Like and dislike button we need this

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We have a board for discussing the website & forums. It's a little further down the main page, and it's called The Realm of Calradia - Website & Community. As for your specific suggestion, it's been brought up before in discussions about the new forum (which is in development). We're aware some people want it, but we are also aware that some people definitely do not. We're still discussing it.
fudachet said:
I see ideas here and I want to dislike it so please add this on the forum


You know you can dislike something... without hitting a button. It's a radical concept, I know, but you can just emotionally dislike something without a forum mechanic to express it.

5 Likes 2 Dislikes
Almalexia said:
fudachet said:
I see ideas here and I want to dislike it so please add this on the forum


You know you can dislike something... without hitting a button. It's a radical concept, I know, but you can just emotionally dislike something without a forum mechanic to express it.

5 Likes 2 Dislikes

Haha have some Taleworlds gold, good sir.

Almalexia and 3 others disliked this.
Yeesh, Hosted on Photobucket, just seeing the two of those together made me age like I drank from the wrong cup when choosing the Holy Grail.
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