Spin your yarn here! Tales of Valor and...errr...Courage!

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I *strongly* suggest making an entire separate forum section for this. Otherwise it gets too confusing to follow the different stories.

Every other game forum I've been on has a separate section for stories where players can post their own separate threads with their dynasties/stories/After Action Reports/etc.

Just a suggestion from a forums veteran. :smile:
Katie...the once court lady...went to battle against 5 river bandits...all by herself with her trusty steed, a dress, a steel dagger, and a hunting cross bow...she had decides her best couse of action was to charge ((her escape rout was cut off)) since it was suicide anyways....he charged forth...several rocks wizzing past her face...with ths sun at her back she hit the first one head on nocking him on his back...katie reached down and stabbed the basterd where he lay, killing him. she was flanked by two others...her steed took substancial damage....she retreated across a river...with 5 hp and a almost dead horse...she dismounted for her final stand...knowing that death was immanent she pulled her crossbow...as the bandits begane to forward the river..katie unleashed a bolt that corrased the head of one of the bandits leaveing a hole the size of her fist...the water began to turn red...she reloded as fast as she could....she fired another shot into a axe bearing black man...putting a hole in his eye, killing him. he fell on his back with a splash...one of the men looked down at his fallen comerade and stopped, a bolt coming out the side of the mans head he to fell...one left...she aimed a final time as a rock hit her in the face...knocking her unconsious...she woke several hours later...naked, no gold no horse...nothing...she made it back to the town in one peice..and did tournies till she had money to buy clothes....
now that is the end of the story
moral you ask?
dont fight river bandets at level 1
and dont fight them as court ladie either...
Foolhardy as a first time player and level one, I decided to go out and hunt River Pirates. At that time, I thought that it would be easy. I barely knew how to fight, and didn't know how to change weapons. Circling them and shooting random arrows hoping for a headshot I managed to take down two of the pirates (out of 10) by beginner's luck. After 10 minutes of running around in circles trying random keys I changed to my hatchet. It was pretty much charge in, whack something, charge out to the other side of the map, and repeat. With a broken shield and dead corpses littering the ground all around me, I charged once more. There were two left, a archer and a melee unit. While I was charging at the melee guy a lucky arrow flew straight into the head of my horse, killing it. One strike onto the melee killed it, making me curse the bad luck that left it on such low health. Running up the hill without a shield at a stationary archer is daunting when on single digit health, so the good old FPS-style strafe tactics served me well here. Just as I was about to hit him a nice one over the head he looses off an arrow, taking me to a single hit point. Archers, of course, are no match to any class with a choppy thing. Enjoying my victory as I headed back to Zendor I was smited by a Sea Pirates group. :sad:
Richari's Scimitar slashed down at the Steppe raider, cutting down the footman as he rode past, reigning in his horse to turn back and examine the battle field. His forces had scattered the raiders, despite the fact their force was more numerous, in a hail of missile fire and a single powerful charge. The Raider force was either scattered, or arriving at the battle-field in dribs and drabs, hardly a challange. Richari took a deep breath, reveling in the scent of battle and death, knowing full well that he personally had taken out half a dozen soldiers, mounted and on foot, already this battle. He must have seemed an incarnation of brutal raiding in appearance to the soldiers on the battlefield who could spare a moment to glance up at him, his Scale armour and steppe cap, along with the proud charger he rode upon, coupled with the cruel smirk and perfectly manicured goatee, working together to create a vision of malice. A frown creased his face when he noticed one of his soldiers set upon by numerous foot raiders, they'd already forced him off his horse and were hard pressing him, trying to beat past his defence. With a sign, he sheathed his scimitar, and set off.

The Vaegir mercenary waved his hand in appreciation, the bodies of the three Steppe raiders at his feet, arrows lodged in the back of their heads. Richari didn't even respond, making a mental note to fire that mercenary soon, he couldn't even keep his mount, and any who fall behind, stay behind. He regained his sense of amusement when he saw two raiders charging him on horseback, their spears couched under their arms in readiness of their charge. Flicking the reigns, Richari set off at a gallop towards them, once against drawing his Scimitar, easily halving the time before the horsemen got to him, batting aside a spear with his rapier and slashing along the man's throat, letting him slouch in death over his saddle. He couldn't do anything to prevent the other spear slicing through the buckle of his saddle though, he was just lucky it wasn't yet in place, or else it would have pierced through his armour and killed him. As it is he was simply thrown from his mount, landing in an undignified pile on the ground with a loud grunt. He spat the dirt out of his mouth and quickly regained his feet, looking around. His charger was too far away to recover easily, and the second horseman was turning to charge once more, this time with three unmounted raiders approaching as well. Richari smirked and set his feet in the ground, holding the blade in both hands. A passing thought in his mind was that he could have used a shield in this situation, but he dismissed it, much prefering to have extra arrows available. He spat some blood out of his mouth and grinned at the approaching horseman, shouting out at him.
"I am Richari the raider! This is my hunting land, you are trespassing, and will be punished!"
He broke out in almost maniacal laughter as the spear came ever closer. At the last instant Richari sidestepped, easily avoiding the tip of the spear, bringing his blade around in a high arc, cutting through the back of the horseman's neck. With his free hand he reached out and gripped the saddle, swinging himself up onto the Saddle horses back as the raider fell to the side. He smirked once again and reigned the still galloping horse in, turning it to face the three foot-raiders. He kicked his heels into the horses' side, bringing it up to a gallop towards the men, sheathing his scimitar and bringing out his bow and arrows. He drew back once, twice, three times, and let loose with an arrow each time. One raider fell screaming with an arrow in his chest, another with the arrow in his neck. The final raider stumbled as the arrow pierced his knee, but looked up in time to see the rapidly approaching blade of Richari. The bearded raider's blue eyes widened in terror...

Three hours later a merchant's caravan came across the site of the battleground, finding only stripped bodies, and a spear sticking up from the ground, with an bearded face with blue eyes impaled on it's tip.
The Refugees moved in a solemn huddle, the misery of the lands compressed and made into human shape. They carried whatever they could of their former lives. Here a chair or piece of furniture, there the pictures of loved ones mostly young men consumed in the fires of the war.

They made for an easy target. The old and the weak slowing them down. Children wailed and demanded rest, demanded water. The basic needs that had to be denied them.

The Hunters had been following them for days, watching the trail of human disaster wind it's way around city after city finding no rest in any of them. Beneath his black helmet their leader smiled coldly. Now was the time. The refugees had just entered the thinnest point between the two mountains, where the walls rise steeply on either side and the people were forced close together on their trek towards Praven.

The leader raised his gauntletted hand, and the Hunters swooped in.

It was a young boy who heard the crash of hooves first, he was walking with his mother at the back of the column and turned at the noise. He grabbed his mothers arm and shouted excitedly. "Mamma, Mamma! Knights!"

Now the mother turned and saw the sun glint black on their armour, so the weapons drawn and raised and saw the hideous sneers of glee upon their faces. She let out a terrified, primal scream and, clutching her son up in her arms, began to run. The column thus became a stampede, people shoving and pushing as they ran to try and reach the mouth of the pass. Perhaps they could escape, perhaps they could hide.

The Hunters slammed into the back of the column, their horses leaping and charging among the panic-stricken people. Swords and maces flashed as they rose and fell with blissful abandon each time resulting in a spray of red blood. It was too easy, like slaughtering lambs. Soon one of them broke through the main mass and before him saw the young boy who had first spied the attack. His mother was nowhere to be seen as he sprinted desperately on his own, heading for the exit from the pass as fast as hope could bear him.

But then, hope died.

Infront of the boy rose up a dark figure, silhouetted on his horse against the sun he looked like one of the black hunters. The boys pursuer smiled with evil purpose, he had the boy now. He took his eyes from his comrades silhouette and fixed it instead on the boy. Soon he heard his comrades horse charging, charging. They would be on the boy soon!

Then things happened very fast. His comrades horse ran past the boy but he had not swung his sword. Suddenly, he did. The blade arched up and cut cleanly through the hunters throat releasing a spray of blood and more intimate juices and toppling the man from his horse. His foot was caught in the stirrup causing him to be dragged behind the horse, his head bobbing comically on the partially severed neck with the same look of suprise now permenantly fixed on it.

With the sun now longer casting him in shadow the rider could be seen clearly. He was no dark hunter. Clad in a mail hauberk with richly embroidered leather beneath it, where most wore a blue tunic, showing a scene of a ship fighting against a sea dragon. His helmet was the peaked guard helm that was rarely found in the lands. Before him he bore a great two handed sword all the way up the blade of which was etched two great dragons knotted together, their outlines now enboldened with the crimson of fresh blood.

The world seemed to slow as he continued his charge, sword cutting through the air in a slow circle. When he gripped it firmly once more he raised it up and gave such a cry that the dark hunters had never before heard.

"Jeg bringe Døden!!"

Suddenly the world sped up once more as the refugess flowed to either side to avoid the crazed rider in his mad charge. His blade flashed and another one of the hunters went down, his armour dented in and from the sounds that had accompanied the blow a broken rib that had probably pierced his heart.

As the hunters reeled from the sudden onslaught more riders appeared around them. Some bore the heraldry of Swadia while others let free the warcries of the Vaegir hordes.

The refugees now scattered, some turned to try and fight the knights as help seemed to have arrived while others fled as fast as their legs would carry them. All of them speeded by the sounds of battle that had erupted. Steel clashed with steel, horses calls mixed with the pained screams of men. Yet still the madman rode. He was among the hunters now, blocking the swing of one before slaying the horse of another, sending the man hurtling forward to crash against the wall of the pass and lie still. Soon his men were forming behind him and the Hunters fell in droves. Some grouped together to fight it out in small groups, others tried to break through alone and were pulled from their horses.

One of the hunters made it though, and rode swiftly for the opposite end of the pass simply trying to escape. Finally the crazed rider pulled his mount up short and, sheathing his great war blade, drew forth a bow of immense length. He drew out an arrow and, watching the retreating mans path for only a moment let the arrow fly. It caught the man in the back of the head, punching through his helmet and sending him tumbling slowly to the ground like a ragdoll.

The madman smirked and replaced his bow on his back. Suddenly a voice called infront of him.

"You've come for me and my men devil, now I'll send you back to the hells."

It was the leader of the hunters. A huge warrior, made moreso by the black metal which covered him from head to toe. On his arm was a great steel shield showing a serpent wrapped around a lance as it's emblem. In his other hand was a lance of great proportions.

"Draw your weapon and face me!"

The madman smirked and pulled forth his great sword once more. The air grew still, the sounds of the raging battle seemed to die away around them. Then, as one, they spurred their horses forward.

Hooves sounded like thunder against the blood-streaked floor of the battlefield. Their mounts threw up great clods of dirt behind them. Sunlight gleamed and shone off of bared metal as with a crash, they met.

The hunters leader shoved his spear for the madmens horse. The beasts legs were snapped and it tumbled, the madmen was lifted into the air, his sword knocked from his hand. But he was not finished. As he went into the air his arm jutted out and he caught the Black Knight by the chest, tearing him from the saddle and sending them both tumbling to the ground. The madman landed atop his advesary, the other absorbing the worst of the impact.

The madmans lighter armour allowed him to rise first and he drew a dagger from his boot. Holding it firmly as he crouched above the fallen leader, unable to get up with his heavy plate and the wind knocked from him by the fall.

"W-wait..." He croaked out desperately, one hand rising to try and ward off the executioners blow. "...who are you?"

The madmen tore his helmet from his head, the mail coif beneath it falling away to his shoulders revealing the flame red hair and the scruffy unshaven jawline. As well as cold blue eyes that burned with a cold fury down towards the man.

"I am Cale Rödhår, last of the true Northmen, leader of the free companies...and I am your deliverance."

The fallen mans eyes widened. He watched the dagger rise but when it fell he would see nothing more.

Cale twisted the knife in the mans face, just to make sure, before he pulled it back out and wiped it off on the mans collar. One of his lieutenants, a Vaegir Knight who'd been with him for many years approached soon after.

"We've secured the prisoner train mylord. These bastards had women, children even priests chained and ready for transport."

Cale merely nodded his head, retrieving his sword from where it had fallen and wiping the blood from it with a tattered strip of cloth left abandoned on the field. The old Vaegir sighed and looked carefully at his leader before his eyes drifted to the corpses littered all around them.

"You know, no matter how many you kill your parents will never be returned to you."

Cale looked up sharply at the man. He would tolerate words like that from few people...it just so happened this was one of them. But that didn't mean he was going to be drawn into a conversation he did not want to have.

"I'll need a new horse"

The lieutenant sighed and saluted with a crisp fist to his chest.

"Aye, sir."
...at the moment. Didn't realise it was that long.

Granted a bit embellished by you get the jist of what happened.

And yes I know there are grammar errors, I've never been much good at that sort of thing so sue me.
though there are grammar/spelling problems, the story is great. what did Cale yell? i don't even know what language it was.
so there i was one man against 20 soldiers. 5 mounted and 15 not. i was on my horse but not for long as they mowed it down in second. i just walked in to there infintry and mowed the lot of them like tall grass. i was lvl 3 at the time.i got 2 prisoners and a lot of stuff :twisted:
i remember taking out 6 river pirates once with just a hatchet and a wooden shield. I was still on level one at the time. On level four i got involved in a fight between vaegir's and dark knight's. We won and i recieved a really big sword and massive shield. The dark nights' horse couldn't get up the hill where i was and i was stuck until the vaegir's had finished with the other knights.
Deg Nabiroth, the Black Captain, surveyed the plains. It was a perfect spot for an ambush. Too perfect. The Vaegir deserters were after him, and he considered the option of waiting for them. No, there were dozens of them, but they were hardly a match for his knights.

"Turn around men, we needn't crawl in the face of our enemies. We shall meet them on open ground."

"Sir, do you feel it as well? 'Tis as though there are people watching us from yonder hilltop." Said Borcha.

"I feel naught, but I see the sunlight shining off their steel. Fools probably want to charge our flank. The metal could be anything, but we best be sure." Nabiroth replied

He took his bow, and shot an arrow to the hilltop. Nothing happened. He grunted and shot another. There was a shriek.

"Sons of Swadia, charge the Vaegir dogs! Today blood shall flow! keep your wits about you and it won't be yours!" The knights unseathed their weapons, and galloped away from the hill. Marnid, Borcha, and a few of the knights followed Nabiroth to the opposite direction. his lieutenants produced their javelins and took aim as the first few bandits rose from their position. The three officers started circling the bandits, firing their ranged weapons at them. Marnid and Borcha rarely hit, but they managed to create confusion among the enemy. Nabiroth had handpicked their horses, and they were the fastest in the kingdom.

"Give them hell!" Shouted the Black Captain. they closed in on the bandits, and pulled their swords out. It was a culling. Heads were flying in the a air as their swords spun around them, striking left and right. Marnid caught a well aimed stone to his left temple and fell from his horse. Half the bandits had been slaughtered when more sprung out from their hiding places. Javelins in hand. one hit Borcha on the shoulder and he passed out. The knights were next. Their wounds were more severe, as their helmets were penetrated. Deg Nabiroths horse was already reddened by the blood of his enemies. The Black Captain didn't want to risk the horse, so he dismounted it. As he approached the five reamining bandits he started shouting:

"You little bastards! There are five of you against me! Fight damn you!"
The bandits grinned, lowered their shields, and walked towards him. "Fools" thought Nabiroth, and grabbed his throwing axes. The thieves were clearly shocked, for they forgot to shield themselves. Two fell down with cracked skulls before the rest lifted their shields to protect themselves. Nabiroth Swayed a little from exhaustion, but he still grinned weatily. It was his turn to do so. He gripped his bastard sword, and took a swipe at the knees of the one closest to him.The bandit fell with a scream as hislegs were cut in two. The next one hadn't probably seen battle before, as he was clearly appalled about what happened. He lowered his guard for a few seconds, which was a dire mistake. The Black Captain thrust his sword quickly at the eye of the young bandit and impaled his head. The reamining bandit swung his mace at the chest of Deg Nabiroth, forcing the air out off his lungs. He fell to the ground and it took him a while to get to his feet. He noticed how smug the last bandit was.

"Should have stayed down. But if you prefer the hard way..."

Surrender now and I'll sell you to slavery. Whatever your decision, make it fast."

The bandit started laughing, and then he spat on the Nabiroth's face. The Black Captain rose to his feet, and said: "Mistake."

It was as though a wave of steel had hit the bandit when the knights charged.

"are you allright milord?" Asked one of the knights.

"Aye, I am. Gather the survivors. Tend to the wounds of ours, and burn theirs. The only thing these dogs are for is ash."
Worbah said:
What's the best shot anyone here has had? Mine is 7.4, believe it or not. I haven't got any kind of evidence. I'll admit, it was an extremely lucky shot, eventhough it was crowded.

Actually, I`ve had... well, it was either 8.6 -- STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!! -- or 9.4. Yeah, yeah. Impossible.
Aaedien said:
Worbah said:
What's the best shot anyone here has had? Mine is 7.4, believe it or not. I haven't got any kind of evidence. I'll admit, it was an extremely lucky shot, eventhough it was crowded.

Actually, I`ve had... well, it was either 8.6 -- STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!! -- or 9.4. Yeah, yeah. Impossible.

Welcome to the forums. The best shot people have reported is something like 14.6. the best one I've had is 12.0.
A man on a horse rode out of Zendar, confident and plucky holding himself high as the sun glinted off his sword. John had felt so confident at leaving the city, that he hadn't even bothered to train or rack up some money in the arena first. Then the robbers struck. There was six of them, and shortly after the attack John was knocked unconcious and left for dead.

When he woke up, he blearily trudged on, his horse and money gone, his clothes tattered into shreds. Then out on the plains, nine Steppe Bandits attacked him, easily outrunning him on their swift horses.

John wearily climbed up to the top of a hill, and loaded his crossbow, in anticipation of their attack. Soon, he sighted the first raider. The man charged towards John lifting his sabre in anticipation. But that was a mistake, for as he lowered his guard John lifted his crossbow and shot him in the face. The man plunged off his horse, and landed at Johns feet, quite obviously dead. Then loading his crossbow once more, John fired down the hill at the horseman below, catching him in the top of the head and killing him instantly.

John continued on this way, shooting raider after raider off his horse, until his quiver was empty. Then five archers into the nearby river, and started firing arrow after arrow at John. But John thinking quickly, leapt onto a nearby horse, and galloped down the hill and quickly dispatched one of the archers, with all the other arrows thudding harmlessley into his shield. Quickly circling he swept by again and again, until all the bandits lay lifeless on the field. The spoils from their dead bodies made him a rich man...

He had no training or experience at all and was still on level one when he beat off this attack... No-one else was with him either.
"'Ey! You! Keep your eyes away from the hills... The only place YOU'RE goin' is with us... To the mines!"
Dac Farren had barely been able to doze off while marching when one of the armed guards decided it was time to harrass the prisoners again. He and the other prisoners had been marching for a few days across the steppes... Most of them bandits or raiders. A Vaegir patrol, in a magnificent display of luck and irony, ambushed the band of Khergit's he belonged to in the middle of a raid. Dac had been knocked unconcious by a loose rock when the Vaegirs rushed over the raid... He remained as still as he could, but was eventually found out and bound to the other prisoners.

The prison train soon reached the mines and the line lurched to a halt. For only the second time the leader of the train caught Dac's attention. The Khergit's reaction to the woman was always the same... Confusion. How would a woman be allowed to control so many men, let alone make it so far in the army? As far as Dac knew, most Vaegirs were horrible womanizers and sexists. The disgruntled fighter grinned to himself as he realized that the brains behind the bunch probably belonged to the woman, which is why they were able to execute such a brilliant counterattack againts the raid. He couldnt help but notice how familiar she was, either... Then it hit him.

He had attacked a small patrol under her command before, somewhere southeast of Tulga. The raid cost each side dearly, but when it came down to it the Khergit's had annihlated the Vaegirs.. The woman had probably ran or been knocked unconcious.

Dac snapped back to attention. The woman was conversing quietly with the slave trader, who didnt say much but nodded his head slowly from time to time. Suddenly the woman looked over at Dac, and he froze. She mounted her horse again and turned it towards the end of the train. She kept her eyes fixated on him as she yelled back at the slaver, "Keep an eye on this one, Galeas... He's a tough sum*****."
Then she saluted and winked at Dac and rode quickly away, her patrol following in formation.

Quiet laughter broke out from the prisoners, but Dac hardly found it funny at all. She was getting back at him! The whole counterattack had all been done to get him in the mines... Something Dac wouldve actually done to gain vengeance, now that he thought about it.

The next few days did not go well. It seemed like each passing minute the miner next to him would laugh heartily about Dac and the woman. Even the guards could be heard discussing it and throwing him suspicous looks every time he looked behind him... They obviously trusted the woman's words regarding the 'tough sum*****'.

Then one day, deep within the mine where the guards were scarce, his grip tightened on the pickaxe and he turned towards the dozing sentry, finally ready to play the Vaegir woman's game.
As i followed the large carovan, ready to fight for the gold inside, I freed my prisoner borcha so he would fight along my side...
My speed increased since borcha could run instead of being dragged, and My party finally reached its destination!
Speak to the Carovan guard, I did. He asked me if I was seriuous, and I told him so.
Battle began! I told my party to charge, my 14 Paesants and Borcha, they attacked the enemy without fear!
I too, rode fearlessly and charged them poor carovan guards, who thought they could kill me, and then, all of a sudden, read a line I do, "Kroc knocked unconcious by carovan Guard"....
Some good stories here. I must say I am amused by some of the troubles people had at level 1-3 with River Bandits, as I seemed to be able to handle upwards of 15 alone, sometimes with no damage done to myself (but I also suppose the simple advantage of knowing tactics from doing live reenactments helped me in a way).

Still, I can remember a battle when I was still a level 20, with only Borcha, Marnid and 15 Vaegir Horsemen. On our way to Reyvadin to sell off spoils from a recent battle with Mountain Bandits, we were ambushed by a group of 48 Dark Hunters. Being this was my first actual encounter with them, I had no idea what to expect.

After posting my soldiers on a nearby hilltop and ordering them to stay put, I ran the right flank, taking out 2 fairly quickly, to my surprise.

As I turned to make another pass, I could see that only 4 were trailing me; the rest had pressed forward to my group and were already engaged.

One by one, I saw the messages flash on the screen: Borcha knocked unconscious... Marnid knocked unconcious, Vaegir horseman killed.... 3 of mine to every one of theirs, quickly leaving me against 12 well-armed and heavily armored dark knights and dark hunters.

Using the tried-and-true method of running circles, and using loing sword and sheild, I managed to take down another 2 knights, before switching my direction. Within moments, anothwer one was felled. Then another. Now there were 8.

Then that dreadful message: "New enemies have arrived." Great... Now I see 4 more joining the fray.

Changing directions to account for the new additions, I take out another. Things seemed to be going well, with only the occassional light damage taken. That was until what must have been the odd occurance of AI actually being intelligent.

Half of the remaining foes stopped their pursuit and changed direction. Now there 4 goign clockwise with me, and 4 going counter-clockwise against me. Not what I had in mind.

Needless to say, I ran straight forward, managing a good, but not deadly, blow to one of my pursuers. As I turned to my right to restart my circling game, I saw a knight, with lance at the ready running from the same direction.

With no time to react, I was taken off my horse...

In the following battle, with only myself and 5 remaining horsemen, victory finally came, but only with the loss of all but one horseman, who was now useless due to unconciuousness, and 2 pathetic excuses for officers, and a very badly hurt self.

But, the spoils were very plentiful, since I didn't have to share much.
I was cold as I led my horse through the mountain pass alone. Damn cold. I was half naked and starving. I had to lead the horse because it was too sick to carry me.

My trading venture had failed miserably when my caravan was set upon by Sea Raiders. Usually I could handle Sea Raiders with my caravan by my side. This time, something was different. In addition to the usual berserk fury I saw intelligence gleaming in some of their eyes.

As good a commander as I was, nobody could have prevented that slaughter. I was travelling with many men, but the sea raiders just kept coming. They must have been hiding in the trees. I don't know how they got up there, but they were smart. Wave after wave slowly ground down my group until only I remained alive. Then, I saw something very bad. A raider threw an axe at me.

Luckily, the axe struck with the blunt backside of the blade, and did not cleave my face in twain. I was still knocked unconscious, and stripped of all my possessions save 2 diseased and lame horses. I had to eat one on my way through the pass. Now I had to make it to Suno with at least one horse, or disgrace my House.

My house was the Du'Val trading house. Usually, we tried not to go near the coast, but we had so much excess wool, and my father saw easy profit. Unfortunately we didn't know about the damned raiders from accross the sea then. Had we known about them, we would have taken our chances with the deserters and Dark Knights.

When I came through the pass and over a small rise I was heartened by the sight of my beautiful home city. I started to make my way accross the plains when I was set upon by a group of mountain bandits unusually far from their mountain stronghold. As I was alone and peniless, they attacked. I tryed to hold them off, but with no shield or weapons I was helpless.

A lucky strike with a spear that was little more than a sharpened stick pierced a major artery in my leg. The bandits knew I would die when they saw the wound, so they took the horse and left. But, I was determined to live. I pressed my hands to the wound and tried to squirm onto the main path where someone might see me.

I finally made it to the path, and I can't see very far now. I think it's getting colder, because it's getting harder to breathe. The trees are closing in on me, and it's hard to stay awake. I know I have to stay awake or I'll never see my family again. I have to stay awake. I can't do it. I can't see anything. I don't hurt now. I'm col...
As the sun fell behind the mountains denoting the edge of Calradia and the day ended, a battle between a Vaegir scouting party and a band of twoscore Dark Knights was about to begin.
Having spent the day fleeing the brigands, who stubbornly refused to be shaken, the Vaegirs were demoralised and soaking in their ragged armour. The Knights, however, were relaxed and confident, predicting another easy victory over the hapless Vaegir soldiers.
As the sun's rays faded, they caught the scouts on an open plain, the only feature of which was a wide hill standing proud over the battlefield. The Vaegirs, vastly outnumbered and under-equipped, were undertaking a fighting retreat in a desperate attempt to reach the sanctuary of Reyvadin, where the local Lord would give them shelter, were being mercilessly slaughtered.
Then, even as the last rays of hope were fading, a bugle sounded pure and clear from the other side of the hill, and there was the sound of many tramping hooves across the soft, dew-laden grass. Yet no-one appeared to help the Vaegirs, who lapsed into a submissive state of despair and surrendered.
However, while the arrogant Knights were busy forcing their new slaves into manacles, a lone woman of breathtaking beauty appeared on the very crest of the hill.
She rode a swift white horse, and the moonlight streaming off the beast's flanks made the woman and horse, both in silver armour, seem to glow with a white light.
The Knights slowly noticed her presence and made bawdy jokes not even heard in the rudest of taverns, but she remained silent, ignoring them, until their leader's patience snapped.
"Who are you, woman, and what are ye here for?", he demanded, to which she replied, "My name is Padua Verona and I am here to deliver you to the next life"
The brash, overconfident bandits roared with laughter, and uttered the time-old joke: "You and who's army?"
Again, Padua remained silent, but raised her left arm, fist clenched, and in unison, a horde of hired blades and sword sisters appeared behind her, their black armour and black horses seeming to appear from nowhere.
As the grins on the faces of the Dark Knights reluctantly faded, she dropped her left arm, and with her right, slid an exquisitely crafted sword of war from its sheath and held it high, the watered steel reflecting the moonlight as her armour did.
As the brigands groped for their weapons, she pointed her sword forward, and a hail of arrows came from the rear of her army, laying waste to the raider encampment.
Then, as if obeying an onspoken command, the entire army drew and flourished their swords as one, and then, in perfect unison, charged, hammering through the Dark Knights' lines, leaving none alive and freeing the prisoners.
Thus it came to pass that the Vaegirs were saved and the foul, low and depraved Dark Knights were defeated once and for all.

Yes, I know it's embellishing a bit. Bite me.
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