Tweaks for Phantasy 2018

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Since TweakMB will not work for 2018 version and I am doing some tweaks, I thought as I work thru them I could also post, and update as I play thru.

Version 2014-  0.723  tweaks here

While not needed it is recommended to get Notepad ++, this will give you the line numbers plus other features that help in modding.

Hero/Lord Tweaks

1. Give troops/remove troops for lords armies/castles like they were your own.
open menus.txt line 266  search for Give_troops_to_the_garrison
Original - Give_troops_to_the_garrison_(cannot_remove)  1 2056 1 144115188075856195
Changed - Give_troops_to_the_garrison_(cannot_remove)  1 2043 1 1
2. Give troops/remove troops for trade caravans.

3. More relation for releasing lady after battle.

4. Change number of prisoners you can hold per prisoner management point.
open scripts.txt line 267 game_get_party_prisoner_limit -1
19 2133 2 1224979098644774912 360287970189639680 2133 2 1224979098644774913 0 2170 3 1224979098644774914 1369094286720630786 1224979098644774912 2122 3 1224979098644774913 1224979098644774914 10 4 0 21 1 1224979098644774915

Change the 10 to what ever you would like.
5. Moral tweaks.
Moral for Companions
Normal game will subtract 1 point for each companion you have in the army. I think it should add since they are "heroes"
Scripts.txt line 603 get_player_party_morale_values -1
129 1650 2 1224979098644774912 648518346341351424 2133 2 1224979098644774913 1 6 3 1224979098644774914 1 1224979098644774912 1652 3 1224979098644774915 648518346341351424 1224979098644774914 4 0 1507 1 1224979098644774915 2105 2 1224979098644774913 1 5 0 1653 3 1224979098644774916

Change this to say -3 now they add 3 for each hero
Morale_PointsPerLeadershipKing and not king
Scripts.txt line 603 get_player_party_morale_values -1 search for
1224979098644774924 15 5 0 2122 3 144115188075857312 1224979098644774924 12 3 0 2133 2 1224979098644774926

The 15 is Moral bonus for each point in Leadership as king and the 12 for when not king
6. Editing the chance of lords escaping after you defeat them.
scripts.txt line 943 cf_check_hero_can_escape_from_player -1 search for
1224979098644774915 0 100 2147483678 2 1224979098644774915 40 2133 2 1224979098644774914

The 40 is the chance after battle for them to escape, anything 0 to 100 works,  0 means you always capture, 100 they always escape.


1 Adjust Dark Mages and cost at towns.
Found in menus.txt line 518 search for Dark_mages
Original - Recruit_5_Dark_Mages_for_300_gold  7 4 0 1106 2 1585267068834416794 4444440 1610 3 648518346341351424 5 360287970189639979 2133 2 144115188075856361 0 1529 2 360287970189639680 300

The first 5 and 300 in the title only changes the menu in game, the second 5 is the amount you recruit so change that to how many you would like, and the 300 is the cost 


1. Max tax inefficiency.

More tweaks to be added as I test them.
Extra for later.
I like the correct use of spoilers in the initial post, as this is how code snippets and other large text should be handled on the forum.

I applaud the tweaks idea but I released so many flavors of the mod it would be difficult to keep current. Hopefully with source access this task of tweaks will be "a little more trivial" - I find nothing is as "trivial" as it first seemed when attempting to mod (attempt is the correct word); just finding something used to waste considerable time.

I hope Guspav's original mod has more life with the next release; I will add source code to the original for comparison purposes separate from v160 source. There are > 120K lines difference. I just checked NexusMods has a clean set of the original Guspav Phantasy so I won't make a separate upload.

This allows one upload to contrast source between the two versions; in fairness to both me and Guspav they can be compared side by side and at the same time fans of either style can discover which version they prefer. For example, Guspav's original has gnomes; Necromancer can be added after character start, and there were more spells available. Eventually, some people might notice WHY some things were pulled, such as missile storm crashing to desktop. Guspav's version had less strict alignment and less limitation on Necromancy; while Phantasy 2018 v150, 156, 158, and now 160 had increased powers for Necromancers (to make them stronger as enemies) while having far fewer friends (making their undead brittle when facing Blazing Hand and paying more attention to day versus night as examples). There is considerable difference between the two flavors for handling npc magic users and clerics/paladins. There are more red text messages from errors in the original as well.
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