• River Village

    Votes: 28 45.9%
  • Legacy Plains, EW!

    Votes: 20 32.8%

    Votes: 13 21.3%

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ClockWise said:
Balion Zero said:
where today with MoTF the way it works and all these closed maps advertised as closed you can because more skilled team if you have a better strat and execution.

can you elaborate please
well atm who ever has highest flag at the end of the round wins doesnt matter how many of the other team are on the flag if you have 1 person alive and your flag is higher. So potentially you will see situations where master is so far out there due to nature of maps being a bit bigger these opens ones that by the time you reach it you got 45sec-1 min to not only kill the guy on the flag but who ever else is alive and if its a cav all he needs to do is run around for 30 sec and with his shield up to win the round because flag goes down so slow. typed this on my phone can elaborate more later but you might be able to get the point.
clearly you don't know how flag works, cav can't raise it unless dismounted... and yeah anytime more than like 10 seconds and even then is enough to kill someone on flag
warpathz said:
Balion Zero said:
the only reason maps like open plains was so liked back in the days was because it was all based on skill, not some retarded strategy and gimmick. It was purely who played better won, where today with MoTF the way it works and all these closed maps advertised as closed you can because more skilled team if you have a better strat and execution. However I am not for or against this map but curious to see how well it will go with the new motf ways.

So strategy and coordination aren't skill? Should people win based solely off mechanics, which tend to be the MOST gimmicky (super feint spam, hilt slashin, etc).

You're comparing inf when he's talking about cav on Plains. Cav isn't as "gimmicky" as inf tactics are generally, especially if it's a pure test of skill/mechanics.

If you think the map doesn't take strategy or coordination watch S2 finals of UNAC. I like how nobody complains about Hepburn which isn't very open at all in respect to flag spawns. Gotta have dat inf area.

Personally, the original (Random Plains) was the best version. It took a massive amount cohesion and adaptation to play a map that is actually random terrain. Plenty of times inf/archer/cav were all used or needed depending on which roll you got.

I think there is underrated skill in game sense especially for inf there are a ton of inf who are mechanically skilled yet blow in battle because they lack game sense

Example: Guacc was **** until he started thinking about the video game
anyone down for a ft7 random plains cav v cav pure skill only? no gay closed **** either
If random plains could have had its variables controlled it would have been great. I don't mind a new map every go. I do mind the million re's, the cliffs, whacked out rivers, ect.

I'll say here what I said to arys. I personally enjoy open plains more, but legacy is probably more competitively balanced. At least with legacy you can conceivably run multiple ground boys, but that's exactly why I disliked it. Open plains was nice because the typical open mindset of a cav/range mix was generally discarded in favor of all cav, and all cav is a lot easier for inf heavy clans to handle than actually having to hash out a decent/competent mixed loadout (see, UNAC S2 map 2 compared to map 3 results)

basically im saying i like all cav maps because they help me win more, or erm, used to.

wait, what was this conversation about? Do we actually have a say here?

but really we should be talking about bringing back nord town  :fruity:
ClockWise said:
If random plains could have had its variables controlled it would have been great. I don't mind a new map every go. I do mind the million re's, the cliffs, whacked out rivers, ect.

I'll say here what I said to arys. I personally enjoy open plains more, but legacy is probably more competitively balanced. At least with legacy you can conceivably run multiple ground boys, but that's exactly why I disliked it. Open plains was nice because the typical open mindset of a cav/range mix was generally discarded in favor of all cav, and all cav is a lot easier for inf heavy clans to handle than actually having to hash out a decent/competent mixed loadout.

but really we should be talking about bringing back nord town  :fruity:
Nord Town is a good map  :razz:
Aura (Zaffa) said:
Kelquethas said:
Nord Town is a good map  :razz:

For once I actually agree with Zaffa. Original Nord Town really blows because of its extremely campy nature. But we're not discussing about Nord Town are we.

If random plains can be controlled, it truly is the best map(s) that can differentiate between a good and a better team. Its randomness forces teams to come up with tactics on the spot, and the team that adapts the slowest loses. No planning or developing strategies beforehand.

As for the argument of being able to utilize all classes in a match, that's what closed and mixed maps are for. Like I mentioned, plains is purely for testing cav and range skills between teams.

Hope my indentations are satisfactory for Danate.
At what point does the randomness take away from the tactics though? At what point do tactics, on plains maps, become wait for flag, skirmish around flag, take flag. It's the same **** as a campy nord town map, except the inf are cavalry. 

Courtney said:
plains is purely for testing cav and rangeish skills between teams.

That's why, to me, it's not the best. Any map which so heavily favors a single class can't be good for a competitive scene, right (talking about plains maps here)? We're not talking just leaning towards cavalry here, we're talking it being flat out one sided. If we had a map that was all small/medium sized rooms, (but which changed at random!), I doubt we'd consider it a very good map. Infantry would be just too dominant. Sure, you could throw in an archer and cav. Might not be a bad idea. But Infantry will always be such an overwhelming force that it makes too much variation in play counter productive, too much risk taking in your class setup counter productive.

Any map that throttles decision making all the way down to excluding an entire class isn't a good map for competitive, right? Or if you think it is, maybe we need a map, say, twice the side of the Arena middle area. And sure, as much as I adore it, the old Nord Town isn't a well balanced map. Maps like Verloren, Sandi, and Reveren are good, though. Closed and open maps where all classes can be played with effectiveness.

of course, absolutely nothing I just wrote matters. Despite years of our pleas the mysterious map making/coding/whatever they do gods never gifted us a way to solve our random plains reroll issues. Despite them trying, too, which is unfortunate. And we're at such a late stage in the warband life cycle that it wont be happening. Yep.



To lag who is viewing this, and who i'm scared will suck me into some foolish debate

ConcealedBreast: id like to take this moment to go ahead and say "ok, you win this one"
ClockWise said:
To lag who is viewing this, and who i'm scared will suck me into some foolish debate

ConcealedBreast: id like to take this moment to go ahead and say "ok, you win this one"

Reported for double posting. Enjoy your ban kid.  :smile:

It's fine, I don't need to argue. When I get back home and get a new computer, I may actually start playing warband again and run a random plains only tournament  :cool:
People who can't adapt aren't invited
I remember when I met zaffa irl

he was tall, as tall as a 6'4" tree
can we do a post UNAC meetup for the na scene please. arys can pay for it by giving eyebrow threading lessons.

sorry this should go in suggestions
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