What will be the Calradian equivalent to the city of Rome?

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As we all know the Roman Kingdom/Republic/Empire was named after the city that started it all. In Calradia there is no town that has a name close to "Calradia," so what would be the equivalent to Rome if each nation has its own cultural similarities to our own history?

As of Warband I would argue that it would have to be narrowed down to a town in the Kingdom of Rhodoks or the Kingdom of Swadia. However, in Bannerlord, after much more land being added with a three way civil war consuming the last of the Empire, that adds more to my quest to determine which town shall be declared the most similar to Rome.

Warband: Within the Rhodok and Swadian territory I would have to say Praven or Jelkala. These without a doubt are the most important towns between the two kingdoms. It is difficult to say which would be the most similar to Rome, however, since the Rhodoks are supposedly the most similar to Swiss and Italian culture and warfare I am more inclined to say Jelkala. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in our time the Holy Roman Empire had Rome under its banner around the start date of Warband, 1257 A.D.. This is what gives Praven a good comparison to Rome (coastal town, not on a river, but it doesn't have to resemble it completely.)

Bannerlord: Aside from my argument for Warband, I cannot say which town is the closest to Rome with all of these new towns being introduced. Perhaps there will be a characters and NPC's that will tell the history behind the Empire of Calradia. I can't pinpoint which of the towns in the three empires would have a Rome simply because we do not have information yet.

Boy, I sure am anxious for March to come around for the single player in Early Access. Anyone else want to give their speculation?
AFAIK, there's no such thing. If you're looking for the hometown of Calradoi, the dudes that eventually evolved into Empire, then that would probably be somewhere in the Rhodok territories as they're hillfolk. But after that (quote from DevBlog 08/02/18, 'Empire Part 1') 'the capital moved from place to place, and the assembly of the people was called wherever the emperor desired'. The latest one would be Lycaron, I guess, as this is where Emperor had his palace and where he was assassinated.
MR.Monsor I think  the real owner of the throne is the Southern Empire so the capital of the empire must be there,then Lycaron=Rome.From the map, the south of Rome is North Africa. As for the Bannerlord map, the south of Lycaro is the Aserai Sultanate.
Calradia is more eastern empire, capital could have changed name like Costantinople. After all unlike western empire where half of roman empire survived this time there won't be any calradian empire that survive like what happened after the fall of eastern empire.
In Warband, I thought it used to be Dhirim ?
On the Warband map , Dhirim is located on a line that goes from Praven to Suno , and Suno / Dhirim is about three times the distance from Suno to Praven.
So on the new Bannerlord map , that would be Lageta ?
Do not look here said:
AFAIK, there's no such thing. If you're looking for the hometown of Calradoi, the dudes that eventually evolved into Empire, then that would probably be somewhere in the Rhodok territories as they're hillfolk. But after that (quote from DevBlog 08/02/18, 'Empire Part 1') 'the capital moved from place to place, and the assembly of the people was called wherever the emperor desired'. The latest one would be Lycaron, I guess, as this is where Emperor had his palace and where he was assassinated.
Thank you. This is actually pretty important for the story of Calradia. I'm not so sure if moving the nation's capital every so often is a very economically sound idea, but emperors are free to do as they please I suppose.
As far as I understand the lore, the Empire was supposed to push forward aggressively and Emperors made the capital in whatever nice city they conquered lately. Doesn't sound like great policy, but, to be honest, judging by Bannerlord's geography the Empire was either never that great and big to begin with or they were actively pushed back as they should be, with that 'always going forward and don't look back' attitude.

The weird thing about the factions, imo, is that they are standing in that weird split, like TW wanted to do something new and unique with them by giving them their own lore, reasons and culture, but then realized they need to do some fan-service as well. Cue Calradian Empire that is supposed to be Byzantine Empire but shares very little with either source material or Rome aside of general aesthetics and that whole controversy with Sturgia. Only Battanians seem to have survived that unscathed and, to me, are candidates for the best faction, dwarven armours notwithstanding.
If I were to speculate, I guess they probably didn't want any of the 3 imperial factions to have the uncontested capital -- going with ubi imperator ibi Roma is basically a way to handle that. It's not.... entirely unhistorical. The phrase exists for a reason, in that the late Roman emperors often held their court in various cities which ended up becoming the seat of government (even while Roma and later also Constantinople were always the symbolic true capitals and seats of the Senate).

What confuses me though is that we know from the lore that the Calradic emperors were a bit like the historical office of Roman dictator: appointed to lead the army in special situations of wartime. Later, the Calradic emperorship became permanent. The Northern Empire's whole thing is returning to the republican roots of Calradia.

If that's the case, then we still have the question of: where was the historic capital before this whole emperor thing started happening? Surely one of the cities is THE Roma equivalent: the seat of the old Senate and the republic origin of the empire.

Even in late imperial times, that ancient republican gloss never left the old capital.
I thought so too when I saw this thread and looked it up in his dialogue lines. He only mentions that Suno preserved the old calradian ways, which is funny considering that I don't think it's even an imperial city in the Bannerlord.
Do not look here said:
I thought so too when I saw this thread and looked it up in his dialogue lines. He only mentions that Suno preserved the old calradian ways, which is funny considering that I don't think it's even an imperial city in the Bannerlord.
This could be Calradian equilevant of Constantinople. Byzantine Empire was Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire is modern term that did not exist back then. It preserved old Roman ways, and ruled in name of Senate and people of Rome long after Rome and western half of the Empire had fallen.
I'm more interested in what that hypothetical former imperial centre would look like.

Rome as it was in the early middle ages was basically a huge ghost town, with the vast walls enclosing the abitato or occupied part of town, mostly along the Tiber, as well as the vast, surrounding disabitato or unoccupied city which was home to ruins, small scale farming and pasturing as well as bandits.

The luxurious villas and temples were robbed of marble, which was burned into lime, the Circus Maximus was used as farmland while the Colosseum served first as an apartment complex and then as a castle. As the mausoleum of emperor Hadrian, which became Castel Sant'Angelo.

I know the Calradic Empire hasn't yet collapsed in BL, but seeing something like this, old monuments repurposed and former metropolises depopulated, could really make an impact. They could even take a page from the history of Split, where the old town was more or less entirely formed within the walls of Diocletian's retirement palace, local people having fled to the safety of it's walls.
In Calradia you have The Western Empire, The Northern Empire and the Southern Empire (placed on the East).

In Real History you Have The Western and Eastern Division. Africa was split between the 2.

Rome itself and the natives would be placed in the Western. But the Upper class, religion and the colonialists came from the East at least that's what they claimed. The bureaucracy was very adamant about the importance of boasting towards the Eastern block and yet had incorporated so much from the Western peoples, culture and Military. Very Ironic.

Either way, The Roman/Calradic Empire would be the (Southern Empire) In Spirit. But the Body (Rome) is in the West.

The West was the vessel for the Parasite, The centre would have been Constantinople (Lycaron?) their Prize and Glory and they would have expanded into the Middle East if the could have. Which they couldn't at the time.
The Southern Empire starts off at war with the Aserai I believe.
I was re-reading the factions blogs and the vlandian one has this
The Vlandians settled, married, planted farms, and built fortresses. It was not difficult, during the recent interregnum, for Osrac Iron-arm to declare himself king, independent in all but name. He seized the imperial capital of Baravenos and the lands along the coast, and that was how the west was lost to the empire
so i think it might be one of the vlandian towns, maybe pravend
Hirano said:
I was re-reading the factions blogs and the vlandian one has this
The Vlandians settled, married, planted farms, and built fortresses. It was not difficult, during the recent interregnum, for Osrac Iron-arm to declare himself king, independent in all but name. He seized the imperial capital of Baravenos and the lands along the coast, and that was how the west was lost to the empire
so i think it might be one of the vlandian towns, maybe pravend
In Warband Firentis says that Suno was the town of the Calradian emperor.
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