Mount&Blade War Kit 0.3 Beta By Swyter

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Grandmaster Knight
Mount&Blade War Kit 0.3 Beta By Swyter

I'm here again, and with a new soft, War Kit gives compressed installation method for Mount&Blade modules, too stable and customizable...

For More info read DOCUMENTATION ATACHED its all explained. ahh... I need some good tranlators for my software (chinese, mongolian...  :grin:)

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And I make some cool logo for OpenBRF... and Banners  :grin: :grin: :grin:
Really neat menu and all, but there's a major bug? I tried to pack my "Testing Mod" into a installer, did the whole process, waited at the packing status, and once it said "Finished, Happy Modding ;D", I went to the desktop (The target was there), but the file wasn't there. I also did a "windows search", but no results were found.

Bug ... or?
Well. In the pdf you said that you'd like to take translations... I got one for you..


MSG_NEXT = Nästa
MSG_BACK = Tillbaka
MSG_FINISH = Avsluta
MSG_INST1_TITLE = Välkommen
MSG_INST1_BODY1_INSTALL = Den här assistenten kommer att installera <MODULE> i din dator, 
du kommer att behöva Mount&Blade redan installerat för att köra modulen korrekt.
MSG_INST1_BODY1_UNINSTALL = Den här assistenten kommer att avinstallera <MODULE> från din dator, 
det är rekommenderat att stänga ner resten av applikationer och spel.
MSG_INST1_BODY2 = Den här processen är automatisk, och behöver ingen användares interaktion.
MSG_INST1_BODY3 = Klicka på Nästa knappen för att fortsätta...
MSG_INST2_TITLE = Licens av modulen
MSG_INST2_BODY1 = Du måste acceptera licens avtalet innan du kan fortsätta
MSG_INST2_ACCEPT = Ja, jag accepterar avtalet.
MSG_INST2_DONTACCEPT = Nej, jag accepterar inte.
MSG_INST3_TITLE = Installerar...
MSG_INST3_TITLE_UN = Avinstallerar...
MSG_INST3_BODY1 = Vänta medans <MODULE>
MSG_INST3_BODY2_INSTALL = är intestallerad på din dator...
MSG_INST3_BODY2_UNINSTALL = är avinstallerad från din dator...
MSG_INST4_BODY1 = Den här assistenten har avslutat
MSG_INST4_BODY2_INSTALL = installera
MSG_INST4_BODY2_UNINSTALL = avinstallera
MSG_INST4_BODY3 = <MODULE>, alla ändringar i din dator har avslutats korrekt.
MSG_INST4_BODY4 = Tryck på Avsluta för att stänga det här fönstret.
MSG_ASK_EXIT = Är du säker att du vill stänga den här Assistenten?
MSG_ASK_UNINST = Är du säker att du vill ta bort modulen ur ditt system?
MSG_MB_NOT_FOUND = Assistenten kan inte fortsätta för Mount&Blade är inte installerat.
ICON_UNINSTALL = Avinstallera

I hope I did right. So I didn't waste that time for nothing :wink:
Thank you bjorne,  :smile: this is not a waste of time, well... your great translation will be added in the next version  :!: ,and of course with a big big credit :eek: . Have you any preferencies about the color, font of your nick?  :mrgreen:

PD: You (and the others  :wink:) can post suggestions and feedback, together we can made a better beta :cool:...
I used this tool to pack in my mod, but when I tried to run my mods .exe nothig happend, I am sure it was standing there an hour but nothing happend.

Anyway very neat tool.
Here is another translation, this time in Bulgarian. But when you include it, test it so you can see if the Cyrilic letters are OK and not screwed up.

[2]  (Bulgarian)
MSG_NEXT = Напред
MSG_BACK = Обратно
MSG_FINISH = Финализирай
MSG_INST1_TITLE = Добре дошли!
MSG_INST1_BODY1_INSTALL = Тази програма ще инсталира <MODULE> на вашия компютър, трябва да имате Mount&Blade инсталирана за да върви добре.
MSG_INST1_BODY1_UNINSTALL = Програмата ще деинсталира <MODULE> от компютъра ви, препоръчително е да затворите всички други програми.
MSG_INST1_BODY2 = Процесът е автоматичен и не изисква потребителски действия.
MSG_INST1_BODY3 = Натиснете "Напред", за да продължите.
MSG_INST2_TITLE = Лиценз на модула:
MSG_INST2_BODY1 = Трябва да приемете лиценза преди да натиснете "Напред".
MSG_INST2_ACCEPT = Да, приемам условията за ползване.
MSG_INST2_DONTACCEPT = Не, не приемам условията за ползване.
MSG_INST3_TITLE = Инсталиране...
MSG_INST3_TITLE_UN = Деинсталиране...
MSG_INST3_BODY1 = Моля изчакайте, докато <MODULE>
MSG_INST3_BODY2_INSTALL = се инсталира на компютъра ви...
MSG_INST3_BODY2_UNINSTALL = се деинсталира от компютъра ви...
MSG_INST4_BODY1 = Програмата завърши с
MSG_INST4_BODY2_INSTALL = инсталирането на
MSG_INST4_BODY2_UNINSTALL = деинсталирането на
MSG_INST4_BODY3 = <MODULE>, всички промени в компютъра ви са завършени успешно.
MSG_INST4_BODY4 = Натиснете Финализирай, за да затворите този прозорец....
MSG_ASK_EXIT = Сигурни ли сте, че искате да затворите програмата?
MSG_ASK_UNINST = Сигурни ли сте, че искате да деинсталирате модула?
MSG_MB_NOT_FOUND = Инсталацията не може да продължи, понеже Mount&Blade не е инсталирана.
ICON_UNINSTALL = Деинсталирай
Thanks for your help Lumos, the bulgarian fans will mourn with joy when they see this, 4 languages in the second Beta (wow :grin:), this is more that i expected (I know that M&B community was great, but now I think that is fantastic  :cry: :wink: )

:idea: Early solution for final executable error: You can try to set the final path to "C:" or other short drive path, because theres an error with the spaces in the string.  :roll: (Stupid Bug again)

Ahh... I have make some probes to the compression engine and packs the Native module to 10% compr. (incredible). So really "packs" in a small file huge mods (with a little unpack time  :shock: Eureka!)

For other translations and bug reporting, Im always listening  :grin: ...
Rath0s said:
I used this tool to pack in my mod, but when I tried to run my mods .exe nothig happend, I am sure it was standing there an hour but nothing happend.

Anyway very neat tool.

My question is still not answered.  :smile:
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