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Great MOD ROK has always been in my top 3 MODS & I have wasted many an hour rampaging as a Steppe Dragon lol...

I am sure ur sick of hearing this repeated over & over by now but please port to Warband!!!!!!!!

Keep up the great work, I have absolutely no skill in modding so I really appreciate the effort of all Modders out there breathing fresh life into my fave game series! I work offshore so M&B & Warband are my sanctuary on those boring months at sea haha!


A nice mod, lotta work on textures, armour etc, good idea the ghost knights (i dont know why they belong to a main faction btw :razz:), i just sensed it lacks bows and arrows development, to me one of the main weaps of khergits, or i am pissing out the can here.
Very good work, however i pass. The high-end troop at the beginning and the hysterical ghosts arent a thing i can enjoy much... lol

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