Taleworlds, this is false advertising and you know it

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Saying about "swords being lighter than people think"...

...then shows a video with wooden sabres. Omg...

The wooden sabres are made to be the same weight as the real ones. The only reason they use those is for safety. The video you posted is just as fast as the one I posted so I don't see what your point is here.

Bull**** as hell. Seriously. Even if you able to swing almost as fast, without a sword, you cannot accelerate your arm that fast.


Haven't seen any examples of why the new combat system is worse compared to the old one. Keep playing Warband if you want a different combat system, you are not entitled to ****, its their game

kicking has always been useless lmao
Ah such an amusing thread from such a lighthearted post.

The combat is subjective, but personally to say it is an overall improvement on warband's combat is untrue. Yes, shield bashes are nice in bannerlord, archery feels always pretty damn nice but... the combat itself on foot? I feels janky, slow. Chambers are basically non-existent anymore because they're that complicated and hard to do, kicking is just asking to die. Hit boxes are horrendous, on countless occasions I've had my shield raised in FRONT of the enemy and they've just hit through my shield. And don't get me started on side swings. Shield HP is insane, doesn't make it fun trying to break someone's shield when you had to hit the shield a couple dozen times to do so. The blocking delay - BTW there was one in warband for all those trying to say there wasn't, but the delay is infuriating when you KNOW you should have blocked an attack and the game insteaed decides to stop you. In part I agree with the attack delay, it helps slow down spammers but again that has gone too far, and I can't even feint half the time and I end up in duels which are just boring because I find it hard to fool the enemy with my swings. Also those saying cav is harder in bannerlord... they're so wrong lmao. Horses are nice to use and such, but saying using cav is harder is not true. And please... do not start me on javelins...........
Agree with some of this but... evidence?
Agree with some of this but... evidence?
Seriously Ocean Rain, are your arms made out of wet spaghet?

I actually made that video way back when someone else was claiming something similar about punches. I get the impression that nobody on the internet has ever swung a fist or sprinted 100m in their lives. Video game logic has got people acting like swords swinging at skyrim speeds are somehow realistic.

Seriously, everybody get up from your computer right now and go swing a bunch of punches. Your arms can move absurdly fast. If you did the same holding the weight of a sword (about 1.5 kilos), then unless you have no muscles in your arm at all you would barely slow down at all.

Pic related; it's me carrying a spear which weighs about a kilo and a (poorly made) 5-10 kg shield that I could probably run an entire marathon with.

You haven't seen any examples because you haven't bothered to look for them.

For you
Alot of those aren't intentional like the small beams, the actual combat mechanics themselves are more realistic, like having to actually move your body with the swing to create momentum, in Warband there was no weight behind anything, felt like a god just effortlessly slicing through people. Warband lacks realism and maybe all the complaints are just people wanting something unrealistic because they're not used to realism.
Alot of those aren't intentional like the small beams, the actual combat mechanics themselves are more realistic, like having to actually move your body with the swing to create momentum, in Warband there was no weight behind anything, felt like a god just effortlessly slicing through people. Warband lacks realism and maybe all the complaints are just people wanting something unrealistic because they're not used to realism.
Realism. The pinnacle of videogame design. ?
Regardless, most of the major issues listed are mechanics that are working as intended. Most of these problematic mechanics present in the combat work fine on a technical level, but are fundamentally flawed at a conceptual level.
Saying about "swords being lighter than people think"...

...then shows a video with wooden sabres. Omg...

Better example:

Now it is not that fast and responsive, right?

Bull**** as hell. Seriously. Even if you able to swing almost as fast, without a sword, you cannot accelerate your arm that fast.

People that defending Warband at all cost are so ridiculous.

They don't like the idea of their beloved game becoming something else, even if it is an improvement they see it as a downgrade simply because it is different. Is the combat in Warband fun? Yes, but is Bannerlord's combat fun? Yes. The only thing splitting the two games is realism and new mechanics, which 'veterans' sneer at because it is not the same as Warband. (I have also spent thousands of hours playing the game so I can speak from experience)
If you go to old interviews with Taleworlds where they discuss the combat mechanics, they say that they want more realistic animations, it is in an E3 2016 video where they are showcasing the single player. I remember that vividly
Yes, which is a nice endeavour as long as it doesn't interfere with the fluidity of the gameplay.

:O :O :O
I can't believe it, that someone might not actually understand my post... Okay, I shall repeat with better form:

Bull**** as hell. Seriously. Even if you able to swing almost as fast, without a sword, you cannot accelerate your arm that fast ----->WITH A SWORD IN A FRIGGIN HAND.<------

People that defending Warband at all cost are so ridiculous.
Now with that in mind, record a video and do the same, but with a sword in your hand. Try not to kill yourself in the process, thanks in advance.

2x People that defending Warband at all cost are so ridiculous.
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