Full Invasion 2: Amber Beta

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Grandmaster Knight
Greetings, Defenders!

Please use the Discussions Section of our Steam Group to share your feedback on this beta

We at Wave 53 Studios believe that today is one of the most important in the entirety of Full Invasion 2's history. While the journey is not quite over yet, it has been an amazing opportunity to work on a module so beloved by the community. We are all thankful for the players, both old and new, who will be joining us on the road ahead.

So, in a time of year where others are busy celebrating countdowns and calendars or unwrapping presents beneath a tree, we ask that you join your shield with us and dig in for the long fight.

The Official Beta for Full Invasion 2: Amber has just begun.

Click Here to Download the Beta

Once you have downloaded the mod, you will be able to join the Official NA Server using the password found in this announcement

The beta is being password-protected to prompt more players to join the Steam Group and share their feedback on the beta (the entire purpose). We hope you understand the reasoning behind this and have an awesome time while playing!

Please note: This is a copy&paste from the announcement from the ModDB page and Steamgroup, but because not everyone uses it, I placed it here.
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