[CoR] Corporation of Radicalization

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I think it would be beneficial to attempt to discern what a party hosted by the Space Khergits would entail. Would one dance eternally amongst countless spacehorses whilst being assailed by the unending drone of the famed Khergic "hnnnnnngarrrrrrrrnnnngaaaaaa" throat singing, beamed out into space from surrounding HiFiSats which, by Khergic law, must orbit each Khergit inhabited world at a distance of no less than 22,236 miles. Based on studies conducted by the High Fane of Interstellar Nordic Imperium and the Galactic Harlusian Cheese Association, it could be expected that the Lord Khan of the Space Khergits may even grace such as party with his esteemed presence, attending the event aboard his flagship. In the case of such an event, it appears to be tradition that the Lord Khan ride atop his horse -- that is, a member of the subspecies Equus ferus caballus. Such a species has long been extinct elsewhere in the galaxy -- indeed, the only known specimen is the Lord Khan's horse, the limbs of which have been replaced with subatomic rockets -- an incredible technology invented by Khergic scientists which accelerate subatomic Vaegirs to velocities at 99.98% the speed of light. The Lord Khan's horse is the only organic life-form which has survived the perilous surgery required to implement such technology. In addition to this, the Lord Khan's horse is also kept alive through an elaborate life-support system. For these reasons, the Lord Khan's horse is revered so greatly as to elevate it almost to the position of co-Khan and foreign party-goers should be careful to not look the Lord Khan's horse in the eye, and should be sure to treat it with great respect. Failure to do so is punishable in ways which are deemed to be "thoroughly unacceptable" by the Galactic Court.
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