Say Cheese v2

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I was 4, tyvm. As cliche as it is, my first memory is of 9/11. I walked into the living room while everyone was wailing and crying and didn't know why they were being so weird about the action movie on TV. I clapped and cheered when the second plane hit the towers and everyone yelled at me. All I could think, was "Damn, nice special effects. Why is everyone getting mad, this ****'s genre pushing."
I was 11 and was the only one watching tv, I thought it was a movie at first too, saw the second plane hit live and only then I realized it wasn't a movie.

It's interesting how so many people had the very same experience, regardless of where they were in the world.
NUQAR'S Kentucky "Nuqar" James XXL said:
I just remember wondering why every channel was showing the same crappy film. When I realised it was a real event I was more entertained than anything.

White people dying, Jacob's not crying. Despicable.
They made us hide under our desks for like an hr during 9/11 after they found out it was intentional. I remember even as a kid thinking how ridiculous it was to believe terrorists would bother with a small town school in rural Texas.
White people not faring (well), Pentathagasus not caring. Despicable.

I was twenty when it happened, and it was pretty unbelievable. It was undeniably gripping and exciting, with it being such a strange and dramatic event that seemed almost unreal, yet sobering too. I did feel very sad for all the people dying and suffering (when the towers fell, I felt genuinely upset and horrified at what it meant for those inside, I hadn't expected them to fall. I bet Fishy did though, the bastard.). A bit of anger as well I think after a while, when I mulled over the thought that people actually deliberately did this. It was so bizarre at first, the channels all showing this event, nobody really knowing what was going on, and then the second plane hitting...I cannot remember if I saw that happening in real time or if I just heard it a minute or so later. I was watching it in the lounge while my brother was mostly upstairs watching on his computer (I think he had alerted me to it; we both still lived at home at the time and our parents were out). I remember watching the 'breaking news' rolling tape at the bottom of the screen, with some sort of view of the towers always in the background.
Two things I remember:
1) Being annoyed with the stupidity of the news anchors and correspondent, saying it was a small plane/light aircraft.
2) Less than a week before, after reading something about the official goverment stance/Bush declarations about Palestine, I was thinking "this guy is basically asking for some suicide bombing à la snakbar style in the USA"
I have a distinct memory of one particular closeup shot of the aerial mast and upper floors shooting directly down as the structure underneath failed. Crazy chundersmearing events unfolding before my very eyesmears.
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