Companions Minimod

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Hello !

First of all thank you for this great mod, I'm really enjoying it !

I'm working on a little submod to make different faction themed companions. One thing I would like to do is make some of them very specialized in certain skills (drillmaster, surgeon, tactician, engineer and so on) but as they would be very good at that I'd also want them to be very pricey. In their dialogs I find a {reg3} which refers to the amount of money they're asking to be recruited. Where can I change this {reg3} amount to make it for example a few thousand francs ?

Thank you in advance to those who'll try to answer my question.

When I'm satisfied with my results I'll release what I've done to contribute to the life of this amazing mod.

Edit : So here's my first take at the companions change. I first did France, the United-Kingdom, Prussia, Russia and Austria. I did two sets for each faction for whether you lead an infantry or cavalry regiment. I'd be happy to hear any feedback, criticism, suggestions and so on. For example, any character you'd like to add for a certain faction with a little more fleshed out stats/equipment to stand out more compared to the others who are more standardized ?

I also have another question :
Is there a way to make all companions spawn at the same place or at least in one faction's cities for testing purposes ? It's really tedious to chase them across the whole map to check if everything looks the way I want.

In the future I'd like to redo the dialogs, something simple for each companion but which would at least remove any reference to Calradia. Plus now some male companions are referred to as Madam :grin:

But anyway here's the link :

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