either a toddler or have noudelles for arms.
please go get some chainmail, medium armour, dont forget the gauntlets, and two handed sword, and swing that as hard as you can, see how your body reacts. However if you want a better experience, run around in all that armour for 15 minutes then start swinging. I'm certain you will be suprised
Are you aware that the animation first bounces is one of the reasons because animations now feel improved and less robotic? Warband feels like if you would be controlling a Playmobil and this is probably the reasons because we have these new animations.

Concerning ping delay, yes, this could be an issue sometimes but It is not something related to bannerlord combat being bad. A lot of optimization is still required.
Well said
Well said

Not sure why I'm bothering when you clearly ignore posts but here

Not only that but speaking from personal experience in(amateur) martial arts it's basically 'telegraphing' your strikes, an extremely bad practice which adds no significance to your punch strength which is carried by your rotation and putting in your body weight into the strike.

None of this is really relevant from a gameplay perspective, in which input responsiveness is the key factor to satisfying and skill-based combat once again as many have pointed out in literally any good Multiplayer game. From a gameplay perspective exaggerated telegraphing can be important for players to be able to read which strikes their opponent is readying/using and you can accomplish that by clear and distinguishable directional attack animations without adding any additional bounces or delays.
where can I apply for a refund of the time I spent reading this thread?
I agree.
The amount of drama occurring before the release on an issue like this is hilarious. I can't wait to see how the forums look come April 1st when it'll release like VC. God knows the sheer rage people will be having at the real core issues and bugs of the game within the first week of release.
Complaining about realistic or responsive combat? I'll be waiting when you can't even connect to the servers.
@Ocean Rain
@Battle Jesus

This kenyan throwing club weighs just under 1kg or 2lbs, only slightly lighter than a onehanded sword, and about the same weight as the sabres in those earlier videos. It is also completely unbalanced and isn't a melee weapon at all, or at the very least is supposed to be swung with two hands. Yet I was still able to swing this thing faster than any of the weapons in warband, even the elite spamitar. You guys must be seriously, terminally out of shape if you think this sort of thing is impossible.

Delete your accounts.
The wooden sabres are made to be the same weight as the real ones. The only reason they use those is for safety. The video you posted is just as fast as the one I posted so I don't see what your point is here.


If you can't see the difference between those videos I can't help you then. The difference between those swords is obvious one, but if someone is in the denial, then it wouldn't notice it anyway. I own two swords IRL, I trained a bit martial arts in my life, and I never have seen wooden weapons with the same weight as real counterparts.
As you said, wooden weapons are made because of the safety, not for the exact simulation. That's why some people prefer to train with whole armor set with real swords.

The wooden weapons have other pros... it is cheap.
And a real sword will never be as quick as wooden one.

In the end, you may take pictures with yourself holding different weapons, jumping on the stairs and swinging your armis in idiotic manner, but for me it is obvious that you don't know what are you talking about, friend.
I don't want to offend you, but it is the way I see it.
If you can't see the difference between those videos I can't help you then. The difference between those swords is obvious one, but if someone is in the denial, then it wouldn't notice it anyway. I own two swords IRL, I trained a bit martial arts in my life, and I never have seen wooden weapons with the same weight as real counterparts.
As you said, wooden weapons are made because of the safety, not for the exact simulation. That's why some people prefer to train with whole armor set with real swords.

The wooden weapons have other pros... it is cheap.
And a real sword will never be as quick as wooden one.

In the end, you may take pictures with yourself holding different weapons, jumping on the stairs and swinging your armis in idiotic manner, but for me it is obvious that you don't know what are you talking about, friend.
I don't want to offend you, but it is the way I see it.
Can you show us a video with your swords then? This is entertaining. Since you believe you are right you also have to prove it. Jacob went to a big extend to show it. You didn't
This stood out to me the most out if all your BS.

Do you know why Vikings was reforged? Why mb and warband became successful and why others werent so fond of WFaS?

Only under heavy constructive criticism were many of these things polished and or rebooted, and it benefited both groups, players and devs alike. With that understanding, do you see how invested people, such as Noodle or Younes may feel when TW considers their game in it's current form of combat as superior, despite the glaring unbalanced and broken issues they try to shed light upon, only to be ignored.

I am sure we all support TW, and surely wish them the best so they can keep up these amazing products, but also try to understand how ignoring issues most devoted fans bring up might cause a rift and maybe 'backlash' such as this ****post.
Obviously you miss the exact point i am saying. Those games were for sure a mess when they came out at full launch. you missed that point completely. that's the comparison i was comparing it too. Games take time to become good. Heck man R6 siege is in its 4th year and they are still tweaking and balancing stuff. I get the fact everyone has been waiting 8 years but it seems all anyone wants to do is just ahrp how its not what they remember when it comes to combat. and again remember its a BETA boys and girls and BETA for MP
@Ocean Rain
@Battle Jesus

This kenyan throwing club weighs just under 1kg or 2lbs, only slightly lighter than a onehanded sword, and about the same weight as the sabres in those earlier videos. It is also completely unbalanced and isn't a melee weapon at all, or at the very least is supposed to be swung with two hands. Yet I was still able to swing this thing faster than any of the weapons in warband, even the elite spamitar. You guys must be seriously, terminally out of shape if you think this sort of thing is impossible.

Delete your accounts.

I do not see him wearing any form of armour, nor is he actually swinging for a target. This video has no meaning, there are so many factors missing, it is humorous that you thought to yourself that this was sufficient enough to express your point of view.

If I also said "delete your accounts" my message would get taken down by the moderators because they share your point of view. It is not constructive in anyway shape or form and is toxic. But I think you're safe ha
This game will get out of EA, and saying it won't is just as bad as the blind hate-mongering some people are doing because 'change bad.' Taleworlds will survive, vitriol is nothing new in the games industry. Just because the people who actually care to help the game improve aren't banging drums and screaming at the top of their lungs doesn't mean they don't exist. If anything the anti-Bannerlord circlejerk is a small minority, and I doubt they'll impact sales at all.
Me saying it wont get out of EA is based on the assumption that reviews tank and they cant salvage the game because they cany recoup the finances to do so. Ever Since NMS more and more people rely on Reviews to judge whether a game is good or not. Majority of forum users will probably get the game in EA, however there are also other players that are waiting for the FULL release instead of EA and then there are those that will want to try it but be deteried because of crappy reviews on steam it all adds up
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