My VC wish list/ Projects.

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          After playing this delightful module for a goodly while now I have compiled my wish list of new features I would love to see. I realize that it is highly unlikely that even a fraction of these ideas will be realized but if it can spark some creativity among my fellow modders or dare I say the Devs I will be satisfied.

            Now I do have plans as to how I would tackle most of these myself but realistically I won't be able to realize all these ideas. My strategy is to first create a mod that expands the types of mercenaries one can encounter. I feel that this is a small a specific enough task that it may actually see completion.
            My second project would be to add settlements for pre existing factions. My priority would be as follows; Denmark, Norway, Frisia, Laithlind. This project will not only involve modding the overland map but creating perhaps dozens of new scenes.

            My impossible dream would be to see new factions added. Much of what would be required to do this would be beyond my skill but one never knows. I believe the County of Flanders is the most plausible new faction. Much of its territory already exists on the overland map. It would be the first truly Frankish faction which would help add variety. For a second Frankish I would use the Duchy of Saxony. This faction would be quite a bit trickier as the overland map would need significant changes. Also giving Denmark a strong rival just to the south could significantly alter the balance of power. A final Frankish faction could be the Marches of Neustria which comprised what would later become Normandy. The main trouble here is that most of territory this faction would occupy isn't currently on the map. I know the Devs have previously stated that the overland map is very close to its maximum practical size.

New Settlements



Walcheren- Fort


New Mercenaries
Gall-Gaedhill, Sons of Death-Medium infantry Irish Sea C
Breton Horsemen-Light cavalry Cornwall+Frankia C
Vikingr- Medium infantry sailing skill anywhere with Norse influence P
Old Saxon Warriors- Medium axe wielding infantry P
Frankish Footmen- Medium spear infantry.

Change bandits in southern Denmark to old Saxons, Rename base Saxon raiding camp.
Iona Monastery
More family members for lords including small children.
Consumable Alcohol.
Elf Mound in Norway
Civilian clothing for lords
Stonehenge and the White Horse.
Spectators for tournaments

New Resources
Frankish clothes and armor.
Celtic round houses. Stone and daub
Wattle fences
Ornate Noble versions of clothing with intricate patterns and jewelry possible stat boosts?

New Factions
County of Flanders
Marches of Neustria
Duchy of Saxony
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