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Moderator flag fits you good, Berserker. It's good to see this great mod finally earning it's own subforum!
Congratulations, you get a cookie.
Good idea.  The newer version will fix a lot of bugs.  Not the least of them being making other mods not work.

And cookies are awesome.
It's about ****ing time that this mod got it's own child board!
The dream of a sub-forum finally came true! And you didn't even need to sacrifice anyone! :razz:

Seriously though, well-earned congratulations, this mod has been languishing in the Pioneer's Guild for far too long.  :smile:

Is TaleWorlds' policy on sub-boards for mods based on copyrighted IP's changing?
Looks like a good mod, not particularly my type, but a very good display of the mod team's skill.
I think they are more worried about the really sticky IP's.  The juggernaughts you know.

  The whole reason I added the regular human questline was A)So I could add a less superhuman player character and B)So I could have a unique non-manga quest.
Now I just have to wait for Zenla to find the page.  And then the whole team is here.  And Wei.Xiadi if he is still around.
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