Suggestion thread.

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Realistic Combat Model.

The upside? It's frigging sweet, especially in a mod of this scope and atmosphere.

The downside? It takes a lot of item stat tweaking.
The basic idea is....

Metal armor becomes more effective at protecting.
Conversely, all weapons are given higher damage values, with some damage types changed (in some mods, axes are made piercing, stabs with a sword are made cutting, etc.)
Bows are changed to cutting instead of piercing, so heavy armor is actually of some use, but because of the increased damage values, you won't wind up with a naked looter marching towards you with three arrows sticking out of him.
Horses are usually made faster and more maneuverable, with fewer hitpoints.
Hmmm, sounds interesting.  Maybe I'll try a bit out of that myself.  Horses are as weak as I'd like them, but the other ideas sound interesting.
short spears, fast and the ability to actually use them close range. so I can grab a bronze shield, some bracers, a legionaire helmet, take of my clothes and scream FOR SPARTA!!!
death cam pleeaseee :razz:

and maybe more blood? though I think i could add that by messing with the particle file... anyway uhm... *thinks* oh some of the claimants need to have their speech changed :razz:
Hey, must say this is a great mod and i'm really enjoying it, the battles ive played in this are really intense with the difficulty up and the formations are very well implemented.
One suggestion i thought was maybe sea travel? i know thats very very difficult to do but i think moving in between land on a longboat would be quite interesting, maybe saxon raiders move about in ships and you can have sea battles with them? Maybe get some rights off of other mods that have done this. It would also make getting around quicker and more interesting. Thanks.  :grin:
Maybe you could translate the Roman troop names into English? I have (hopefully I'm not alone) a problem figuring out what exactly I'm upgrading my troops into. Other then that, great mod.
I tried the mod but I found it too similar to the Native, too much medieval... with a bit of Romans here and there.
The map starts inverted (north-south), some roman greaves are made not very well, the handles of the roman shields have some problem, the oval shields are too square and the shield that cannot be used on horseback instead can be used... but this is better for the player.  :smile:
Well, it's a mod, so it will be almost exactly the same, other than troops, maps, details, factions.  Just like every other mod.
3 things this Mod needs to be unique, I dont know anything about modding but they're just Ideas.

1- *Primordial* Working Villages for player faction from wich you can recruit units (im sure its on the bug fix list ;D)

2- The Ability to turn your troops into a Party (like the Camulodian Patrols)

3- The Ability to Bribe enemy Lords (very consistent to the Roman Warfare policies at theese times...). By Bribing i dont mean pay them to Join you i mean a complex Bribing system, youd have option like:
-XXX Denarii to Abandon a Siege
-XXX Denarii to Disband Army and return to his Fief
-XXX Denarii to patrol/Raid a specific area
-XXX Denarii to choose the Marshall (corruption?)
-XXX Denarii to Declare war to another Kingdom
-XXX Denarii to make peace with another Kingdom
-XXX Denarii to Concentrate Campaign to a Specific Area
-XXX Denarii to help you siege a town

Like I said i know nothing about modding but I figured having a variety of ways to corrupt the Lords would make this mod very unique and Very Accurate to how things were dealt back then. And all those examples i scribbled above are things that already scripted from native.

Anyway would be cool to be able to bring kingdoms and Lords agaisnt one another... also you could Bribe ennemy lords instead of raping their faces so you could actually Win a war without losing too much standings.

Now honestly I have no clue if this has been suggested or even done but by chance could you change the Titles of characters and their positions to fit the culture of each faction
Roman Lord --> Senatores or better yet Legatus legionis
Roman Captain--> ordinarii
ect? I will prob have more support for you later, also if you could make it so that most "Roman" characters had 3 names displayed, as that was the norm for most romans, if not for all upper class romans. Perhaps you should also have some mancipium rebellis or slave rebels, as this would be quiet realistic along with other things
Personally I am downloading the mod right now. From the downloads page there a guy that says "You should add boats like seen in some other mods.. Walking across water is just silly." or something like that... I Support the Boat Making idea if this mod dose not have it allready.
I have been playig this mod for several days now, and I have some Ideas.

the lorica segmentata, doeant have glossy effects like other armours.

also the segmentatas, and all of the other roman armors, look brand new to me. Why is that? they differ to much form other ingame armours.. something should be done with that ..
You know to look like more weathered.

Some great axes looks like as if they had no texture at all. I know they have, but that is soo minimal, that they look like, some grey thingies. Only the shape tells me that is actually an axe.
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