Pick a Side, any Side!

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So, here you are:
Red Eye the Conqueror, decked out in full Black Armor, wielding that Bloody Sword from a mod, and riding a great black warhorse.

You ride towards a battle between the strong Dark Knights and the weak scum known as peasants. You draw your blade for a slaughter and initiate the battle. As you ride out to slaughter... Dark Knights? WTF? I am a BANDIT! WHY THE HELL AM I KILLING THE COOL GUYS? LET ME SLAUGHTER PEASANTS!

Alright, so you initiate the battle:

Join the Battle
Order your Soldiers to Join the Battle

You click "Join the Battle" OR "Order your Soldiers to Join the Battle" and a new menu appears:

Which Side?

And you get to pick a side. Yay!

Yes but you see, on the world map peasants/refugees are friendly to you while the dark knights want to eat you so I doubt they'll let you on their side.

Same with steppe bandits fighting caravans, you already join the friendly side and why would you join a bad side if they're going to fight you anyways? :smile:
Pr0phecy said:
Same with steppe bandits fighting caravans, you already join the friendly side and why would you join a bad side if they're going to fight you anyways? :smile:
Mostly because your posture as you ride up to the fight could easily determine your side. The bandits especially are not going to fight you after you aided them, though they may object to having to split the loot. The black knights and kerghits, though...they are a separate nationality (or so it seems to me) and are likely to simply refuse your aid.
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